These are the things we have been doing frugally.
Hubby and I always have gone to the doctor’s on the same day(consecutive appointments) which saves us on gasoline and time. We have had to switch to three different doctors because our prior ones have retired. This has happened three times in the past few months. Some of the appointments got scheduled on different days. I took some time to call them and reschedule us together.
We had our annual eye appointments so I had the doctor fill out the motor vehicle forms that we needed to renew our driver’s licenses. This saved us from making an appointment to go the motor vehicle office and taking the eye exam there. Then we were also able to renew it online which saved us stamps.
I upgraded my Sam’s Club membership to the Plus level. Our store is an hour and a half round trip for us. With the price of gasoline, the time involved and winter coming, we needed the free shipping. It only cost me an additional $43.10 and we deemed it well worth it.
I am only buying loss leader sales at Top’s or buying the cheapest price on the things we need at Aldi’s, Sam’s Club, or Walmart. We are planning our meals around those items.
This morning we harvested 3 large tomatoes from the garden. We were going to have homemade pizza for dinner but I have changed my mind. We have many tomatoes to eat or can so we will have turkey club sandwiches for dinner. It has been nice that we haven’t had to buy tomatoes since our garden started producing.
Yesterday, I renewed my library card online and had them add the e-card feature so that I can get e-books, audio books, movies, TV shows, music, magazines, and newspapers online. They told me there is so many that I probably won’t have to come to the library ever again. That works perfectly for us because the library is up in the city so we will save gasoline and it will be handy because winter is coming. I love to read so once canning season is over, I will be doing a lot of that.
We get free checks from our bank because of the type of accounts we have. So I ordered them.
In a prior post, I told you how our magnifying glass broke(the handle) so we purchased a new one from Walmart. Hubby never threw the old one out and has been working on a few projects lately. He decided to super glue the handle so that I could put it in my desk in the kitchen(which I always work at) and I wouldn’t have to go to the office when I needed one to read those small print liquor and grocery rebate forms.
Hubby has been filling the cracks and crevices that might leak heat this winter.
We continue to save by watching how much electricity and natural gas we use. I am only washing one load of clothes a week and hanging most of them to dry.
My electric toothbrush was getting old and needed to be replaced. I had been watching for a good deal for couple of months now. I had found nothing until I found this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072YVWBXH?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. It was on sale for one day only last week for $ 24.95.
I ordered 96 Green Mountain Decaf K cups for Hubby at Amazon. When they arrived yesterday I was aggravated because they sent light caffeinated cups instead. Hubby cannot have caffeine and since they were $63.96, I tried to do a return. The system told me that I couldn’t do a return online that I had to call their customer service. I did and I explained the issue to the representative. They had no replacement in stock to send me. So they credited me the $ 63.96 and told me that I did not have to return the product. I could keep it, donate it, or throw it out. She sent me an e-mail with all of that info in it. I was thrilled because I drink caffeinated coffee.
I filled our SUV up with gasoline yesterday using Top’s points that allowed me to get $ .60 off per gallon. So instead of paying $ 3.99 per gallon, I paid $ 3.39 per gallon. That is still double what we were paying when Pres. Biden closed the pipeline on the first day he took office. So I was not celebrating. But the gas points help a bit.
I did all my errands for the week yesterday. I am trying to only do that one day a week every week.
We had two days of rain last week and it is raining today which is saving us from running the sprinkler system. We still have to water the flower pots on our porch but I am using warm up water for those.
That is about it for now. What did you do frugally the past two weeks?
4 replies on “Frugal Things The Past 2 Weeks”
Hi Precious. I was interested to read that you upgraded your Sam’s Club membership. I had been trying to decide whether to upgrade our one at Costco or not. I decided not to at this time since Costco is closer to us than your Sam’s Club is to you, and the things I order to send to my mom I already get free shipping. I think it was worth it for you, though.
Your tomatoes look so good. We are finally getting some big ones. Our cherry/grape ones have been so good. Even the little girls like them. We are going to have BLTs on Thursday when everyone comes for supper.
We get free checks from our bank also, it is so nice. And since I took your advice to start doing the online bill pay, I don’t go through nearly as many checks now.
Hubby got the kitty litter for the winter last night at Menards. I had always gotten it at Target when they had a gift card deal, but the sale price this week didn’t have the GC deal and Menards was cheaper and had an 11% rebate. So he got it there. I still need to get a few more cat foods before the end of Oct if I want to be stocked up until spring like I usually do. I have some already. The stores are having more stock now, so I can hopefully get it on a sale, or buy little by little.
Hubby cooked a wonderful whole brisket on the smoker over the weekend so we are eating on that this week. I think I will have him do whole chickens this weekend to help balance out the meat cost. We have been doing a good job of eating our leftovers and not going out to eat other than last Fri when he stopped by Wendy’s. We were watching little granddaughter while older granddaughter and her parents went to the local high school football game. We also watched the girls on Sunday and filled up the little pool for them. Hubby used the leftover water for his garden when they were done.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing Chris! Costco is supposed to build here in the next few years so I will decide which is better then.
I am so glad that you are finally getting tomatoes. Enjoy those BLT’s. Our’s were delicious last night.
Yeah on the free checks! They do last us about a year and a half.
Nice deal on the kitty litter.
I can just “taste” your brisket. They are so good smoked. I have never had smoked chicken. Sounds yummy!
That is the way to use up that pool water!
Hi Precious. 150.46 was what our gas and electric bills were this month. It was less than last month, we didn’t run the AC as much.
Hi Chris,
I am glad for you that it was lower.