It’s a mostly quiet day today. We did get a bit of snow but the sun has melted it.
We got our property tax bill. I knew it would cost us more for our garbage because we got a second can but that part of the bill was well worth it for $50.00 for the year. Our total bill was for $4664.+. Last year’s bill was $4788.+. So even with the $50.00 additional cost our bill decreased by $123.+. I am shocked because everything has just been going up and going up. It looks like our town and county leaders have done a good job with contracts, etc.
We both got our notices from Social Security showing our 2.5% increases. However, the Medicare payment for each month of 2025 which comes out of each of our checks went from $ 174. to $ 180. so the increase for our Social Security checks wasn’t much. But we both paid into SS and Medicare for years as everyone else does. At least we are getting a bit of money back over the years since we started getting it. I am hopeful that when President Trump is inaugurated that he and the Republicans will fix SS so that our children and grandchildren will be able to get it like we have.
A couple of weeks ago Nielsen sent me a survey and a $1.00 in cash to fill it out and send it back. It only took a minute or two and the return envelope was postage paid. They promised that if I did, they would send me an additional $ 5.00 in cash. That came today. $ 6.00 and a couple of minutes sure beats running all over inside of stores to ShopKick to cash out at $5.00 which I don’t do because it isn’t worth my time or gasoline. It would be nice if these surveys continue. But I am not counting on it.
I entered my last two weeks of receipts into Fetch today. I love getting the Walmart gift cards. They help defray the cost of my Walmart orders.
Brunch this morning was an apple fritter with our coffee. We had purchased a box of them recently. They are Hubby’s favorite. This year I am going to see if I can find a great recipe.
Dinner tonight will be canned Chunky soup and crackers. I am waiting for Hubby to get back from his orthopedic appointment before I pick out what we want from our pantry. The cortisone shot did not work so he is getting the gel injection to see if that works. I hope it works because I hate seeing him in so much pain. If it does he can get them every 6 months. If not the next step would be a knee replacement. Ugh! I am praying that he gets relief from this gel.
I ran the dishwasher last night. It had been three days since I ran it. I spent my hour cleaning yesterday and today in the kitchen. I am organizing at the same time and getting rid of things we don’t want.
What have you been doing to work on your goals for this year?