After my post last week on how I saved money on not having to spend money on a new makeup bag, someone told me that I probably could have purchased one at Dollar Tree for only $ 1.25. The insinuation was that it was just a small amount of money. If she had read all of my blog posts over the years, she would have understood that small amounts of money really add up. That is the point of much of what I write.
We all know that we can save lots more money on the big things. The example in the same post was the $500. we saved by purchasing and installing our induction motor on the furnace. But just how many big things in a year can you save money on? Hopefully, the big things don’t come along a lot in your life.
We prepare for the basic things every day by saving our money so that we don’t have to worry about how to pay our school and property taxes, our insurances when they come due, pay for repairs on a vehicle or buy a new or used one, pay any medical or dental bills or the insurances on them. But those are just the basic things that everyone has to pay for. But other things happen so you have to be prepared for all of it.
We save small amounts of money almost every day of the year so that we are always prepared for the big things to happen. Because they eventually will. There are so many small things that add up especially in your lifetime. I can attest to the fact that if we had not saved on the large and the small things, we would not be as comfortably retired as we are. We would not be able to help other people who need help in our community. So many people in our community need help especially the elderly. I watch for those people whenever I am in a store or pharmacy. I have paid for people’s prescriptions that they can’t afford and most recently a man who was in his 80’s grocery bill. I don’t need thanks for any of that. I am just making a point.
So how do I save on the little things every day? I take the time to think about every little thing every day. I check prices and keep a price book for groceries which is not easy in this period of inflation. I often check online to see who has the cheapest price. If I need something beyond food, I find the best price, put it in my cart and let it sit for a couple of days. Then I go back and order it if it is really needed. So many times I end up just deleting it because it really wasn’t a necessity.
I take immaculate care of our home and possessions so that things last for years. We don’t let little things go, we take care of them. Just yesterday I was caulking windows.
When I do a load of wash, I do it in the best way possible using the proper cycle, a small amount of laundry detergent, the proper water level for the clothes that are in it and most loads are done in cold water. If I use the dryer, I hang the clothes immediately when they are dry so that I don’t have to run the dryer again to get the wrinkles out. I hang many clothes to dry to save on electricity.
I use my dishwasher for everything but pots and pans which I do by hand. I don’t let the water run while I am washing them.. I put a small amount of soapy water in one sink and a small amount of clean water in the other sink. Just enough to wash them. I use white vinegar in my dishwasher dispenser instead of buying Jet Dry.
I take navy showers and save the warm up water to use for something else during the day.
I always cook using the cheapest appliance that I can energy wise. Utilities are so expensive.
When running errands which I will be doing today, I take the route that uses the least amount of gasoline. I calculate the cost online.
We don’t let the water just run while brushing our teeth. We only turn it on to rinse. You don’t even have to wet your brush before you put the toothpaste on.
We rarely waste food. I keep good control of our produce. What I can’t use when it is starting to get old, I freeze for soups or smoothies.
Every time that I get groceries, I make a list. I always check my pantries and refrigerator to see what I need. I stick to that list unless I see a sale that wasn’t advertised that is too good to pass up. I always look for reduced price meats. After I make the list, I go over it before I go to the store to make sure that there is nothing on it that I can make cheaper from scratch. Many times I cross off items before I leave the house. Then at the store, I check the rising prices on each item and if I deem the price too high now, I won’t buy it. Instead I will make a substitute or we will just go without it. The last time I went to Top’s I crossed off half of the items that were on it.
I buy most of our gasoline at the cheapest station which is usually the cash station that is always on my route. I will get gasoline at Top’s when the gas points I have make their gas cheaper than the cash station. That rarely happens. We maintain our car which is almost 11 years old and it has never had to be repaired. We put air in tires to keep them where they should be according to the manufacturer’s manual. We do oil changes on schedule along with other fluids being checked. We wash the car and clean the inside regularly.
Basically everything that I do or touch everyday, I think how can I do this better and/or cheaper.
