Every Day

August 29: Low Spend Grocery Challenge Month

Not getting up until 10AM is a rarity for me. I must have been really tired since I fell asleep about 10PM.

So breakfast wasn’t on my mind when I started to get hungry. I assessed everything that was in our fridge to make sure that we are using up food before it goes to waste. Since we had cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and bacon that needed to be used, I made a salad for lunch. It was so good with Skinny Girl poppy seed dressing on it.  

I already have stripped the bed that West stayed in and the sheets are now in the dryer. All the dirty towels have also been washed. When the bed is made and all other items have been folded and put away, I think I will read for a while. Hubby should be happy with college football on TV sometime today.

We had leftovers from dinner last night. I heated up the leftover potatoes in the gravy from the roast.

Hubby sliced some of the lamb.

After the potatoes and gravy were very hot. I put the lamb slices in just long heat to quickly heat them. I did not want to cook them just heat them through.

Here is my delicious dinner all from leftovers. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

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