After our homemade coffee, Hubby and I headed to appointments in another town. I dropped Hubby off and ran a different errand about 15 minutes away(finished my Christmas shopping). I managed to get back for my appointment an hour after Hubby’s. Because we now have dental insurance, it paid for Hubby’s X-rays and cleaning today at the dentist. The only cost was $36. for a fluoride treatment. I got a new denture at no cost to replace the third one that broke. The dentist and the lab finally think they have it figured out. My bite is so strong with my lower teeth that they adjusted the thickness and the bite. Hopefully, this one will work. On the way home, we stopped and voted.
When we got home, I made us salads for brunch using up leftover tomato dices, leftover black olives, leftover onion dices, lettuce, and some shredded cheese. Dressing was homemade Italian. The cheese was colby- jack that I purchased in a block for $ 1.69 and shredded using my Kitchen Aid. Shredding my own is much cheaper than buying shredded. Plus it doesn’t have wood pulp in it. We just keep it in the fridge in a reused gallon bag.

Then after grabbing my grocery list, I headed to Top’s. It is Senior Citizen Discount day. I got 6% off my entire grocery order. This day is only on the first Tuesday of the month so I always try to take advantage of it.
Pictured above is the small order that I picked up. I purchased 2 rotisserie chickens. One is pictured and the other is in the ziploc. When I got home I shredded it. They were on sale 2 for $11.00. The reasons I purchased them is they were cheaper cooked than I can buy them raw and I forgot to thaw something before we went out this morning. The celery was on sale B1G1F. The beef broth was on super coupon for $.99. The Ragu spaghetti sauce was on a 5 for $5. deal which made them all $.99 each which is a great price for here.
I have to tell you a little story about an elderly couple( I estimated them to be in their mid 80’s.) who were getting the Ragu while I waited next to them. They each had a cart and they were loading the Ragu sauce into the carts in many multiples of 5. I was hoping they would leave 5 for me. They just kept loading it. I waited and then I noticed that they had also loaded into their carts many, many pastas that were on sale. When they were done, she looked at me and said thanks for waiting for us. As they left, I looked at the shelf and they had left 5 for me. When I left the shelf was empty. As I was walking around the store, I noticed them in line with their carts and there was nothing else but the pasta and sauce. I smiled to myself and was happy that they had gotten all of those things. Because even though I don’t know why they bought all of those things, we have a lot of senior citizens in our county living on small social security checks. If God blessed them with those sales today, I am happy that they can eat.
I was really beat when I got home, so Hubby and I watched the NCIS’s that he recorded last night. I am going to take it easy the rest of the day.
Hubby is making us BLT’s with chicken for dinner tonight. It is one of my favorites.
I hope you are all having a great day! Did you do anything to cut costs today?
4 replies on “Cutting Costs On Tuesday”
I made apple sauce with a few leftover apples (that were going to go bad if I didn’t use them up). I served it right alongside some breaded pork chops I bought on sale. Delish dinner! I also baked 2 dozen chocolate cookies. Way cheaper, healthier and way better than store bought. I use margarine instead of butter. Saves money! And less chips than the recipe calls for, also saving me money. I made cous cous using up the home made chicken broth I get when I boil chicken for our chicken salads (instead of roasting). I freeze the broth and it comes in handy! Delish! Adds so much flavor!!Hubby got out his hat & gloves for this upcoming winter and noticed they were slightly dirty. With a dab of Dawn he hand washed all in the sink (couldn’t believe how much dirt came out) and voila he’s ready for winter without spending a dime.
The pellet stove is working out. Has a few kinks but hubs is taking care of them. He noted that in the middle of winter we burn $7.50 worth of propane a day (@$3 a gallon). We’ll only be buying $2.50 worth pf pellets in the same time frame. Great reduction in costs!
Why is no one else as concerned about inflation and you and I are??? I can’t understand why more people aren’t hopping on to the inflation band wagon? Why?
Hi Cindi,
Nice savings on everything that you have been doing! I freeze my chicken carcasses even from the rotisserie ones I purchased yesterday. When I get enough I make chicken broth.
I think most people today especially the younger ones have never lived through high inflation periods. The have no idea just how bad it can get. But they will find out this winter. I hope they are on all stocked on food.
Live and learn. Unfortunately, from the beginning. Not one of my kids yet has asked me for advice or to tell them about ‘the good old days during super high inflation’. They’ll learn soon enough, you’re right!
Let’s hope they get prepared.