Early Sunday morning, I went to Top’s to get meat that was on sale for the lowest prices that I have seen in over 3 years. I purchased 2 whole chickens at $.99 a lb., 2 top round roasts and 1 eye round roast for $ 4.99 a lb.

On Sunday, I roasted the 2 chickens in my turkey pan. This pic was taken when they still had 40 minutes to go. I was just checking the temperature. When they were done, I took all the meat off of one chicken and put the carcass and skin in the crock pot and cooked it until about 7PM to make chicken broth. We had chicken sandwiches for dinner and the rest of the chicken I froze in portions. The other chicken had been chilling in the fridge. I took that one out and took all the meat off and saved a portion of it to make my homemade chicken soup. That carcass and skin went into the crock pot and simmered on low until I got up the next morning. I turned it down to warm while I went to a doctor’s check up which went well.
On my way home, I stopped at Wegman’s for a bag of avocados that looked so good. I have not had them in a while because they have been awful for weeks. It was one of Wegman’s new “Hot Deals” that cost $3.99. I also went to town hall and paid our water bill. It was $ 212. from May 30th through August 30th. I was quite shocked because it was much higher than the same period last year. We used a lot less water with our sprinkler system this year because we had so much rain. But then I realized that the crew that built the wall had used a lot of water to mix the mortar and didn’t turn the water off and on. Ugh!
When I got home I strained the broth and took the bits and pieces of meat and threw those in my broth that I was putting in mason jars. Between the two chickens, I got 7 and 1/2 quarts of bone broth. Late in the afternoon, Hubby cut up the celery and I got some carrots and corn out the freezer. Using those, some meat from the birds, some rice and about 1/2 of the broth, I made a huge pot of soup which we each had a cup for dinner. We will rotate it in between roast beef meals this week.
The broth will get used up quickly so instead of canning it, I decided to freeze it. The rest of the chicken got frozen for future meals.
Two of the beef roasts I put in the freezer. One I cooked last night for a roast beef dinner. I again used the turkey pan with a rack to roast it because it allows the air to circulate around the roast. I roasted some baby potatoes under the rack of beef on the edges of the pan. We had green beans with it.

The roast was very tough so Hubby made sure to cut it across the grain. It was made to look like a regular round roast in the packaging but when I opened it, it was long and narrow. It was edible and had flavor but I am hoping the 2 in the freezer are truly top round roasts because I don’t think this was. Do you have any clue what it could be? When I open the next one, if it looks the same, the two of them will get returned to the store. I told Hubby I will go to Niagara Produce next time they have them on sale. They are always good.
Today Hubby sliced the rest of the meat using our new meat slicer so that we have cold cuts for cold and hot roast beef sandwiches. These roasts at Top’s were not very big but it was all they had.
For entertainment this weekend, we watched our Buffalo Bills play and they won. I am so happy that football is back! They play again this Thursday night which doesn’t give them much rest and they have to travel to Miami for the game. I hope they do well.
It has been hard to get much else done around here because with Hubby’s shoulder healing, I have had to help him a a lot. But it is getting better each day and hopefully soon it will be back to normal.
That is what I have been up to. I will be back when I have something else to talk about.
6 replies on “This Week’s Grocery Haul And Other Things”
What great deals on meat and chicken! I was able to get chicken breasts for 2.12/lb a couple weeks ago. I put 4 in the CP and shredded it, then just bag sealed the others. Chris picked up NY strip at Costco last week we can easily share 1 (they are huge) so its about 14.00 a meal.
I am so glad football is back as well! Forced relaxation on Sundays, lol.
Hi Patti,
Thanks. Wow! That is a great price for chicken breasts.
Hi Precious! I am not sure what that meat you got was, maybe a bottom round roast? I know they are tougher than a top round. You did well on your meat purchases. My hubby is in the middle of cooking a big brisket for family dinner tomorrow. He is going to be up late. This week whole pork shoulders are on sale here BOGO so we are going to buy and put in the freezer for the fall party on our street that will be in Oct. He always makes smoked pork for it. I haven’t been buying many avocados either, they have been bad here too.
I am going to Kroger in the morning and we are also going to take little granddaughter to Costco on Fri. They have a few things on sale this month and Son wants the air fryer that is on sale for Christmas. I did a Kimberly Clark deal at Meijer this week to get some supplies for our moms and some tissues for us.
Hubby is still working on the yard this week from the aeration and doing grass seed and top soil on some areas. I hate to see what the water bill will be this month. We are still getting tomatoes from the garden, but not as many. I will be sad when tomato season is over.
Older granddaughter was at the eye dr this week and needs glasses. Little granddaughter started her dance class this week. We will have them on Sat afternoon while their folks go to a musical, they signed up for the Broadway tickets in town this year. I am glad your hubby is doing better, I am still saying prayers for him and for you as you care for him.
I hope hubby is getting better. How do you like your meat slicer? I have been wanting one for ages, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I am afraid of store meat and prefer growing our meat and having it butchered so I can slice my own lunch meat.
Hi Wendy,
His shoulder is getting back to normal. Thanks for asking. I love my meat slicer. I cooked that small boneless turkey yesterday so we will be slicing it up today. It does a beautiful job. What was suprising to us it how quiet it is.
Thank you for the response.