I finally got to go grocery shopping yesterday at Top’s. Chicken is hard to find around here. Not only is it scarce but it does not look good, kind of gray in color and the price keeps going up. Top’s had some on sale for $.99 a lb.- leg quarters, legs, and thighs on the bone. They did not look good.
However they did have large rotisserie chickens on sale for $ 6.99 each with a limit of 2. I can buy them at B.J.’s for $ 4.99 each. However, it was not worth the gasoline to go down there. It is 30 minutes away and I had no other reason to go down. I can’t buy a whole chicken for this price let alone roast it. So this was a savings of both time and money. I can’t buy a large raw whole chicken for under $8.00 even at Walmart.
We had some of it on a huge salad for brunch yesterday. Then I made stuffing and gravy to go with it for dinner.
Today I cut all of the chicken off and used my food saver to package it in 2 cup portions for other meals like soup or casseroles. They are now in the freezer. The total cost for the chickens was $ 13.98.

They had chuck roasts on sale for $ 5.99 a lb. I purchased 2 large ones for a total of $ 41.15. They will make 2 stews and 2 beef barley soups. My last purchase was this Red Baron pizza that was $ 3.99 with a Super Coupon. This is for dinner tonight.
My budget for the month of January was $400. I spent a total of $ 145.93. So way under budget which I was thrilled with.
We will continue to eat out of our stockpiles here and spend as little as possible in February also. I do want to stock a year’s worth of corned beefs when they go on sale for St. Patrick’s day. We love reuben sandwiches. Meanwhile our freezers are going down so that I can stock on sale beef when I see it. Most of that beef will go on the bottom of the freezer. I believe that beef will skyrocket soon to where it is unaffordable. Once I have enough of that and chicken, I will stop buying meat.
Otherwise, I am buying as little as possible. The prices will not come down until people stop buying so much food. It is the inflation but also supply and demand. If the demand is down the prices will come down. So I will do my part to control it here at my home.
While I was out yesterday, I went to the drugstore and picked up one of Hubby’s prescriptions. I also went to Ace Hardware to pick up the battery operated shovel that I showed you in a prior post. Hubby ordered it online and they let us know it had been shipped to our store. He is outside right now trying it out on our walk. I just have to learn how to use it.
With the errands all done for the week. I will not be going out again this week except to get our mail.
Have any of you saved money on groceries this week? Have you gotten a good meat deal?
8 replies on “Grocery Haul, etc.”
Hi Precious, good shopping. I haven’t been grocery shopping yet this week since the weekend. Kroger has the pork loins on sale starting tomorrow for 2.49/lb here and I am planning to buy one and cook it up in the crock pot with a jar of sauerkraut. It smells awful when it is cooking, but the kraut makes the meat taste so good, and tender too. I will make with mashed potatoes for family dinner on Thursday.
Hubby got some help with the work inspections so he is happy about that. We are going to Chipotle for supper tonight, they are having a promotion in our state for BOGO entrees since one of our football teams won the college championship. The weather is better this week, so we will finally get a chance to take down the Christmas decorations. They had been buried in snow. LOL!
Hi Chris,
Funny that I should read this today. We had the ribeye porkchops last night. Hubby breaded them with Italian panko. We too had mashed potatoes and applesauce. Yum.
Hello! I discovered your blog through a link on “If you do stuff, stuff gets done” blog. We have a lot in common- I live in upstate NY as well (very disappointed in the refs for Sunday’s Bills – Chiefs game 😢).
I am very interested in saving and have enjoyed reading your archives.
Hi Melanie,
Welcome. A lot of people were disappointed. But there is always next year.
I hope I can help you out.
Well, I just posted this week about my grocery savings. Here are some other things I have done in the last week to saving money and maintain my assets:
*After going a month without buying groceries, my fridge was very empty, so I took the time to thoroughly wash the inside and the shelves and drawers. I have tried to pull it out so that I can clean behind it, but it is just too heavy. I will have my daughter and SIL help when they are in to see me next time.
*2 dozen free eggs from my farmer son.
*drove my car through the car wash 2 times to get the salt and dirt off. It was too cold to hand wash.
*Put insulated gloves over my outside faucets before freezing weather arrived.
*shipped safety toe shoes back that were uncomfortable to get refund using Happy Returns.
*did not stop at the cheapest store for gas. Was not feeling well so rather than wait in line, I stopped at a store that there was not a line and my health is more important than saving $1.10.
*Planning my home remodel myself with the help of my sister who has an amazing talent for that. Daughter and SIL will do the work (they own a construction company) this summer for a fraction of a cost. Planning now will allow me to watch for sales between now and the early summer.
*Enjoyed the football games over the weekend for entertainment.
*Take all lunches and water to work.
*batched cook on Sunday for the week. This keeps me from cooking fries and bag chicken or snacking. I tend to eat lower protein if I don’t prepare in advance and then my energy gets low and I feel weak.
*paid my annual car registration before I forgot it and got fined (I’ve done that 2 times before)
*was scheduled to go to Munich Germany in late February for work. My boss cancelled me because I am needed elsewhere during that time. I have been in Germany in February several times. I don’t recommend it. It is cold and wet and miserable. I usually end up with a cold by the time I get back.
*Running my gas fireplace instead of electric now that I don’t have to worry about pipes freezing.
Hi Wendy,
I can’t pull it out too. I figure we will find Eloise’s toys that seem to disappear.
Nice on the eggs.
Thanks for the reminder to get my car washed. But it never stops snowing here. Hopefully soon I can do it.
The insulated gloves is a great idea. We open all of the outside faucets and drain them. Our sprinkler company blows all the lines out in October.
Yes, your health is much more important than getting cheaper gas.
Good luck with your remodel. It sounds like you have a great plan.
I miss football already.
I would love to batch cook one day a week. I never seem to do it. We do cook for two nights usually though. High protein and electrolytes seem to keep us going around here.
I had to laugh about your registrations. We seem to forget our inspections around here.
It sounds like you are glad that you didn’t have to go to Germany. I am happy that you got out of it.
Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy reading about what you are doing. You have great tips.
Nice! I am trying to cut back on groceries but there is so much that Chris can’t eat because of health issues, its been a challenge. We have cut out the “sugar free” stuff and the chips he was eating. Not ready to give up DC and probably never will. Stopped buying fish (expensive and never fills us up), soup, breakfast or chicken tenders for dinner every week. Our weekly date nights are now 1x-2x a month (we get 50% off so that helps).
When his business auto insurance came up for renewal and it went up 2500/year I MADE him call and find out if he still needed 2 million liability coverage. Nope, they are fine with 1 million. (How many years have we been over paying that?). New quote is for 3000.00 instead of 6800.00, Cancelled the plans for new concrete, I would rather pay off his truck (his only debt and I have none).
1 day, 1 bill at a time.
Hi Patti,
It is hard with health issues. Fish is so good but you are right that it doesn’t fill you up. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
Wow. That insurance is shocking. Glad you were able to get the bill down. Our auto and homeowner’s is coming soon(March) and I am worried about what it will be with all the disasters that have happened.Yeah on paying off the truck. Best thing you can do in this economy is get rid of debt. I love your idea of 1 day,1 bill at a time. Congrats!