This morning I went to Top’s for badly needed fresh items and my last 2 fresh meat items for the month. We were down to our last half and half so I picked up 2 cartons for $5.99 each. I drink a lot of coffee so I try to stay stocked with at least 3 cartons. They are dated in April so they will be used before they go bad.
I also got 4 Cabot cheese chunks for a total of $10.00. These are my go to snack items. Hubby wanted grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch and we were almost out of American cheese so I bought one for $3.19.
I stumbled upon these NY strip steaks on sale for $ 8.99 a lb. for a total of $ 21.98. These will give us at least 2 meals but possibly 3. Usually when we have leftover steak, we saute it in a fry pan with butter and garlic and serve it with scrambled eggs. My last purchase was a lb. of Oscar Mayer bacon that was on sale with a Super Coupon for $ 5.99.
My total was $ 53.14.
This past weekend and today, we have been cleaning out some more items. I have taken everything out of my kitchen cupboards and rearranged them to make things easier to find. Some items that we haven’t used in a few years were put in the sell box. Things make more sense to the both of us now.
Our clock that we purchased from a relative’s jewelry store in 1967 died this past weekend. The clock always chimed every 15 minutes. It was made in Germany. I hate to throw it out because it has been with us for so long. Hubby looked to see if he could fix it and the mechanism that he thinks needs replacing is over $400. We would hate to buy the part and find out that it didn’t fix it. So he is going to tinker with it and see if he can fix it. His sister gave him the name of an organization who fixes clocks such as these. So he is going to contact them also. If it can’t be fixed, we will have to let it go.
Tonight I am making homemade pizza using the Naan bread that I buy at Aldi’s. I will bake it in the 11 in 1 oven that I bought recently.
Not much else going on. Have you saved on your groceries this week?
4 replies on “My Last Grocery Haul Of The Month”
I start a new month at an end of the previous month. Don’t ask. Anyway, we go every 5 to 10 days to Aldi and just buy essentials (I call it ‘The ER List”) The tab is usually $70. Yesterday we did our first shopping of the month and only bought what we needed to be replaced. The tab came to $165. I just stood there in astoundment. And we’ve been eating more plant based meals as well as a smoothie every so often as a lunch. Gulp! I’ve noticed that I started buying 2 of somethings because the one doesn’t las as long as it used to. For example: hubby bought his fave pop snack. Same big bag (enough for 10 oz) but there was only 4 oz in the bag (as labeled on the side of the bag). WTF?
I have to seriously re-think our grocery budget.
Hi Cindi,
I won’t ask. I am sure I know. Prices keep rising and shrinkage is awful. We have given up buying snacks. They are junk and not worth the money. If we want a sweet, I make cookies or brownies. When we snack it is usually slices of cheese, olives, dill pickles and pepperoni with the occasional popcorn for watching a movie.
Hi Precious, good shopping. All high quality items. Haven’t been to the grocery since I mentioned my recent Kroger trip. Yesterday it was pretty warm here and Hubby made the turkey breast I got last week in his smoker. It was SO good. We had it with salad and baked potatoes. We have lots to eat or freeze this week. Tonight we had leftover pork from last week and I froze what was left.
Hubby and Son worked most of the rest of Sat after the ball game at Son’s house on his electric. They replaced some of the old knob and tube wiring. Son has a house that was built in 1921.
I am going to send you a picture of the little girls at the hockey game they and their parents went to last night, it is so cute. Today was such a beautiful day and when we got older granddaughter from school, she played outside all afternoon with the kids on our street. Hubby went to get little granddaughter from daycare so she could join in the fun too.
Tomorrow we are going to Costco to get some things we are getting low on, that we usually get from there.
Hi Chris,
That turkey breast meal sounded really good. I enjoyed the picture. Thanks for sending it.
I wish you had sent the beautiful weather to us. The weatherman last night said we would be 65 and sunny all day. Not! We are up to 64 and it will probably get warmer but we have thunderstorms just about here. The sun was out an hour or so this morning. Now the sky is black as mud and the winds have picked up.
Thanks for sharing.