I hate having to put on boots, a warm hat and coat, and gloves. After living in Arizona for 9+ years, I find this all such an annoyance. However, since it was garbage pickup yesterday, I had to go get the cans to put away in the garage and try to get to the meters(which was unsuccessful) to read them.
Since it was just snowing lightly around 10 am when I was already dressed for the weather, I decided I would try to make it to Top’s for some things I needed since my Walmart grocery delivery had been cancelled. The roads were slick but I took it easy and got there and back. The worst part was the ice in the parking lot.
I had a much larger delivery list but I pared my shopping down to these few things: 2 lbs. of carrots with a digital coupon for $ 2.49, celery for $1.99, a rotisserie chicken with a super coupon for $ 6.99, 1 Steak-umms for $ 3.99. 1/2 gallon of Half and Half for $ 5.99, 1 Top’s whipped cream for $ 2.79, and a box of Ronzoni angel hair pasta with a super coupon for $ .99 that didn’t make it in to the picture. Everything but the half and half was on sale. However, Top’s had the best price for this and it keeps a long time in the fridge without going bad. My total was $ 26.11 including $.88 tax for the prepared chicken.
All were badly needed except for the pasta and chicken. I like to keep a few boxes of pasta in the pantry at all times. So when I can get it under $1.00, I do. The rotisserie chicken was cheaper than buying a fresh one there and cooking it myself. Hubby sliced up a breast and we made sandwiches for lunch and he put it on a Caesar salad he put together for dinner. I was cold at dinner time so I opted to heat up a can of clam chowder soup. The chicken will make a couple more lunches and then I will put the carcass and skin in a bag in the freezer. When I get enough bones from other chickens, I will make homemade chicken bone broth. I don’t buy it anymore. I had no more Steak-umms in the freezer and I like to have some once in a while with my eggs for breakfast.
I tried twice yesterday to get to our meters to read them. I hate estimated bills. However, even with wearing Hubby’s high boots I could not get through the snow unless I shoveled a path. It was brutally cold out and I was not going to do that. I do have a few more days to read it before they issue an estimated bill. If I can’t do it, I will just have to tolerate the estimated bill.

It snowed lightly again most of the day yesterday so we picked up only about 3 inches. Our snow total this week so far is 29 inches. If it doesn’t look like that to you, it is because a lot of it blew away during the horrific winds we had and Hubby has snowblowed snow off the sidewalk and he likes to keep it off the bushes. We have more coming today. This picture was taken last night. Sorry, it looks so grainy but it was still coming down.
My grandson’s birthday is today. I can’t believe he is 14. Time flies! Because we are basically snowed in we won’t see him today. We have a gift for him that will just have to wait until we can see him again.
Did you save any money yesterday?
4 replies on “Finally, a Grocery Haul”
Hi Precious. Yesterday and today I didn’t go out to the stores. We have both girls today since older granddaughter is home from school on a snow day. Hubby played outside in the snow with them. I gave them some hot chocolate I already had when they came in. We had our usual pb & j for lunch. They wanted eggs for breakfast when they got here. Good thing I bought some. LOL! Tonight we will have leftover chicken barley soup for supper. We got 1-2 inches of snow. It is not too bad.
Hi Chris,
I would love just 2 inches! We seem to be done for a while after some more snow today. My snowplow guy was here 4 times this week. He is so reliable! It seems Hubby is really enjoying his retirement. The girls must love him being there all the time. You have to love soup in this cold weather,
So. much. snow.
I picked up a couple special deals as well. Safeway/Albartsons had Sargento cheese for 2.49 and I had a 2.00 off litter coupon and a 5.00 off any 5.00 purchase. I also picked up chicken Kiev and bacon wrapped chicken that was on sale.
I received and deposited 2 checks from an Apple Class Action that I forgot about – 184.00
Hi Patti,
Wow! That is really great shopping. $ 184. is a nice deposit! Thanks for sharing.