Every Day

Grocery Shopping This Past Week and Good Family News

There was no stockpiling on this trip because nothing that I needed to add to my winter supplies was on sale at my rock bottom price.

I went to Aldi’s and Top’s and this is what I purchased:


Large Eggs – $ 1.09
1/2 gallon of milk – $ 1.19
Bacon – $ 3.79 
Loaf of bread – $ . 85
Sour Cream – $.89
Romaine Hearts – $ 2.19
Winter Blend Cauliflower & Broccoli – $ 1.09
1 Cantaloupe – $ 1.49

Total was $ 12.58.


4.60 Lbs. of Apples @ $ .49 lb. = $ 2.25 
18 oz. of Lean Ground Turkey – $ 2.99 – Free with Coupon
1 Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice – $ 1.49 after store cpn
16 oz. Planter’s Cocktail Peanuts – $ 3.79
2 Cucumbers – $.99 each = $ 1.98

Total was $ 9.51.

Eggs are higher than they have been and will probably go higher the colder it gets here. Hubby was almost out of milk for cereal. We always need bacon.

Tonight we are having taco salads using the romaine, ground turkey and sour cream. The veggies will get used this week. I eat a lot of veggies for dinners and lunches. 

Hubby loves melon for breakfast. I will be making homemade applesauce from the apples. We needed the cucumbers for salads. And last, Hubby wanted to make banana salad and he had no peanuts.

Now for the good family news: My oldest son graduated from a 2 year community college after high school. He was all set to attend a 4 year college out of state but changed his mind 3 weeks prior to starting. A few years after getting his 2 year degree, he married and then they had my granddaughter. During that time he started going back to college nights to get his B.S. degree. It has taken him almost 18 years in 3 different states, with several moves, starting and stopping, but he never lost sight of his goal. He now has all of his credits and all course work completed and is getting his B.S. diploma. Needless to say we are very proud of him. He did it the hard way just like his Dad! I have to give my daughter in law some credit for this too. It isn’t easy to raise a child while your Hubby is working and going to school nights. I remember all too well. Thank you DIL for always being there for your family.

Did any of you get any good deals at the supermarket this past week?