Every Day

We Are Home!

We spent from Wednesday to today with our son at his beautiful Adirondack property in Northeastern New York . We just got home about 3 hours ago.

Our plan was to spend Thanksgiving with him and our granddaughter. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. She was exposed to Covid19 at her private school so was under quarantine and we did not get to see her. Fortunately she did not contract the virus! She can go back to school tomorrow. We will see her soon. We miss her so much!

But we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with my son and three of his friends. We enjoyed every minute of it. The other night it snowed there and the pines on his property were so beautiful with one of the first snows of the season. It is so rural and peaceful where he lives.

We had a good time going out to lunch one day and then visiting his business to see what work had been done on the building since last June when we were there.

Just spending quality time with family is the greatest gift in the world!

Speaking of snow, it is snowing here right now and it is gorgeous! I am happy that I can stay home now and just enjoy it.

I will be back soon this week to continue posting about saving in this environment. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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