Every Day

A Little of This and a Little of That

When I cleaned the chest freezer the other day, I pulled out a couple of bags of frozen bananas. There were 7 total so they made this pan of 2 dozen muffins. The pan is so large that it just barely fits in my big oven so I had to bake it in that instead of the countertop one. We use these for snacks for a week or more. They go fast around here because Hubby loves them.

I pulled strip steaks out of the freezer this morning for Hubby to grill. I baked potatoes and added steamed brussel sprouts to our meal. I also reheated the corn that was leftover from the KFC bowl yesterday for Hubby.

When I got up this morning at 6am, I just had 2 muffins and a cup of coffee. If I am hungry later, I will make eggs and ham. Hubby had muffins also.

I spent about an hour in the basement today but didn’t finish it. It has been so dreary and rainy around here that I am not very motivated.

Hubby’s new Dell computer arrived so has been busy getting ready to transfer all of his data and files to it. This and setting it up will keep him busy for a few days.

Have you done any baking recently?