Every Day

The Last Couple of Days

We had a wonderful day yesterday with Alexa. It was just a quiet peaceful day at home chatting with her and doing some You Tube Quizzes. Last night we had an easy dinner of fried chicken sandwiches and shells and cheese. Alexa got packed to go home today and then we watched women’s college volleyball.

This morning, we had a quick granola breakfast and then headed to Syracuse at 9am to meet Alexa’s mother. They left to go to the Capital Region and we headed back to Buffalo. We were running out of gasoline so we stopped at the Flying J truck stop and filled up the car. We paid $3.599 per gallon. That is the cheapest price in our area.

We were starving and I considered stopping for fast food for just 1 minute. But I held fast to cooking at home and made us grilled cheese sandwiches when we got home about 1:10pm.

After throwing a load of sheets in the washer, I was exhausted. We have been busy and on the go since November 9th. I decided to take a quick nap that turned into a 3 and 1/2 hour one.

When I got up, Hubby was about to finish his chicken salad that he made for lunch yesterday. I just grabbed a small chicken pot pie from the freezer.

After canceling two tests scheduled for this Wednesday because of snow coming , here I am writing to you. I will sleep well tonight hopefully. Tomorrow will be a a catch up and football day. Then I have a busy week getting ready for my son and his two large dogs to arrive for Thanksgiving.

The house will get dusted and vacuumed and be given a lick and a promise. Those dogs shed a lot so no heavy cleaning till after they go home.

I am hoping to get all of the Christmas gifts ready to go back with my son when he leaves so that I don’t have to ship anything.

I will be back with another post this week. I hope you are all doing well with your plans for Thanksgiving.

2 replies on “The Last Couple of Days”

Hi Precious! We just walked in the door from visiting Hubby’s parents. It was a quick trip but got some things done in his mom’s new place. The big things were putting up a mirror, sweeping leaves off from the deck, putting a light on the ceiling fan in her office, and figuring out how to get her tv to work. Hubby and son did a great job with most of this, and the little girls and daughter helped with the leaves. MIL is going to have someone in to do the yard. She has so many trees at her new place.

We also saw Hubby’s dad and stepmom for a few hours, they are doing ok.

Thanksgiving will be at daughters again this year. Her in laws will also come since they are in town too. We have all celebrated together since she got married. This year we are making the meat, as you know, and I think I had told you I will make the Asian slaw and some no bake cookies like usual. I have most of what I need and will make a quick trip to Kroger tomorrow or Tues morning early to finish up.

Hi Chris,

I am so glad that you are safe. His parents are lucky to have you do so much. They are blessed. I am happy that you got to see his family.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving at your daughter’s. It is so nice to enjoy a holiday with family. I am so glad that ours will be together too.

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