Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping This Past Week

These are the groceries that we purchased the past week.


4 ears of Corn on the Cob- 4 for $1.00
Broccoli Crowns – $ .88 lb. = $1.02

Total OOP was $2.02.


24 cans of Whole Potatoes – $ .49 each = $ 11.76
1 Pkg. of Romaine Hearts – $ 2.19
1 Pkg of 3 Colored Peppers – $2.99
Organic Bananas – $ .59 lb. = $1.24
1 Mustard – $ .55

Total OOP was $18.73.

We are eating from our pantries, fridge and freezers. I am starting to stock on items I believe will go up in price over the next year and getting a few things to fill in the gaps to stock us for the winter since I hate the snow and cold. 

Last week we ate bagels(Hubby), eggs, Canadian bacon, regular bacon and ham for breakfasts.

Dinners were:

Turkey with mashed cauliflower, stuffing, and brussel sprouts – 2 dinners

Chicken with SF BBQ sauce and side salads – 2 dinners

Taco Salads – 1 dinner

Choice of Salmon or Haddock and broccoli – 1 dinner

Dinner at the Party – 1 dinner 

I hope to take more pics of what we eat this coming week. It has been hectic here.

Did you cook anything special this past week? Did you get any good grocery deals?

Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping

I am being honest when I say that I didn’t take a lot of pictures of what we ate last week. I had a very busy week so this just didn’t happen.

We had our usual meat and eggs for breakfast and no lunches. We had two nights of homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Mine was on homemade zoodles. We had two nights of Cheesy Bacon Ranch Chicken and asparagus which is pictured above. We had one night of pizza while my grandson was here. Being totally honest, I actually ate a piece of pizza. That being said, I was sick the entire next day. It seems the pizza did not agree with me. My body does not seem to like carbohydrate laden food anymore. So I will not be doing that again. The other two nights we had Chef’s salads. I continue on my weight loss journey. 

I went to the grocery store twice this past week. At Top’s, I purchased: 

3 dozen eggs – $ .59 each or $ 1.77
1 All Purpose Flour – -$ 2.99
1 Baking Powder – $ 2.69

Total OOP was $ 7.45

At Aldi’s, I purchased:

Red Seedless Grapes – $ .89 a lb. – $ 2.52
1 Heavy Whipping Cream – $ 1.55
1 Whipped Cream Cheese – $ 1.49
1 Feta Cheese – $ 2.99
1 Irish Butter – $2.49
1 Queso Fresco Cheese – $ 2.49
1 bag of Avocados – $4.99
1 frozen Asian Blend Vegetables – $ 1.69
1 frozen Brussel Sprouts – $ 1.09

Total OOP was $ 21.30.  

I know that I could have purchased the flour and baking soda cheaper at Aldi’s. But I didn’t because I do not like their baking ingredients. They have a funny taste.

When I can get eggs this cheap, I stock. They had a limit of three but if I go near Top’s again, I will get three more. We use a lot of eggs for breakfasts.

I am trying the Irish Butter which Aldi’s now has under their own label. It is exactly the ingredients of the name brand. It is made with milk from grass fed cows. If we like it, I am hoping they have it on sale near Thanksgiving and I will stock up. We still have a lot of pounds of butter that we purchased last Thanksgiving.

I don’t know how much longer I will buy avocados now that they are no longer in season. They are expensive. But I needed them for something this week and I love them. So we will see. 

Did you make a new recipe this week that you loved? Would you share it with us. Did you get any deals at the grocery store this past week?

Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping

We ate our usual breakfasts this past week. For dinner we had the following:

Steak with mushrooms and asparagus for me and steak with steak sauce and mac and cheese for Hubby – 1 night.

Cheeseburgers with Dill Pickles 2 nights- Hubby had sauteed onions on his and I had mushrooms on mine.

Roast chicken and gravy on rice for Hubby and I had mine on riced cauliflower – 1 meal.

Hubby made chicken salad and I had chicken with broccoli – 2 nights. 

I made homemade chicken soup with veggies for me and the same for Hubby but I added cooked rice to his soup. – 1 night. 

We had steak leftover from dinner so we made steak with eggs for one breakfast. Of course, I had my usual 1/2 an avocado with it.