I could go on and on but I don’t have the time today. Anyone who doesn’t know how to save on the little things, go back and read my blog from the beginning. There are so many tips in each post. I don’t monetize my blog because the whole purpose of it is to teach and help family and friends. So it does not matter to me if you go back and read it. Just a suggestion if you are struggling in this economy.
Now I am off to go to our bank to invest in a very large CD for the third time in 6 months. Without saving money on the little things every day, this would not be possible. Then off to Top’s. So look for a grocery haul from both them and Walmart this week.
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8 replies on “The Little Things Count!”
I just socked away another $1,000 in our money market paying almost 5%. I was able to come up with that money simply by what you have just outlined. From the moment I get out of my bed (which I bought on sale….ditto for the sterns & foster plush queen sized mattress) to the pjs on my back (bought at Goodwill) to the cup of coffee I pour myself each morning (coffee bought every 6 months from an infamous can-can sale given twice per year at a substantial savings!) to the dairy creamer I pour in said coffee( expensive creamer cost cut by 50% because I mix half of it with skimmed milk, thus doubling my creamer to two creamers!) I use a cloth container that came free with some makeup I bought decades ago as my make up bag. Every.single.thing I own or do is with its cost in the back my mind. NOTHING I do or buy is ever at a retail price. I’ve been this way since I was born. My parents were like this and they both were multi-millionaires.
I once had a job as a cost analysis bookkeeper. I went over their expenses and was able to cut down their costs substantially. When the empty-headed boss told me, after I showed him the cost saving techniques, that he was only interested in saving $1,000…..I told him that if he added up all the savings I garnered the total did indeed come to $1,000. That shut him up! LOL.
We do what we do because we do. We prioritize what’s important and what do we have to do to achieve that goal!
Hi Cindi,
I am not surprised at your daily savings at all. I think we are cut from the same cloth. A lot of us older people grew up with frugal ways.
Bosses can be such a pain. I thank my lucky stars every day that we are retired over 22 years and don’t have to put up with the B.S. of an office.
Congrats Cindy on your savings!
I retired at age 50. Stopped working at 54. I hear ya!!!
Hi Cindi,
Retirement is just the best!
Hi Precious, this was a really good musing today. I could relate also. We do a lot of the things you were talking about. Little things do add up. Today at Kroger they had cans of chicken broth for .31 and they were dated 2025 so I picked some up. I try to keep some on hand if I don’t have homemade. They also had cans of kidney beans for chili for .45 and I got some of them too. Both of these were in the clearance aisle that I check every time I go, even if it is just for milk. I have hubby trained to do too. Since we were out of town, I stopped by this morning to get some of the loss leaders for this week’s ad. It is the last day. I also got some marked down burger meat for tacos tonight for supper.
Have older granddaughter today, she has strep and won’t be able to go back to school until tomorrow. They have to be on the meds for 24 hrs.
Had the furnace folks out yesterday, something is going out, but, of course, it didn’t make the noise while they were here. It is either the mother board or the blower motor. And those are the most expensive parts. Ugh! Was hoping to get things fixed before they failed and it got cold. The outside unit for AC will need a part before next year, but hubby will install.
Hi Chris,
You, Cindy, Wendy and myself do a lot of things like you are talking about. We all do the big and the little things. I guess over the years it gets to be second nature. Those prices on chicken broth and kidney beans are fantastic. I so wish we had a Kroger. Nice score on the burger meat!
Keep your ears open for that furnace noise. You DO NOT want to be without heat. I will keep my fingers crossed that it turns out to be a little part. Ugh is right!
I loved all these thoughts put to paper. My friends think I’m nuts to worry about the pennies, but these pennies have helped me pay for the bigger things such as college for my children and to retire early at 62. Do I get lazy in my savings sometimes, of course I do! But I love reading others’ like-minded thoughts and it gets me back on course. I feel very blessed and am thankful that I can still challenge myself to continue to save, especially in today’s economy. Thank you for sharing this today as well as other’s contributions.
Hi smhuh,
Thank you. I am glad I could motivate you.
Congrats on your retirement and college for your children. We did the same. The pennies really do add up. I just wish that more people today would realize that they do make such a difference.
Thanks for sharing.