Every Day

Second Post Today

Dinner tonight was from our freezer. I had 8 pieces of chicken strips left over in a bag in the freezer. I cooked them all in the air fryer to get rid of the bag. We decided if we didn’t eat them all we would add them to brunch. However I forgot to eat brunch this morning because I was really busy making the freezer jam. Hubby only had a small amount of a salad. So we were very hungry and ate it all. Chris, this is the broccoli that was leftover in the freezer from one of our dinners while you were here. I just heated it in the microwave and then put butter on it. Waste not, want not. Hubby made a side salad to go with his. I dipped my chicken in Bangi Bangi sauce and Hubby put hot sauce on his. We each had a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.

I have now done 8 pint jars of peach jam. I told Hubby that he has to make them last a year because we have many other jams in the house to eat too. Last year he ate 6 smaller jars in about 2 months. He loves peach jam that much.

We have about 12 peaches left. We will eat some and slice the others for pies. They will be put in the freezer.

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