I want to let you know that most of the things that I showed you that were leftovers in my recent post have been eaten or frozen.

So here is a new group of leftovers plus 2 other ingredients that I made into a couple of different meals this week.

I had leftover hot Italian sausage in the spaghetti sauce from the other night. I cut it up and used 1/2 of it on pizza along with some mushrooms also. Hubby likes the sausage. I love mushrooms. I also used an 8 oz. can of tomato sauce from my storage on the pizza because I find leftover spaghetti sauce too much on pizza. I make pizza on the artisan bread that I purchased at Aldi. Just add mozzarella cheese and seasonings and it is delicious.
Last night I heated the leftover spaghetti sauce after I took the rest of the sausage out and cut it up for another pizza which I will make soon. I added the sauce that was left in the jar too to the pan. Some of the mushrooms and the spaghetti were microwaved to heat them through.

Meanwhile I air fried two pieces of chicken after preparing them with the Shake and Bake. I added some mozzarella cheese at the end. So we had chicken parmesian on the leftover spaghetti and I added some mushrooms to mine.
All I have left is the sausage, some mushrooms, the tomato sauce for pizza. The leftover spaghetti sauce was frozen for our next spaghetti meal. We also have two pieces of chicken breast to use tonight. I haven’t decided yet how I will fix that. Depending on the weather, we may grill it and add BBQ sauce.
We did have a lot of Italian meals this week but we haven’t had them in a long time and we were craving them. Rather than waste leftovers, neither one of us care if we eat the same things made into new meals over and over again.
I had to run to the drugstore for a prescription yesterday so I stopped for a loaf of bread. That cost me $ 2.99 so now my grocery budget that is left for the month is $ 346.71.
Our lawn is so dry that we scheduled the sprinkler system to run every other day. But if I get up in the morning and it has rained overnight, I turn it off until the next day that it is scheduled for. I believe our water bill the end of this month will be much less than last year’s. Our system broke this year and we had to wait 6 weeks for them to come out to repair it. That is how booked up they were.
We only eat two meals a day and have been doing this for a very long time now. That is saving us money but honestly we didn’t do it to save money. We just aren’t hungry in the morning. Coffee is enough.
We continue to drive our 10 year old SUV. We take immaculate care of it and make sure to take it to the garage for necessities like inspections and oil changes. It only has 47,000 miles on it and has never had a repair. The only time it has been to the dealer is for recalls. Maintaining things that you own pays off in the long run. My son has done some brakes for us.
Hubby is cutting my hair again tomorrow. Finally all the color from my salon appointments will be gone. My white hair I like and so does Hubby so I will not be coloring it again.
I ran the dishwasher really full. I am using the auto wash setting which I find uses less water and electricity.
That is it for today. What have you done recently to save some money?
4 replies on “Frugal Things The Past Few Days”
Hi Precious! This weekend is busy here! Friday we had the little girls. We were at the library in the morning. We came home for lunch and the little girl across the street came over to play Barbies. When little granddaughter and I had our snooze, hubby took older granddaughter to the local indoor putt putt. He spent $14 and they had fun. He told her “no” when she wanted him to buy some of the trinkets. When we got up, hubby wanted to take us all to get ice cream, so we did and got small ones. We had leftover stir fry for supper after they went home.
Yesterday daughter and I went to a local “destination” type gift shop/restaurant for a belated Mother’s Day outing. We had fun looking at all they had. So many tempting things! I did buy a few Christmas gifts to put away for different family members. I also bought a wine bottle stopper for when we have our Friday happy hours. We usually just drink one glass, so this will help keep the wine fresh. Daughter paid for lunch. When I got home, hubby and I made a big batch of potato salad to take to his company picnic. It was at an employee’s house near the home office who has a pool. The home office is 1.5 hours away, so we took his company car instead of driving our own. We used the Yeti cooler he had gotten from his employer to transport the potato salad. We had a nice time but got in late.
Today we are going to brunch at one of the restaurants in Daughter’s employer. I told her we would pay this time as we still have quite a few gift cards we have gotten through the years she has worked there. Then later in the afternoon she and SIL are taking hubby to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I am going to stay home. We will have sandwiches or cereal for supper since I am guessing we will not be very hungry after the big brunch. LOL!
Hi Chris,
Sounds like it was a beautiful day for all on Friday.
I wish I knew that you needed wine stoppers. I have so many stockpiled as hostess gifts. I could have sent you two.
So glad you had fun at the office party.
I hope you enjoyed that brunch! Nice that they are taking Hubby to that movie. I have no interest. I would love to see the Sound of Freedom mpvei but I can wait until it is on TV.
It has been extremely rainy where we are. We have not had to water our garden in at least a month. Plus we had one storm that dumped over 5” of rain in less than two hours. It left a rut in our driveway, which my guy filled it with gravel, but others in our area had half their driveway gone, plus we have friends in Cornwall NY, that saw the road near West Point completely wash out, it was crazy!
We harvested garlic Sunday, and it is drying out in the barn, I pulled some beets, and we have a lot of herbs and radishes we are having in salads as well as kale that came back from last year. We are painting the house, so we are watching the weather forecast for storms. We are about 90% finished painting the hardieback siding, and then we will be doing the deck. We are going to sand it to bare wood, prime it and use a coating that they use on truckbeds. Not cheap, but we will never have to do it again.
He gave me a trim Tuesday afternoon. I stopped coloring my hair close to 3 years ago, but I have about three inches of blond color at the ends, and the rest is all silver. The difference is not that great, so I am ok with waiting until a couple more trims on my elbow length hair before it is completely gone, by then all of the layers will be fully grown out as well. I have him braid my hair as I like it out of my face and off my neck in the summer heat. I have been having him do French and Dutch fishtail braids on my hair as it is a tighter style that hides the shorter layer pieces that would stick out. I get compliments on my hair from friends and random acquaintances, plus he loves my hair long, so I have no intention of asking him to cut it shorter. Especially as I have been hinting that I am ready to move onto his farm, but he said that is not until after we get married. I told him that he just needs to ask me, he already knows what the answer will be.
I plan to help him harvest the fruits and vegetables, do canning, freeze drying and help him split the wood to heat the farmhouse. What man could ask for anymore? I can also help him do plumbing, painting, electrical, as well as cleaning as well as help him in the garden, plus I don’t expect him to do all the cooking and baking, I am pretty good in the kitchen. It is great that you and your husband work so well together, my deceased husband was lazy, drank excessively, watched porn and treated me like I was just his servant. So I appreciate a guy that will be my partner, he is thinking December, I am thinking September. But we agreed that we would be engaged next month. So I will be a frugal, homesteading wife before the holidays. Crocheting in front of the wood stove as the snow flies, here in the mountains. Life is good.
Thank you for sharing.