Every Day

A Busy Couple of Days

The asters have started to bloom in the gardens. We have three of them in different gardens and they are gorgeous this year. The landscape crew(3 people) were here yesterday so we were busy supervising and letting them know what we wanted done. It was the second to last time they come for the year. They have come every month since April.

The autumn sedum is also in full bloom. I love the color.

Today the fertilizing people came and did the lawn. They will do the winter fertilizer in about 6 weeks and then the extra bug application that we have put on once a year. Hubby fortunately had mowed just before they came. We will turn the sprinkler system on in the morning to wash the fertilizer in.

I put all of the stockpile that I have purchased the last couple of weeks on the shelves rotating the newest to the back.  

Every day I continue to exercise on the treadmill. Many days I just don’t feel like it but I push myself to do it anyhow.  

But today, I worked in my master bedroom closet. I changed out the summer clothes and put the fall and winter front and center. I also organized my bins on the two shelves. These bins hold spare shampoo, razors, extra medications, etc. I go through once or twice a year and get rid of anything that has expired. I then added the new medicines  that I purchased for this winter. 

I am tired from all of the work the last few days but I want to keep moving along with my fall cleaning. Are any of you doing your fall cleaning?

Tonight, I have my Wednesday telephone call with my sister and we catch up on the two families. I look forward to that every week.    

6 replies on “A Busy Couple of Days”

I have been plugging along with some winter chores as well. Cleaned some window tracks, wiped down some cabinet door fronts. No where near as organized as you are but it is something

Can you believe my neighbors stole my autumn sedum joy before my house was destroyed? I had that plant for at least 20 years and I cannot find any right now! You have been busy with your organizing.

We haven't yet done any fall cleaning,but this weekend will be a major cleaning project now that the boxes from the remodel are all gone. We can actually see the floor!

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