Read this and its 100% true.
The secret ballot has been scheduled for Wednesday. McConnell who did not run this time and is leaving in January is a rhino in the Republican party. He hates President Trump! The two that he wants to win as Senate Majority Leader are Cornyn and Thune who are just as rhino as McConnell. Rick Scott is the only one who will hold to Trump’s agenda. If one of the rhinos get in, the Senate will do whatever they want. The Liberal media is salivating over this. This is a coup! If this happens anything that comes over from the House will not get taken up. Nothing will change. Trump will be fighting the Senate. This is just WRONG and subverts the will of the people.
Take the time to contact your Senators today and tell them that you expect them to vote for Rick Scott if they want to stay in office next time. You can e-mail them if they have one on their websites(some don’t) or contact them at the switchboard:
Alternatively, you may phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. Tell them your wish of whom they should vote for. You will get someone answering phones but they will keep a count of who you want.
4 replies on “Evidently Our Votes in the 2024 Election Do Not Count!”
Hi Precious, I hadn’t heard any of this. Thanks for sharing.
You are very welcome.
Well, my senator is……..Mitch McConnell.
He has done nothing for the Kentucky people, let alone the American people. Glad to see him go.
Hi WendyG, I am glad he is going too!