Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday to all of my readers who are Moms or Grandmothers. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Hubby will be cooking for the two of us. I have requested that he grill us some filet mignon. He will do baked potatoes with all of the toppings along with some broccoli which is my favorite veggie. It is supposed to be a nice day so we will enjoy eating outside on the patio. No eating out for us. Not only is it expensive but we find holiday food and service just never seems to be up to par. So we gave up going out on holidays a long time ago.
These gorgeous flowers were delivered this morning for Mother’s Day from my son and granddaughter. I will enjoy them immensely. My other son and my grandson are taking us out to breakfast to celebrate on a different day so that they can spend Mother’s Day with Katie.
I just wanted to quickly tell you that we got the decision on our assessment. The assessor lowered our assessment from $506,000. to $470,000. So I feel Hubby did a good job showing the assessor why the assessment was incorrect. So we have agreed to the new figure.
Lastly, I had a reader contact me because her husband has lost his job. You can just imagine how devastating this is to them and their children. So I have promised her that I would write a post on what to do financially if this happens to you. It will also help anyone whose income has gone down or just isn’t covering the bills since inflation reared it’s ugly head. I hope to have that ready to post tomorrow or Monday.
I am curious. What are you doing for Mother’s Day? Please leave a comment and share.
11 replies on “Happy Mother’s Day To My Readers Who Are Moms”
Happy Mother’s Day, Precious. You sure got an early present with the tax assessment. Way to go to your hubby! The flowers are beautiful.
I was sorry to see about the reader whose husband lost his job. I am sure you will have many words of wisdom for her. Hopefully he will not be out of work long.
We are planning to go to son’s house for Mothers Day brunch. He will fix a few things and is going to a local spot to supplement with some of their yummy pastries and such. Hubby will chip in for the food. Daughter and the little girls are coming also. Unfortunately son in law has to work on Sundays. Monday is our wedding anniversary, 41 years this year. We will celebrate later. I got hubby a card at Dollar Tree. That is what we always do.
Hi Chris,
Thanks Chris. The same to you! Yes, I was so very happy with the changed assessment. Hubby spent a lot of time researching and stating his case.
The flowers are beautiful but I am also loving that vase. It is so gorgeous and I will use it all season with our own flowers.
I am hoping the same for my reader and her family.
Your Mother’s day brunch sounds terrific especially with your very talented son doing some of the cooking. Enjoy your day with your family.
Happy Anniversary early too! 41 years is such a long time to be so happy! Congrats to you both! I do the same with the card for Hubby. Ours will be 56 in July.
Happy Mothers Day to those readers that are mothers!
I lost my Mom last July so I will be hiding under the covers possibly but Chris can put up the flag he bought his Mom.
Hi Patti,
So sorry Patti. Holidays are hard without Mom especially this one.
It’s the second year in a row that I have to take an international flight for work on Mother’s Day. Not exactly what I enjoy. 😉 I’ll take another “free” vacation day another time, and M & the boys bought me cookies, flowers & some sort of other wrapped item, so it looks like we’ll celebrate today & tomorrow, I’ve already sampled the cookies, and they are amazing!
It’s my last work trip (I’m quitting in September), so I’m trying to remind myself to make the most of it, not to worry about the horrible jet lag, and to know that I won’t be seeing these colleagues again. (They won’t know, but I will) & to make the most of it.
Hi HP,
It sounds like your family is making sure that you get a celebration even if it is not Sunday. Enjoy!
Enjoy that overseas trip especially since it is your last one for work. Congrats on being free in September.
I got myself a pedicure. Last time I got one was 3 years ago. I usually get just one right before the summer. It was my Mother’s Day gift to myself. There’s a rather large lake near us. I’d like to go there on Sunday and just sit on the beach and take in the beauty of it all. Also, pack a picnic!
Hi Cindi,
Congrats on the pedicure. Your Mother’s Day plans sounds wonderful! Enjoy.
Happy Mother’s Day all! Just started reading your blog Precious and enjoy it so far. I hope you don’t mind if I say a
Hi to Cindi, so glad you treated yourself to a pedicure. I discontinued cable so can’t write you back on the email linked to it.Are you blogging again? Sincerely, Lara Grand
Hi laragrand,
Welcome. No I don’t mind you talking to Cindi.
Hi Lara! Yes blogging again. cindimatography2.Wordpress.com. Hope that link works. Otherwise Google it. Hope to see you there.