I did a very small grocery haul at Top’s while I was out running errands on Tuesday. My main reason for going was that they had a lot of meat on sale at B1G1F. After checking the prices they were charging for the first one, they were not good deals. This store has a history of jacking the price up really high on the first one.
I purchased 4 boxes of tissues for $5.00, 2 bags of mini peppers on B1G1F for $ 4.69 for both, 1 caramel dip for $ 4.69 after a $ 1.00 coupon, 2 whipped cream cheese for $ 2.50 each, 4 mashed potatoes for $ 1.25 each, 2 Ready Rice for $ 2.50 each, 2 Tim Horton’s coffee for $ 5.99 for each, 1 Crystal Light peach iced tea for $ 3.39 and the spaghetti sauce for $ 1.49. My total after the 6% off Senior Discount and tax was $ 39.46.
With winter coming I was low on tissues. I needed the peppers to put in Bang Bang shrimp. My granddaughter may be coming to visit soon so I picked up the caramel dip to use with apples as a snack for her. Hubby uses the cream cheese to make different flavored ones to put on his bagel thins. The mashed potatoes and rice are a stockpile item for when I need a side in a hurry. With prices on coffee so high, I always pick some up when there is a good sale. What really surprised me was that the decaf was on sale too. That rarely happens.
Hubby drinks this iced tea so I always keep it in stock. It keeps him from drinking soda. The spaghetti sauce had a Super Coupon. I doctor jarred sauces when I don’t make my own. Everything I bought was on sale except for the caramel dip and the iced tea.
I have been buying the Bangi Bangi Shrimp sauce at Aldi’s. I found a recipe to make it: https://littlesunnykitchen.com/bang-bang-sauce/ . This recipe has just 5 ingredients and it looks easy and delicious. So from now on it will be homemade.
It’s been another busy week of organizing, going to 2 appointments, caulking to get ready for the winter, and cleaning the garage for the same reason. But we have been enjoying the last couple of days of sunshine although it has been in the high 80’s so we had to turn our A/C back on. But after today, it looks like we have a cold front coming in.
Tomorrow I will post my grocery delivery haul from Walmart.
Did you get any good buys this week?
4 replies on “Top’s Grocery Haul”
Hi Precious! I did the rest of my grocery shopping today. I stayed in budget this week, even though I made 3 trips to Kroger. Don’t usually do that. It is close and on my way to/from my Y classes so not really using extra gas. Here are some of the good deals I got that I hadn’t mentioned in your post about the little things: milk is 1.29 for half gallons, 4 lb sugar and Nestle baking chips are 1.99 ea. All of those are limit 5. Today in the clearance aisle they had the cans of diced tomatoes for .31. Only 4 cans left but I grabbed them all and wished there were more. 80/20 ground beef was 1.99/lb so I got 3 lb. Boneless skinless chicken breasts were 1.77/lb. Otherwise I got the regular things we use like produce. It was a good week of shopping loss leaders and clearance for my pantry and freezer.
Hi Chris,
Wow what a deal on those chocolate chips and the sugar! Nice meat deals too!
Enjoy your weekend!
Nice deals! I went to aldi yestrtday after work for a quick run for fruit and veggies. Picked up our normal stuff plus butternut squash and 2 spaghetti squash both for 49 CT a lb this week. I also found the 85% ground beef in the 3 squares (not sure how to explain it but it’s 3 blocks of beef, 4 lbs total). Well it is 4.49/lb but these were dated for 2 days from best buy so I snagged it for 50% off. So I paid 2.25/lb.
Our aldi renovated and is now down to 2 cashiers only and the rest is all self serve. Not sure how I feel about that. People tend to hold up the lines when they can’t figure stuff out.
Still eating from freezer but Wednesdays are sushi day at Giant ($5 a roll so most all are 50% off). We love to slip a treat in there once in and while but I only do it if it’s a sale or gift card. So we eat got sushi last night plus ate leftovers for anyone who wanted more to eat. Win win a night of not cooking dinner and on budget.
Our fall weather is ending tomorrow too. NEPA. Supposed to be getting rain from Friday night on that will be bringing colder Temps. Today and the past 4 days have hit 80. Of course it waits til the weekend to rain.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Hi jackeey49,
Yeah on the beef. I did the same thing a while ago when it was on sale and got it for $ 1.99 for each one pack. I always look now at the dates when I go in there. I just haven’t been there in a while.
Nice score on the sushi. YUM!
It always rains on the weekends. I noticed that when I worked and even since I have been retired.
Thanks for sharing and you enjoy tomorrow and the weekend!