I believe most of you have probably heard by now that the Bird Flu is back with a vengeance. Not only are chickens being culled but now according to our government, cows are catching it. Eggs have been rising in price but I believe they will go even higher in price as they cull more and more, just like the last time. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to pay almost $34. for the 6 dozen count box like happened before. So when that box was at $ 9.98 I purchased 2. One is in my refrigerator and the other is now in my ice cube trays(one egg in each hole) freezing. When they are solid frozen, I will pop each egg cube into a freezer bag and put them back in the freezer. This way we can continue to have eggs for breakfast and for baking. You have other options also. Many places have freeze dried eggs like Augason Farms.
On Monday the government big wigs were supposed to meet to decide what to do about the cows who have caught it. I do know that they are dumping milk from the herds that have it. So prices on milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, and any other dairy products will skyrocket in price or become short if it gets any worse. It is now in 8 states. So stock up on what you can. Get any kind of shelf stable milk like milk in boxes that you put on the shelf, evaporated milk in cans, or dry milk.
On Monday, I went to Walmart and got 6 boxes of shelf stable milk at $2.98 totaling $ 17.88. One shelf stable melting cheese at $ 5.28. A container of yogurt for $2.36. Two blocks of cheddar cheese( $2.77 each) and two blocks of Monterey Jack cheese( $ 3.44 each) for a total of $12.42.
We were getting low on Parmesan cheese so I picked up one at $ 5.48. My total including the eggs at Walmart was $57.90.

Since Walmart only had 6 of the shelf stable milks, I picked up 2 more at Dollar Tree for $ 1.25 each. It is not our favorite for drinking but we can use it in baking and for SF puddings. I got a can of pineapple tidbits for $1.25. I was out of the tidbits that we use just occasionally. While I was there, I picked up 4 more of the John Morrell smoked sausage which we use in casseroles. You can’t beat the price. My total at Dollar Tree was $8.75.

Top’s had these strip steaks on sale for $ 10.99 a lb. We love these. They are so tender and flavorful. So I picked up 3 packages of them. My total for them was $ 71.11. I have been shopping less and saving grocery money this year so when I see a stock up price like this I can buy a few packages.
The total of my stock up shop was $ 150.18.
Did you get any grocery deals this week?
2 replies on “Stock Up Shop”
Hi Precious. I got some extra eggs this morning also. I had bought some of the dried eggs and milk last year and they are still good. Not great deals this week other than the half gallons of Kroger milk for 1.29/half gal, and strawberries for 1.77. I did get some meat on markdown and had a $5/$25 coupon that came off. Every little bit helps. I also got some extra fruit to make fruit salad this weekend. I will take it to the family gathering for older granddaughter’s birthday celebration on Sat. She will be 8 next week. Time is going so fast.
We had a nice visit with our parents and I will write you about it after lunch. Off to exercise class now.
Hi Chris,
You did well at Kroger especially with the coupon. Enjoy the birthday celebration. I can’t believe she is 8. Time does go fast.