Hubby, our son, and I traveled to the Rochester area to enjoy Thanksgiving with my other son, his wife, my grandson, West, and my DIL’s parents. We had such a wonderful time. It had been many years since my immediate family had been together for this holiday. We enjoyed every minute of it. Alexa was the only one who couldn’t be with us. She spent the holiday with her Mom and her Aunt’s family. But we were so fortunate to have spent time with her for 9 days just recently.
On the trip, I was thinking how much I love going there for some holidays but I miss having the Thanksgiving leftovers. My DIL’s mother cooked the entire dinner and when it was over she packed us this feast to take home.
We have enough turkey, mashed potatoes, glazed sweet potatoes, and gravy( forgot to put it in the picture), Keto pumpkin pie, Keto chocolate pie, and Keto chocolate peanut butter pie to last us at least 2 meals. They also purchased too many yams, so I was the lucky recipient of those too. I will add some Stove Top stuffing and broccoli and we will have some nice dinners this weekend.
Besides what you see, she made 2 different stuffings. One was your traditional stuffing and one was a Canadian meat(pork and ground beef) stuffing, turnips, mashed cauliflower, corn, cranberry sauce and many appetizers: deviled eggs, stuffed jalapenos, nuts, etc. Everything was delicious and we were all stuffed and enjoyed every minute of it.
While we were gone, my son’s 2 dogs, a Belgian Shepherd and a Black Lab were guarding our home. I was a little nervous that they would tear the house apart. But they were very good and we think that they just slept while we were away. They are welcome to come visit anytime. They are all going to travel home today.
I hope you all had as good a time as we did!
I have two posts for you this weekend. Another one on saving money on your utility bills and my weekly frugal one. So stay tuned.
4 replies on “A Wonderful Day”
Hi Precious, I think your day sounds wonderful. The Canadian stuffing sounds delicious. I am glad you got to bring home some leftovers and the dogs were good.
We were fortunate to bring some leftovers home also plus we have the turkey carcass and ham bone. Won’t have to cook all weekend maybe? I still have some salmon Pattie’s left also from Wed. I will do like you do and cook some broccoli and we will have salads. The lettuce seems to have multiplied in my fridge. 😂
We plan to put up the Christmas lights this weekend. Some neighbors on our street already had theirs lit last night. If we have time we will do the Christmas tree also, otherwise will do next weekend. I am not planning to hit the BF sales other than stopping by our local candy store for a few treats for gifts. They are running a BF promotion instead of small business Sat.
Hi Chris,
Thanks. The Canadian stuffing was good. I have to get the recipe from her.
Your comment about the turkey carcass made me laugh. My DIL does not make soup. So as the carcass sat on the counter picked very clean, I asked what they were going to do with that. Her mother said make soup of course. As we were leaving, the carcass was in the water on the stove boiling away. We seniors know how not to waste a thing. But if they were just going to throw it out, I would have brought it home with me. I am happy that you got all the bones. We had fried rice and pot stickers that we had to use first too. So turkey leftovers will be tonight and tomorrow.
Many of my neighbors put their decorations up this week too. I am enjoying them. I don’t know when we will get to ours. I have so much to do this week that it is making me tired just thinking about it.
Sounds like so much fun! Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thanks H.P,