Every Day

August 21: Low Spend Grocery Month Challenge

Brunch this morning was scrambled eggs with cheese and some avocado for me. West had scrambled eggs and a biscuit. Hubby had a roast beef sandwich.

We had the same thing for dinner that we had last night;KFC chicken and sides.

Here is our menu for next week. I ran it by West and Hubby to make sure that we can follow it.

Saturday: Hot Dogs, chips and pickles

Sunday: Chicken, mashed potatoes, spinach

Monday: Chef’s salads; sandwich for West

Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner: waffles & bacon

Wednesday: McDonald’s take out 

Thursday: Grilled Cheese and soup

Friday: Roasted Boneless Leg of Lamb with sauce, baby potatoes, and a veggie ( My son and daughter-in-law will be joining us for dinner when they come to pick up West)

I hope you all have a great weekend. I plan on doing some meat shopping in the morning. West and I may wash the car too.   

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