This is my first homegrown organic tomato this year. I will be making BLT salads for lunch tomorrow and using it. I have three more ripening in a couple of days.
I noticed that a button was coming loose on a good blouse that I was wearing. I sewed it back on right then and there. The buttons on it are unique and would be expensive to replace.
Lately we have been catching warm up water in the kitchen to use to water our hanging baskets.
Those strip steaks were not the best on Friday night. We had 1/2 of them left so Hubby sliced them really thin and sauteed them in garlic and butter for dinner on Saturday night. They were delicious. He finished his potato salad and I sauteed some fresh zucchini. We never waste food.
We got our gas and electric bill for mid June through mid July. We turned our A/C on a couple of days into this bill and have left it on because we have had some really hot days. For 30 days it was $117.01. We used 570 kwh’s in electricity and just 2.1 ccf’s of natural gas. I was okay with that because the same bill in 2021 was $120.17. We used 728 kwh’s for that period and 5.1 in ccf’s. So this year’s bill was $3.16 less than last year’s. And we all know how high the rates have gone and the supply and demand charges. So the fact that I have really reduced our usage is paying off. If I had the same usage as last year, this bill would have been a lot more.
I have been spending many hours a day decluttering. Anything that we no longer want or haven’t used will no longer take up space in my home. Most things will be donated and some items of value will be sold.
I cut off a pair of jeans that were frayed at the bottom to make shorts. I hemmed them.
Wanting a book to read but not wanting to spend the gasoline to go to our library(which is a hike), I went through my collection of books and decided to read The Complete Tightwad Gazette again. I also realized that I have some books on my Kindle that I had not read yet so they are being read also.

I have already read and shopped the loss leaders this week. Today, I went to Top’s. This is the only money I am spending on groceries this week. This 4.46 package of chicken drumsticks was $ 1.19 a lb. for a total of $ 5.31. They are on sale at my Aldi’s for $ .99 a lb. but not until Wednesday. So I decided not to go out shopping again on Wednesday because the amount of gasoline I would have used would be much more than the $.20 a lb.
The lb. of bacon was $ 3.99 with a Super Coupon. The zucchini was 1.25 lbs. at $ 1.88 a lb. The cheeses were on sale for $3.00 each.
So my total this week was $17.65.
I divided up the chicken drumsticks into 3 packages. We each eat 2 at a meal. Tonight we will have a meal’s worth along with some sauteed zucchini. The other 2 meals were food savered and put in my freezer.
We filled up the car last week using points worth $.20 off a gallon. So we paid $ 4.40 a gallon.
When I shopped today I used a coupon Top’s had given me when I shopped last week to get 100 gas points or $ .10 off a gallon. That jump started my savings for the gas period that started yesterday.
I did a load of laundry today using cold water and hanging everything to dry. This is the first load I have done in 10 days. With energy prices so high, when we are at home we are wearing our clothing 2-3 days before washing them. Then I wash a very large load.
Lastly I redeemed Fetch points for a $25. Walmart gift card.
Feel free to share with all of us how you saved money this past couple of weeks.
2 replies on “Frugal Things We Have Been Doing”
Hi Precious, great article. I am jealous of your tomato, ours are still green. Hubby got a late start this year. I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow after being gone most of this past week. Your gas/electric bill was really good. We haven’t gotten ours yet but I will report when we do.
I love the Tightwad Gazette. Maybe I will read along with you. I had mentioned on Cindi’s blog, but also wanted to mention to your readers that if they are wanting their own copy of TWG, to check eBay. I was able to get a used copy several years ago for a very reasonable price. I was so excited, b/c I had been checking it out of our library occasionally through the years.
Hi Chris,
Thanks! I will be curious to see what your bill is.
Read right along. She had such valuable information that is very relevant today even though this was written in the 90’s.