Every Day

Grocery Shopping This Week

I managed to get out and grocery shop yesterday even though we got a lot of snow during the night. The plows did a good job on the roads.

I went to Top’s to pick up some of their deals. As you know we have been eating Keto for a while. However, eating bacon and eggs for breakfast almost every morning has gotten really expensive. So we are going to be having a small bowl of cereal for breakfast(yes breaking our Keto diet) every morning during the week. We will save the bacon, sausage, or ham and eggs for the weekends.

So I purchased 10 boxes of Special K in 2 different transactions. When you purchased in batches of 5, you got an instant $5.00 off. I also used $3.00 off 5 manufacturers coupons making each 5 a total of $ 4.45. So I spent $ 8.90 on cereal or $ .89 a box.

I picked up two packages of Smithfield breakfast sausage for our family breakfasts on Sunday. They were $3.00 each but I had two $.75/1 coupons that doubled making them $ 1.50 each. 

The spaghetti sauce was free after $.50 doubled coupons.  The 5 bags of Mama Rosie’s cavatelli and ricotta were on B2G3F sale. I had a $1./2 MQ so total for all was $ 4.98.

And lastly the Annie’s Mac and Cheese were $ 1.99 each minus $.50/1 MQ’s so $ .99 each. My grandson loves these so they are handy for lunches when he is here. I also had a $1.00 off Monopoly Q good on my next purchase.

My total OOP was $ 17.86. I had already spent $ 4.03 on a newspaper and a box of Tylenol earlier this week. So I have spent $ 21.89 for the week and will not be buying any more until next week. 

I planned on picking up the Top’s Pi deal for the chicken pot pie but they were out.

The last few weeks I have not really spent much on groceries because I am so stockpiled. But that is a good thing because I am been spending the lowest prices in my area to do that. Instead of buying what we need for just a week, I make our meals from the stockpile. Then I look for the best deals on the foods that we eat during the week and add them to our stockpile. It works well for us and saves us a lot of money.  

Did you get any great buys in your grocery shopping this week? Feel free to share with us in comments. 

4 replies on “Grocery Shopping This Week”

Yes, we got a great deal. We found Tyson bacon for $2.02 a pound at our commissary. Everything there is not this cheap at all but you know this was a great deal. I bought 15 and gave 5 to our daughter and son in law. Her sons are big bacon fans. It was when I gave the bacon to SIL, the almost 3 year old was so worried his daddy was going to forget the bacon as he was also getting a few plants and garden stuff from grandpa.

You got a great deal on the cereal, I would of done that deal too.

Hi Rhonda,

Wow! I have never seen a deal like that. I am so happy for you and your family. The 3 year old is so cute.

We started eating the cereal this morning. We ate the coconut cranberry almond. It is SO GOOD!

When you stockpile at the lowest price, all food you eat from the stockpile is like buying everything on sale every week. Good job. When I had chickens, I ate two eggs every morning without any meat. Eggs are very satisfying to me. I would have two scrambled eggs and about 10 oz of milk and would not be hungry for four or five hours most days. Of course, I do love bacon but eat little anymore. I wish we had some of those bargains and a Tops here.

Hi PP,

Thanks. I would love to have chickens but I am not so sure that my neighbors would like that. Eggs keep me full until lunch also. But we didn't so too bad with the cereal this morning.

You must get some good deals at your market too.

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