We had leftover chicken that I froze for a future stir fry.

In an effort to eat from our freezer, I fixed Hubby a box of Stouffer’s mac and cheese that needed to be used up.

If we were hungry at lunchtime we would have pepperoni and a cheese stick. Most lunchtimes we were not hungry.

The grocery shopping we did last week was pretty bare bones. I picked up at:


1 large can of Tomato Sauce – $ 2.98

1 Riced Cauliflower – $ 2.48

1 bag of Onions – $ 1.94

1 bag of Tomatoes on the Vine – $ 2.78

1 SF Chocolate Pudding – $.50

1 SF Gelatin – $ .36

2 Kotex U Liners – After a $4.00 Q, I made $ 1.72 which was deducted from the rest of my order.

Total OOP was $ 9.32.


2 Turkey Breasts on sale for $.88 a lb. One was $6.81 and one was $ 6.18.

1 Head of Lettuce – $.88 

Total OOP was $ 13.87.

The tomato sauce was needed to make homemade spaghetti sauce. I use this recipe: Spaghetti Sauce 
It is delicious and frugal. I freeze it in meal size portions.  

I was pricing their SF puddings and SF jello and found that the Great Value brand is a lot cheaper at Walmart. The Top’s brand was $.79 each. Next time I go to Aldi’s, I will check their price. So from now on when my stockpile is depleted, I will buy it at Walmart unless Aldi’s is cheaper. 

The liners were a money maker so I will donate those.

We needed lettuce and this was cheaper than Romaine. The turkey breasts are great for many meals and sandwiches. 

Did you find any good deals at the grocery store this week? Did you cook anything you want to share? 

Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping

We are still sticking to simplicity with our summer meals. So this is what we ate this past week:

Salmon and Broccoli – 2 dinners ( Since Hubby does not like salmon, he had haddock.)

Cheeseburgers, Dill Pickle strips, applesauce – 1 dinner (Hubby had his with onions on a bun. The mushrooms are mine.)

Turkey Tenderloin with gravy, Baked Potatoes, and Broccoli – 2 dinners 

Shaved Rib Eye Steak sandwiches, sliced apples – 1 dinner.(I had mine as a lettuce wrap with mushrooms. Hubby had his on a Kummelwick roll with sauteed onions and provolone cheese.)

Chicken Stir Fry with peppers and onions- 1 dinner.( I had mine on cauliflower rice. Hubby had his on regular rice.)  

Breakfasts were a variety of eggs, bacon, and sausage. Hubby did have a pastry one morning.

Lunches were leftover turkey and shaved steak on a salad or a sandwich. We always finish leftovers so as to not waste them. We occasionally skip lunch to fast. 

Since someone asked, we drink ice water with our meals.

I grocery shopped at Aldi’s and Top’s this past week. It was junk food week for Hubby. He had hardly any snacks left and he is a snacker.


1 case of diced tomatoes – $ .35 a can = $ 4.20

1 large can of coffee – $ 4.69

1 frozen broccoli – $.95

1 Raisins – $ 2.85

1 bag of fresh spinach – $ 1.39 

1 bag of mini cucumbers – $ 1.39

1 bag of pork rinds – $.79

1 bag of Nacho chips – $ 1.29

1 bag of tortilla rounds – $ .89

Total was $18.44.


1 celery – $ .88

2 tortilla rounds – B1G1F – $ 3.49 for both

1 dozen eggs – $ .69

2 boxes of Very Berry Cheerios – $ 3.79 each = $7.58

2 Orville Redenbacher Micro Popcorn – $ 4.99 each = $9.98

2 Kummelwick Rolls – $ .75 each = $ 1.50

1 Loaded Blue Bunny Sundae – $ .49

2 Fritos Dips – $ 2.99 each = $ 5.98

1 Frigo String Cheese – $ 2.00

6 Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea – $ 2.50 each = $15.00

I used 3 Top’s $1.00 Doubler coupons.

Total was $ 43.59. 

Hopefully this junk food will last Hubby for a while. The pork rinds are my snack when I want something crunchy.  I surprised him with the sundae as dessert one night. He was delighted.

