Saturday and Sunday I cooked from what we had in the house. Saturday night I made mandarin orange chicken using orange sauce, mandarin oranges, and chicken over rice. I added a vegetarian egg roll which was delicious.

Last night we had cheeseburgers with sauteed onions and sliced tomato.We had a bag of French fries in the freezer that had just a few in it so we split them. An hour or so after dinner, we had some pistachio pudding that I made in the morning. I like to have SF puddings and jello’s in the refrigerator for a snack or dessert. Tonight we will have leftover hamburgers with some lettuce, onions and tomato.
For breakfasts, we had egg, ham, and cheese McMuffins. I made a couple extra for today’s breakfast. After breakfast today, I will cook up a pound of bacon to use with eggs the rest of the week. I am also going to hard boil some eggs in the instant pot for breakfasts and for Hubby to make some egg salad.
Hubby and I watched a lot of March Madness this weekend. I multi-tasked doing some sewing repairs while I was watching. I also did a bit of work in the basement. And two loads of wash got done and one was hung. The other was towels which I dry in our dryer. We went nowhere which saved on gasoline.
We also got our 32 day utility bill. It was $ 208.81 Last year’s bill was $256.09 for the same period. We used 406 KWH and 110 ccf’s of gas. I have to believe that it was down because of the conservation we do and the warmer winter.
My plans this week are to get ready to have our family for Easter. I will be doing some cleaning and making our menu.
What are you doing to save money this week?
5 replies on “This Past Weekend”
Hi Precious! We have so many leftovers from last week! I am not going to have to cook for awhile. LOL!
Hubby helped son on Sat, they got another phase of the knob and tube wiring in son’s house replaced. It took most of the day. Sunday we had a friend and her S/O over for a birthday celebration dinner. Hubby made some wonderful salmon on his smoker and we had baked potatoes, salad and bakery bread. Everything tasted so good and I had most of it on hand. I made her a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and chocolate shavings from a candy bar. Daughter’s family came for cake and to sing Happy Birthday. Our friend loves the little girls and it was a nice surprise for her.
Hi Chris,
That dinner sounds scrumptious. Your Hubby sounds like he is keeping busy in retirement. Glad he is enjoying it. Those girls are adorable.
We aren’t seeing much decline in our food bills because we’re eating more plant based meals at organic prices. We are, however, trying to keep food costs down by tapping into our stockpile. Many products are nearing their expirations dates so maybe it’s a good thing. The bad thing is we are NOT replacing many of the foods we are utilizing. Also, have you tried to buy canned cannelloni beans? I use them all the time in many of our recipes. So far Aldi has been out of them for months. Shop Rite has weeks whereby they can’t get them. I have dried cannelloni beans as a back up as well as other beans BUT in some of my recipes cannelloni beans are the only ones that meld well.
We got a delivery of propane last week. If we paid it in full in 10 days we saved $56.24 off the bill. I paid the bill with an interest free 6 month credit card loan so that I could keep an eye on our bottom budget line. Rather than pay the $876 in full, we’re paying it off in $146 increments. To be honest, once I lower the bill in full, we usually pay it off in 3 to 4 months. We also had to replenish our pellet wood stove supply. Hubby figured out that rather than buy enough for the winter season, it was cheaper to buy in needed supply only (10 bags rather than 40 bags) Prices are still the same regardless and we still qualified for a discount of $6.64 per bag vs $6.69. We saved $6. Every little bit helps PLUS it preserved our months budget plan intact. Despite buying all new kitchen Frigidaire eco appliances, as well as GE eco washer & dryer and regardless of our electricity budget billing of $122 a month getting a $76 rebate at the end of the year because each month we lowered our bill and came in under budget, our electricity company issued a new yearly budget bill set at $135 a month! I quickly called them, complained, explained we bought ALL new eco appliances, they lowered our budget billing to $120 a month. We saved $180 AND I am certain we will still get an end-of-year refund for less usage! Lastly, I purchased our dog’s spring/summer/fall much needed flea & tick Advantage II supply from Chewy on a six month subscription plan. By doing so, I saved $15 ($55 instead of $70). When the renewal time comes up, if I don’t need it, I just delay the subscription for another few months. I do this with all our vitamins, cleaning products or whatever else we constantly use from an Amazon subscription policy. We save at least 10% on ALL products. Again, if I don’t need it when the time is ready, I get an alert from Amazon. I just delay the subscription for another few months and continue to save money when ready.
