Every Day

Just a Little Tip My Surgeon Gave Me and a Little of This and a Little of That

My surgeon told me I could start the South Beach diet in a few days. But he gave me a few tips. He told me to only eat until I start to feel full. He also told me to use smaller plates for my meals.

My dinner plates are huge but my smallest plates are the size of saucers. So I decided I had to buy at least 4 in between plates. Since I won’t be using them forever, I did not want to spend a lot of money on them. 

So I went to Dollar Tree yesterday and found 4 of the pictured ones. They weren’t my favorite design but they were the right size. The price was right at $ 4.32. 

It was time to read the meters again and submit them to the power company which I did. I noticed while doing this that both the electric and natural gas usage has gone down. It is still really cold here so I was pleasantly surprised. 

Pictured is what I ate for breakfast yesterday. The scrambled eggs are so yummy and the avocado pairs well with them. I can’t eat a lot of meat yet. 

I am going to try to do some laundry today. I am just adding things one at time because I get so tired.

I want to thank everyone who has prayed for me in the last 2-3 weeks. They worked because the surgery was a success and I am getting stronger every day. I appreciate all of you. 

8 replies on “Just a Little Tip My Surgeon Gave Me and a Little of This and a Little of That”

Hi AD, this is Chris. I am so glad you are on solid foods now and are doing better. Keep resting as you need to. We love scrambled eggs with avocado here.

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