We didn’t need the Crystal Light yet and it is always on sale for $ 2.50 each. However by buying 6, I got 200 extra gas points. I am trying to build our gas points up for the next time we need gas. Our reunion trip ate up our gas points. 

I hate it when Hubby waits until last minute to let me know that he is out of Very Berry cereal because I end up paying full price for it. Next time I see it on sale, I will stock. 

I purchased the tortilla rounds on sale at Top’s before I went to Aldi’s. I will be buying them at Aldi’s from now on since they are cheaper.  

Are any of you seeing food shortages at your markets? I am hearing of empty shelves with shortages of canned green beans, corn, and other veggies because of the bad weather in the midwest. Eventually this could hit frozen veggies too. I am stocked on those but I am going to be picking up canned veggies when I see them. We have quite a bit of green beans but there are other things we can use like the tomatoes. I don’t know if tomatoes will be in demand but I got them when I saw them. Prices will rise when there are shortages also. So stock up while you can for the winter. Let me know what you are seeing in your area.

Did you get any great grocery deals this week or cook something special? 

Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping

Just a quick list of what we ate last week.

Five Guys Hamburgers and FF’s

Chicken, Broccoli, and Air Fried Baked Potatoes

Dinner out at Russell’s: Filet Mignon for both Hubby and Me, Baked Potato for Hubby and a veggie, Stuffed Tomato and Asparagus wrapped in Prosciutto for me, Chicken Tenders and Fries for Alexa, Chocolate Covered Strawberries for dessert for Hubby and Alexa

Spaghetti and Meatballs with garlic bread for Hubby, Alexa and my DIL. Spaghetti and meatballs for me on zoodles

Chicken, Broccoli,and Baked Potatoes again

Pasta Bake for Hubby and Chicken and Broccoli for me

Shaved Rib Eye Steak sandwich for Hubby and  mine was done with a lettuce wrap

Lunches were sandwiches or late breakfasts with pastries, bread, eggs, bacon, sausages, cereal, apple cinnamon waffles, hash browns, cantaloupe balls, etc.  

Grocery shops were done at Aldi’s and Top’s.


Beef Shaved Steak – $5.79
Boneless Chicken Breasts at $1.49 a lb = $ 8.06
2 Dozen Large Eggs $.79 each
1 Hot Dog Buns – $ .65
1 lb. Strawberries – $ 1.39
1 Half and Half – $ 1.55

Total was $ 19.02.


1 Reusable Bag using Top’s Q – $ .69
4 Kummelwick Rolls –  $ .75 each = $3.00
1/2 gallon Milk using Top’s Q – $ .99
2 Top’s SF Raspberry Jello – $ .79 each = $ 1.58
1 lb. Bacon using Top’s Q – $ 2.99
2 containers of Fresh Mushrooms-$.99 each = $ 1.98
5 Brown and Serve Sausage – $ 1.00 each = $ 5.00
3 Top’s Black Olives for $5.00

Total was $ 21.29. 

Did you get any good deals at your markets this past week?

Every Day

A Great Shopping Adventure With My Granddaughter!

When we arrived home after the reunion, I had nothing thawed to cook for dinner or lunch. So my granddaughter and I went to Wendy’s first so that she could eat a hamburger and fries for lunch.

Then she and I went grocery shopping for the week to buy her favorites so that I knew she would eat. Yes, I spoil her rotten but that is what Grandma’s do. We overbought on lots of treats(many she wanted to try) but whatever she doesn’t eat this week, I am sure my grandson will. Plus Hubby will eat some of them.

The pictures show everything we purchased. Sorry that one of them is blurry and I hadn’t noticed that. I don’t want to take the time to itemize the prices but we did spend $ 168.65. So lest you think I never spend any money, this shows that is not the case.

She only wanted chicken and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. So we will be eating lots of chicken dishes.
The broccoli was for both she and I. I can fill in anything else that isn’t junk from my stockpile.

I couldn’t believe that she has never had a Twinkie or a Swiss Roll, so we got those for her to try. Her Dad used to love Twinkie’s.