My motto is ‘every single penny helps!! no matter how small”.
This week we’re changing our shower head to include a cut-off nozzle so that we can take navy showers and save on both electricity and water. Hubby is also finally installing an outside clothes hanger so that as the weather warms up, I can finally hang up those clothes outside. Less dryer use saves money. One other money saving option we are planning is to finally buy chickens (at least 4) Most of our neighbors raise their own chickens and will help my hubby build a chicken house and roaming area with left over wood, so zero costs (barter instead, hubby does their electric and car repairs). Neighbor will start us off with 4 chicks and a natural feeding routine. We will also eat the chickens once egg laying term has ended. Or if finances allow, save the chickens and keep them as pets. We’ll see. After Chick-fil-A announced they are no longer serving anti-biotic free chicken and what is going on with the Tyson Boycott (and the recent bird flu found in other animal/human foods) we think it’s most prudent to start raising our own chickens ASAP!
Lastly, despite me being tired from my chemo treatments, every three weeks the oncologist has me on steroids for three days (before, during and after infusion) This energizes me beyond belief. Many of the women state the extra energy helps them clean up their homes and catch up on much needed work. I started doing the same thing. Rather than pay a professional cleaner to come in and do the cleaning, sometimes for hundreds of dollars, I bought myself an all-in-one Swifter wood cleaning set up for $35 and it’s been working out fine for me. I have the energy needed to clean ALL our home wood & laminate flooring every three weeks, plus do dusting and furniture polishing without suffering any health problems! Hubby does all the rest of the easy cleaning, like laundry, some cooking and general kitchen clean up. I still do the bathroom. In any event, it’s working out fine and we only spent $35! I get supply Swiffer cleaning liquid and mop heads from Amazon every two months for about $10-$16 thanks to the subscription reduction pricing. Saving a lot of money! Hey! if the other ladies can do it, so can I!!!
Hi Cindi, I have not forgotten you! I have to run out soon to pick up our fish fry dinners. The place will be swamped since it is Good Friday. I will read and respond to you comment later.
Hi Cindi,
Thanks for sharing! We are keeping ours down by eating what we have also. It’s working! Being a canner I don’t worry about expiration dates. I just do first in, first out, and it seems to work to keep things moving.
I love cannelloni beans. I have found them at Walmart and Top’s. I do know that Wegman’s has them also. I have not looked for them lately since I bought a case quite a while ago. Perhaps there are shortages right now.
I am glad that you are stocking up on fuel. Every little penny does matter. Nice catch on the budget billing with your electric company. Who do you have, Central Hudson or Con Ed?
We have cut our electric bill down so much this month that they sent us a notice that we now are only using 10% above the most efficient customers for the same size house in our area. That is amazing considering we have two cathedral ceilings and and all our other ceilings are 10 ft.
For the dog and Amazon that is the smart way to do it.
I love my navy showers. I am always trying to move faster and faster in there to get out, I wish I could have an outside clothes line but Hubby hates the looks of them. So I hang inside. I would love to get chickens and my town zoning allows it but Hubby doesn’t want them. I don’t think that I would enjoy cleaning up after them either.
I am still praying for you. Steroids are amazing. I have been on them a number of times and I couldn’t sleep. I would be up all night ironing and cleaning. So much energy but they can give you problems with other things.
On the Swiffer mop, I have been using the wet one. I just use a microfiber cloth and then throw it in the laundry.
Take care of yourself and keep me updated on your chemo progress.