Every Day

Monday’s Doings

Well, it has been a sunny Monday and I have been working on a couple of large projects today. One was paperwork that just exasperating. It is almost finished but I can’t go any further until the end of next week.

Then I took a new inventory of all of my freezers and made sure that I have room for the 40 lbs. of chicken that will be coming from Zaycon Fresh very soon. My  basement freezer had some ice in it but Hubby helped me take all of the food out. Then he used a plastic scraper like a wide putty knife to take all of the ice off the walls. I dried the walls and the bottom and we put everything back.

Take a look at the pictures. I think I have enough room for 40 pounds of chicken. What do you think? I am picking up the chicken very late in the day so it will be a big task that night to get it all prepared for the freezer. We have 2 Food Savers so Hubby will help me get it packaged up. I have made sure that I have enough food saver bags.

All of this took up most of my day. It is now almost 4:00PM.

Here is a small peek at the Excel inventory that I am keeping on my computer. Copying it didn’t turn out as neat as I wanted it to but you get the idea. I don’t have the patience right now to try to fix it. The first # after location is on hand. I also have a used column and remaining column. When an item goes to zero it highlights in pink so that I am aware that I need that item.  I have all of my freezers inventoried and some of my pantry but not all. I will finish that soon. I hope you are all having a good Monday too.