What I didn’t tell you yesterday is that when Hubby turned on the A/C when we got home, it would not turn on. Even the fan isn’t working. We are hoping it is the thermostat. We called our A/C people for service Monday morning and they are swamped. So they can’t come until Wednesday afternoon. So we will be doing as much cooking outside as possible and with the air fryer and microwave. We don’t want to heat up the house. We open the windows at night and cool it down.

I hope you all have a great week! 

Every Day

What We Ate and Grocery Shopping

I only grocery shopped one time this week. This is what we purchased.

Chicken breasts were again $ 1.49 a lb. at Aldi’s. I purchased one large package. Then I cut the breasts into smaller portions lengthwise and used the food saver to package and freeze them. I also purchased 3 avocados for $.79 each and 2 heavy whipping cream to use in our coffee for $ 1.55 each. My Aldi’s total was $11.77.

At Top’s, I purchased 4 packages of Parmesan Crisps for snacks and to put on salads for $ 2.50 each. Salmon was on sale for $10.99 a lb and that will give me 5 meals. Hubby asked for the 100% apple juice boxes. So I picked up 1 package of 8 for $2.39. Lastly, I purchased 2 G. Hughes sugar free ketchup for $2.99 each. My Top’s total was $40.57.

As you all know, we eat from our pantry and freezer stockpile while replenishing our produce when needed. So here are the meals we ate this past week.

One night we had taco salads and one night we had Chef’s salads with chicken pieces on it. We also had pork chops and steamed spinach another night.

Then I had salmon and oriental veggies and Hubby had leftover pork made into fried rice.

One night we had lemon garlic chicken and asparagus. Last night I made our anniversary dinner. Hubby cooked porterhouse steaks on the grill. I made riced cauliflower for me and I baked potatoes in the air fryer for Hubby. I baked him 3 potatoes. That way he has two leftover for other meals this week. We have leftover steak to go with 2 breakfasts this week.

We skipped lunch all week and ate late breakfasts so that we could intermittent fast. Breakfasts were always eggs over easy or scrambled with our choice of Canadian bacon, regular bacon, or chicken breakfast sausage. Many breakfasts I had 1/2 an avocado with them.

So what did you cook this past week? Did you get any great deals while grocery shopping? Please share in comments so that we can learn from each other.

Every Day

Grocery Shopping and What We Ate

Most breakfasts were eggs and Canadian bacon except for Sunday when I made scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns for Hubby and West. I did not eat the hash browns.

Lunches were salads for me and sandwiches for Hubby.

The night West ate here I made hot dogs and added applesauce. On Sunday night, I cooked up the rest of the hot dogs and some broccoli. One night we had NY strip steaks with sauteed portabella mushrooms. I cooked up fresh spinach as a side. 

Two nights we had Chef’s salads with turkey, veggies, and a hard boiled egg. The other two nights, Hubby had spaghetti with meat sauce and I had zucchini noodles with plain sauce.

All of our meals are relatively simple and easy for summer. By having the same dinners two nights in a row, we avoid a lot waste. 

Groceries were purchased at a variety of stores. I did the meat deal at Target earning myself a $5.00 gift card. We were out of ground beef and ground pork which I make meatballs out of. Normally I don’t shop at Target because it is in a different town. But it is near my dentist, so I stopped while I was down there.

I spent $ 22.74 at Top’s and earned 200 extra gas points for purchasing the 6 Crystal Light. Since Hubby drinks a lot of this, I didn’t mind stocking on it. I had 4 $ .75 coupons that doubled for the 4 Blue Bunny sundaes. These are for my grandchildren. The 4 SF Cool Whip were on B1G1F. The Diet Coke was $.69 with Top’s Super Coupon. I submitted for a Ibotta Rebate of $ 1.15 for the sundaes.

I spent $26.24 at Walmart. The Lays Chips were $2.00 each. I needed them for company and Hubby. I needed the paper plates for a cookout. I was out of Organic garlic powder and it was on sale for $ 1.98. The salsa and guacamole minis are for snacks. The Lays snack packs were on sale for $5.98 and are for Hubby. The cucumbers were $ .58 each. The zucchinis were $1.57 for 3. The Gold Bond was a money maker of $.03 after a $1.00 coupon. 

Aldi’s total was $ 2.84 for hot dog buns and romaine lettuce.

