While browsing my Top’s ad for this week, I noticed they had whole chickens and packages of drumsticks on sale for $ .99 lb. We have not had a price that low for chicken in a very long time.
So I went yesterday morning and picked up 1 package of the drumsticks and 4 of the whole chickens. At $ .99 a lb., the total of the meat came to $ 27.80. That gave me a little over 28 lbs. of chicken and bones.
They also had a deal where if you purchased 8 packages of Knorr Sides, you got $ 5.00 off on $ 10.00 worth of meat. Since we prep those for storage, I bought 8. That reduced the total for the chicken to $22.80.

After we ate a late breakfast, I decided to cook the whole chickens. I was able to roast 3 of them in my turkey roaster in our oven. The fourth one, I cooked in my crockpot. I took a picture of the roasted chickens after they came out of the oven but when I went to upload it today, it was nowhere to be found. So I guess it didn’t work.
While the chicken was cooking, I used the food saver to put the drumsticks in the freezer. Those will make 3 meals.
After the chickens were all done, I cooled them until I could work with the meat.

I separated the meat from the chickens and put 3 of them in this container and stored it overnight in the fridge. The 4th one was put in a large baggie and also stored in the fridge overnight.
Then I put all of the skins and a large number of the bones into my crockpot to make bone broth.

This was the result.
This all took a lot of time and by the time I called my sister for our usual Monday evening chat, I was beat.
Today, I used my food saver to bag up the chicken for the freezer after saving some out to make chicken rice soup tonight. It made 27 meals of chicken to put in the freezer. I also had put those 3 meals of drumsticks in the freezer. That is 30 meals and about 4-6 more of the soup. That is a great result for $ 22.80!
Please share with us in the comments any good deal you have gotten recently.
2 replies on “Prepping a Great Meat Deal”
Hi Precious! Those are great prices for the chicken and you put a lot of work into preparing them. Most of this month so far I have just been buying things as we need them since there has been sickness here and I have been keeping my granddaughters more than usual. I am looking forward to the summer grilling season. We had out first outdoor cookout with our kids this past weekend as a little celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary. Just burgers on the grill but it was nice to be together.
Hi Chris,
Happy Belated Anniversary! I too enjoy grilling! We had a cookout about 2 weeks ago. It must be time again.