It was errand day. Besides picking up a prescription at the drugstore. I stopped at Aldi, Walmart, and Top’s.
For months I had been trying to get this orange sauce at Aldi’s. They were out of stock. I used my last bottle which was not a good thing because Hubby really likes orange chicken. Last night my sister told me that it was back in stock at her store downstate. I was so happy to find it today and picked up 3 bottles at $ 2.19 each. When the hams were on sale for $ 1.49 a lb. for Easter, I did not get one. We were kind of sick of ham from having a large one in January. I was hoping that either Aldi or Walmart would reduce them for quick sale. Neither had. So I decided to get one at the $1.49 sale price at Aldi’s today. This one cost me $12.05. It is the best price we have had in this area. I will keep checking to see if they reduce them. If they do, I will get 2 more. Hubby loves ham sandwiches, ham salad, ham on salads, fried ham with eggs for breakfast, etc. Buying chunks of ham or sliced ham when we want it, is very expensive. So I have instead spent the $ 1.49 a lb. and this afternoon I cut it up into meal size portions and froze most of it. I have slices, chunks, and dices ready to use when we need it. I spent $ 18.62 for all at Aldi’s.
Also pictured is a bag of Tyson chicken strips that I purchased at Walmart for $ 8.77. I have been wanting a KFC chicken bowl. But I did not want to spend the $ 5.99 for it at KFC. So instead I purchased the bag of the strips which will make about 8 bowls for about $ 1.10 each. I just add some homemade mashed potatoes( about 1 potato with shelf stable milk and some butter( $ .65), canned corn( a tsp. of corn $ .04), and chicken gravy ($.33). Hubby does not like them. The total cost for the bowl was $ 3.12. It had been years since I had one and it was so delicious.
When I went in to get the chicken strips, the employees at Walmart were just reducing the price of all of the Easter candy down by 50%. I got enough for us, West, and Alexa for an entire year. The candy came out of our gift budget. The $ 8.77 for the chicken strips came out of our grocery budget.

My last stop was at Top’s where I purchased:
2 Steak-Umm’s that were BOGOF = $ 5.79 for both( I love these with eggs and I had finished our last box over a week ago.)
1 Top’s large eggs= Free Instant Win Monopoly coupon( -$ 2.99)
1 Bag of Lay’s chips =$ 1.99 with Monopoly coupon
1 Bag of Top’s cough drops=Free Instant Win Monopoly coupon – ($1.59)
1 Bison Dip on sale for $ 2.49. I needed this for one of our recipes.
It was senior discount day so I got $ .62 off. My total spent at Top’s was $9.65.
For dinner tonight we had all of the leftovers again from our Easter leg of lamb dinner. There is just enough left for Hubby for brunch tomorrow.
Have you found any grocery deals this week?
4 replies on “Grocery Hauls Today”
Hi Precious, I did go into Kroger yesterday. I was going to make the chicken tortellini soup with the leftover chicken breast Hubby made on his smoker Sunday, but discovered I was out of frozen spinach to put in it. So stopped on my way from the Y. I always check the clearance area when I am in there and they had some packages of Cutrite wax paper for $1.35. We use this regularly when making different things, so I bought all 4 packages they had. The regular price was $2.99. This should last us awhile. I made the tortellini soup in the crock pot. I made cranberry muffins to go with. It was all so good.
Hi Chris,
That was a great deal on the paper.
Here in California, my Aldis has not discounted their hams as of yet. I am looking for one as well. It makes for such a cheaper protein that can be so versatile-for breakfast, for lunch or for dinner! But even at $1.49 a pound, it is a great purchase. Please let us know if you get one as it may be a national price decrease decision. I don’t shop at Aldi’s every week.
Hi smhuh,
Yes, it is a great purchase at $1.49. I bought one at that price and then one when they went to $ .99 a lb. People were grabbing them like crazy. I saw two women who were loading their carts with 6 & 7 of them. It will probably be the cheapest meat we will find besides the turkeys at Christmas. I refuse to pay what they want for cold cuts there days. The ham will work well for so many things.