Every Day

How We Save In The Kitchen

There are many ways to save in the kitchen. One of them I am sure you know like not wasting food. We never throw out food. It is too expensive to feed our garbage can. Eat your leftovers at another meal or three. It is not going to kill you to eat the same food 2-3 nights in a row.

I go through my fridge, especially the produce drawers, every other day or so. It only takes a few minutes. Any produce that is getting old is used up that night or the next or it is frozen. Peppers I will slice and freeze for fajitas. Carrots I will slice or make carrot spears and freeze. The sliced ones go into soups and stews. The carrot spears get sauteed in butter and used as a side. Onions get sliced or diced and used in casseroles or omelets. I have frozen tomatoes many times and used them in casseroles, soups, gumbo, or in spaghetti sauce. I just freeze them whole in a food saver bag. Celery does not freeze well. That I will use to make a side and stuff it with cream cheese and diced olive. My Hubby loves this. My mom used to make it every holiday.

I put my leftovers together on a certain shelf so that we always know where they are. Right now, I have French toast and sausage that Hubby will reheat for a brunch. There is also a small container of corned beef hash that will get used within a day or two.

We have 1/2 of a bag of the tiny potatoes that should get used soon. So I will cut them in half and put them in a skillet, cover them with a little water and bring them to a boil. Then I cook them on medium for 10 minutes and drain them. Next I add a bit of oil to the same skillet, heat it and then put the potatoes back in cut side down and saute them until they are roasted and brown. We love these. We will have them with chicken tonight and if there are leftovers we will eat them with our eggs the next brunch.

But there are other ways to save in the kitchen one of which I have told you. I use lemon Koolaid to clean my dishwasher. I never buy the expensive special cleaners. I am still using the bag of them that I purchased years ago when they were $.10 each.

I clean my garbage disposal with baking soda and vinegar. First I put about 3/4 cup of the soda in and then put vinegar in. It will foam way up into your sink. Then just let it sit for a few minutes and then run the disposal. It cleans it and gets rid of any funky smells. I have a black plug that keeps things from falling into the disposal like utensils. I put that in the top rack of the dishwasher whenever I run it.

I never use the self cleaning cycle on my oven anymore. If I cook a pizza or something at 400 degrees or more, I will wipe it out when it has cooled down a bit. If there is something I can’t get off, I put a small bowl of ammonia on one of the racks and let it sit overnight with the door closed. In the morning, everything wipes out. The self cleaning cycle takes a lot of energy that I prefer to save.

Also I use Scrub Mommies in my sink to do pots and pans and dishes that I do not put in the dishwasher. That sponge goes into the top rack of my dishwasher when it needs to.

When I am washing the dishes or pans in the sink, I fill the 2 sinks about a 1/4 of the way. One has soap added for cleaning and the other has water only for rinsing. Don’t let your water run down the drain while you do that. You can waste gallons of water. I try to do that all of the time. I am not perfect so I get distracted sometimes just like everyone.

When I am done with the sinks, I spray them with an all purpose cleaner and rinse and then wipe them dry with the dish towel that I used that day. I change my 2 dish towels every day. I have one color of towels for dishes and a different color one to dry our hands. That way we don’t get them mixed up.

We use our 11 in 1 countertop stove for almost everything. We also use our instant pot, crock pot, and microwave for meals that we don’t put in that oven. We do grill outside now a lot and plan on using that right through the winter unless we are buried in snow.

Catch your water in the kitchen in a big pot or bowl while you are waiting for it to warm up. You can use that water to clean with, water plants, or to boil pasta, etc. Don’t just let it run down the drain. When you do use your stove top, cover your pots and pans. Things will cook faster.

We use a small hand vacuum that is always charging in my kitchen to clean up any crumbs on the counter or that fall on the floor every night to keep things clean. It saves us from lugging the larger vacuum so often. Once a week it gets a full vacuum to clean the floor. This keeps it clean enough that Hubby only has to clean and polish it once a month.

We have 2 ceiling lights in the kitchen. We also have a hanging 3 bulb light over the sink area and recessed lighting in the ceilings over all the counters. We only turn on the lights where we need them for the task we are doing. When it is daylight, we rarely turn them on unless it is dark and stormy outside. All of the bulbs are LED’S.

I know where everything is in my refrigerator so that I can quickly get whatever I need and close the door. We don’t want to let all that cold air into the room.

I keep my two pantries in my kitchen stocked with what I usually use so that I don’t have to run to other areas of the house to retrieve things. I put my meat that I will use for the next two weeks in my refrigerator freezer so that it is handy. It also prevents me from having to open the chest freezer as often. We also have small lights in our pantries so that I can see what we have. They are also LED’S.

Lastly, we use our garbage disposal for food scraps off our plates with the exception of potato skins, any kind of bone, fruit rinds, and egg shells. These things will ruin your disposal. All other waste goes in our kitchen 30 gallon container. I push those items down so they compact. This way we do not have to use as many plastic garbage bags which are very expensive. I used to use the brand names but I switched a while ago to the Great Value 30 gallon ones. They look and are as thick as the brand name ones.

I think that is about it for saving in the kitchen. If you have other ways that you save in the kitchen, please share them with all of us via the comments.

4 replies on “How We Save In The Kitchen”

Hi Precious, those are great tips. Thank you so much for telling how you make the potatoes. When you made them on our visit they were so good and I am going to try to make them your way. I know how to make potato wedges in the oven, but I don’t like to use it this time of the year.

Hubby has been making refrigerator pickles and has so many condiments in the refrigerator this time of the year, it is crazy! I have to be careful how I cook and there is limited room for leftovers so we eat the same thing multiple days also. Hubby put an old coffee container by the sink that we put things that can go in his compost pile in the back yard. Between the food scraps and the leaves, he gets a pretty good amount of dirt to put on his garden each year.

Yesterday we stopped by Meijer to pick up a prescription and picked up some of the big cans of Bush’s baked beans. They were on sale for 1.79/can, which is a great price here. I got enough for a year, they are something our family likes for Thursday dinners sometimes.

You provided a great list, as always! Here are four ways that I can think of. The first one is when using the stove, turn the stove off a minute or two early and let the residual heat finish cooking the item. ex. pancakes. When boiling pasta, after I put the pasta in the pan, I let the boil just a few minutes then turn the stove off and place the lid on. Perfect pasta every time.
The second thing I can think of is similar to cleaning the refrigerator. But general cleanliness keeps a multitude of problems at bay, particularly bugs. Having to clean up after bugs can be costly in food loss and time.
The third thing I can think of is to decant your packaged items into seal tight jars to keep bugs or weevils out of the other packages in your pantry. If one container gets bugs, at least you throw out one item versus multiple.
The last thing I can think of is to plan ahead and cook multiple things at once, whether it is on the grill, in the toaster oven or in the oven. This saves heat.
Thanks again for the reminders.

Hi smhuh,

Thank you for taking the time to share. I do turn the stove off early but forgot it. Thanks for the reminder. I will have to try the pasta that way. Great idea on the cooking multiple things. I was just thinking about cooking a whole pan full of chicken thighs to take the meat off of for future meals.

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