We have been using a lot more chicken in our meals these past few weeks. I had frozen these packages quite a while ago and cooked them all up recently. We ate chicken for a few days and then the rest were chunked up for future meals and refrozen. They are so easy to just throw in a stir fry with some fresh veggies and add a homemade sauce.
I have not been buying much beef with the exception of the 4 rib eyes steaks and lots of hamburger when I see it on sale which is not very often here. I had some beef roasts in the freezer which we used over the winter to make stew and to slice up for different meals. So our supply of beef is very low. I am expecting that beef prices will rise again but I am hoping that there will be some good sales around Memorial Day. So we have been eating down our freezer to make room for hamburger and steaks for grilling season. Meanwhile I have been watching the prices at many meat markets and supermarkets in our area.
We had a gas gauge on our grill that had broken so we never knew how much gas was in the tank. Hubby found one on sale finally and purchased it. Now we won’t be in the middle of cooking a meal and have the tank go empty.
We have decided to plant tomatoes again this year. It worked well for us and I didn’t have to buy any fresh tomatoes last season plus I was able to can a lot of them. I may do some herbs also.
Hubby has finished his research on the property assessments and I think we have a plan in place to make our case for a reduction.
Now that the main living space in my home is all spring cleaned, I will be working in our basement again. I am trying to get rid of anything we don’t need. No sense hanging onto things that we haven’t needed in a year.
While my son was visiting, he helped Hubby put the snowblower away in the shed. It only got used to do the sidewalk twice. Our plow guy did a great job on the driveway and we want to hire him again for next winter. He also helped Hubby get the grill out.
Our new beds are wonderful but they were hard to make because we had a chest at the foot of our king size bed before we got these new ones. The chest was still in place. So we would have to lay across the other bed to make the one we were doing. It was a real pain. Since I want things easy for us, my son and Hubby moved the chest to a guest bedroom. Now it is easy to make the beds.
We are making all of our own bread now with the exception that I purchased bread for this past weekend while we had company. Bread prices keep rising and I can make the little bit of bread that we use much cheaper.
As I use any food, I am putting thought into how I can buy it or use less so that the cost per meal is lower. I am doing the same for condiments. Can I buy them or make them cheaper?
We do not waste food. If we can’t eat something up before it goes bad, I freeze it. We have a lot of turkey leftovers. We will eat them all week until they are gone.
What are you doing to save some money?
4 replies on “Frugal Things These Past Weeks”
Hi Precious. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family. Ours didn’t turn out quite like we thought it would, but we are home now and will be glad to sleep in our own bed. It is supposed to be warm here this week, so I am glad the little girls will be able to play outside when they are over. I think I had said in one of my recent comments that the playhouse is up for the summer as of last Thurs, so winter is officially over. 🙂
I got a few groceries before we left, and will check the Kroger ad to be sure I didn’t miss anything since tomorrow is the last day of the ad. We ate leftover biscuits and gravy when we got home tonight for supper.
Hi Chris,
I am so sorry that things did not turn out well.
Biscuits and gravy sounds yummy!
I was able to get a few things (last day of ad as well)
Sargento sliced cheese 1.99
Dozen Eggs – 3.22
Creamer – 2.97
Hi Patti,
Nice prices!