And lastly, I purchased a 5 lb. bag of sea salt for $23.58 at Amazon. 

I managed to get this post done tonight so that it would be up earlier.

Did you get any good deals on groceries this past week?

Every Day

Grocery Shopping and What We Ate

Grocery shopping was a true delight for me today. You have seen me buy G. Hughes Sugar Free products. I have purchased them on Amazon and at Walmart. My Top’s now has them and they are carrying a lot more marinades, steak sauce, BBQ and dipping sauces than anyone else. Some of them are on sale this week for $2.99 and I stocked up.

I also broke down and bought some boneless chicken breasts even though I have a lot of chicken. I have thighs and roasters in the freezer but I needed the boneless breasts for company that will be coming to dinner soon. 

At Aldi I got a big bag of roasted pistachio’s, salt, 2 dozen eggs( $.59 each), chicken breasts($1.49 a lb.), a bag of avocado’s, and frozen asparagus spears. My total was $21.92.

At Top’s I got creamer($.40 cpn.), 2 cans of coffee(B1G1F sale), 4 lbs. of fresh strawberries(on B1G1F sale), Baby Bella mushrooms, 1 lb. of extra large shrimp( $8.49 sale), 7 G. Hughes sauces (on sale for $ 2.99 each and one was $4.99), 4 sugar free jello, 1 8oz. bag of spinach( free cpn.), 2 cantaloupe( $.99 each), and 2 bags of Skinny Pop($1.50 cpn. and my guilt free snack).  My total was $63.77. 

I only have a couple of meals that I cooked for dinner from last week because I was away part of the week.
Two nights I had salmon and green beans. Hubby had pork chops and a salad.

One night we both had taco salad. 

On Friday my DIL cooked chicken, broccoli and made salads. Saturday was a cookout for Alexa’s birthday party. They had a ton of food. I chose a cheeseburger with no roll and put salsa on top and I had 1/2 of an avocado with it. I ate no ice cream cake.

On Sunday night we went out to Texas Roadhouse and I had a rib eye steak with a house salad with olive oil, some green beans and unsweetened iced tea. 

Most breakfasts were scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon even at my son’s house. I also had 1/2 an avocado with it.

I have to thank my DIL for going out of her way to get things that I could eat on my diet. I told her not to because I could pick and choose from whatever she had. But she did anyhow and I appreciate that she did that. 

On our trip out we stopped and I ate a salad I made to bring with me. Hubby had a sandwich that he made. On the trip home, we drove straight through. We had snacks and drinks in the car so we were fine.  I got Hubby a 6 inch sub. from Subway for dinner last night and I ate a salad that I made.

Tonight, Hubby wants a ham and cheese sandwich and some potato salad. I am going to have grilled chicken on a salad. 

Did you get anything on a good deal at the grocery store this past week? Or cook a special meal? Please feel free to share with all of us.

Every Day

Grocery Shopping and What We Ate

There was very little that I needed to get at the grocery store this week. So I did a quick shop at Top’s because of their sale prices.

We are very short on meats for Sunday breakfasts. Oscar Mayer was on B1G1F so I got 2 packages. I got the last two of three sale cartons of eggs that they had in the store. I actually had to wait in line in dairy to get them. Everyone was loading up because 18 eggs for $ .99 is cheap here. 

My BabyBel’s were $ 5.99 so I got one. Hubby was running out of Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea so I stocked on 4. We seem to always need creamer. And they finally restocked the SF Cool Whip which I love on SF Jello and SF Pudding. It was on sale for $1.99 so I got 3.

My total shopping this week came to $ 39.42. 

Here are the seven dinners we had this week. The first night we had a second night of Egg Roll in a Bowl. The next night I roasted a turkey tenderloin in the toaster oven. We had that sliced with mashed cauliflower for me and corn on the cob for Hubby. We had the same on the third night. On the fifth night we chunked up the remainder of the turkey and ate it on a big salad.

The sixth night, I roasted 4 chicken thighs. We had those with steamed broccoli. 

The last night I roasted BBQ pork chops in the toaster oven and Hubby had corn on the cob and I had tomatoes and cucumbers.

Did you get any good deals this past week at the grocery store?