After rising early, I made us a breakfast of SteakUmm’s and 3 eggs each. I love this easy breakfast. Fortunately, I have a 60 count box of eggs in our refrigerator. It has gone up twice in price since I purchased them. So we are using them sparingly.

On Saturday night, I put the stainless steel racks from both of our ovens in one of our bathtubs, filled it up with hot water, and threw 4 Cascade Platinum Dishwasher Pods in the water to soak overnight. I took this picture this morning and you can see how dirty the water has gotten. It took all of the grease off them and most of the brown baked on stuff. I had to use a Scrub Daddy pad to get it all off but it was relatively easy. So the racks are like new.

One of our favorite charities is Tunnels To Towers. We give them large checks about twice a year. We don’t do the $11.00 a month thing but give much more in our checks we send. I finally braved the cold and snow to go out to our mailbox to get our last few days mail. We got these beautiful birthday cards from them. On the right is the cards and the matching envelopes are on the left. It is always nice to get a surprise from them.

When I came back in, our sweet Eloise was asleep on top of her favorite leather chair. I just had to share this pic with you to show you how big she has gotten. She is 8 and 1/2 months old now.

We had a quick dinner before the game last night. One of our favorites is shrimp cocktails. Later in the evening we had some monterey jack cheese on crackers.
One of the ways we save money is to always buy on sale. The shrimp was on sale a while ago for $6.99 a lb. We used the whole lb. between the two of us.
We finally got all of the forms that we need to file our Federal and State income taxes. I am afraid by just eyeballing it that we will owe this year. I will be very surprised if we get a refund. So I am in no hurry to do them right away.
I did two loads of laundry in warm water to try to catch everything up around here. I did use my dryer with our wool balls to cut down on the time needed to run it.
This morning I ran a lot of errands that needed to be done. More on that tomorrow.
Has anyone saved any money this past week or so?
6 replies on “Sunday’s Doings”
Hi Precious! I love the picture of Eloise. She is getting so big! We are waiting for a couple of 1099s then will take our taxes to be done this year. We thought we would do this for a few years to see how SS, IRA and our other new things are done in the 1040 and then go back to doing ourselves. We had always done ourselves until last year.
Last Sat Hubby and I did some errands. Went to $ tree for Valentine cards and also got some Colgate kid toothpaste for when the girls come to spend the night. We also went to Meijer for a free prescription and Hubby got some small candy hearts and small boxes of chocolates for the girls for Valentine’s Day. Dropped some donations off, returned something at Best Buy he didn’t need for his mom’s move, and stopped by Wild Birds Unlimited to pick up a bag of seed he had ordered.
On Sunday I met some ladies from the Y for coffee at McDonalds and got a senior coffee for .79. I stopped by Kroger on the way home. Here they were having a sale on some Kroger brand items on Sat/Sun and one of the items was a dozen large eggs for 1.79, limit 2. They were out of the eggs, but I got a rain check and found some good clearance: Pillsbury flour 5 lb for 2.25 and tortilla chips for .42. I got a couple of each of them.
Hi Chris,
Thanks. She is getting big.
I can’t believe that Valentine’s Day is so close. We haven’t see my son and West since December 7th. Hopefully they are coming this weekend to exchange Christmas presents. They were away over Christmas and between sicknesses and football we have not seen each other to do so.
Wow. Eggs that cheap would just fly off the shelves here too but alas the cheapest are $5.00.
Last week was the first grocery shopping for over a month. I had gotten to where I “run in and grab what I need” every week. Of course the amount crept up from adding this and that. After working through 2024 end of year budget and setting 2025 budget, I committed to once per month shopping again. Shopped Sam’s Club while in the next town to meet my daughter “halfway” for birthday brunch. Stayed strictly to my list. Shopped Aldi for everything else. Got unexpected deal on 3-piece kettlebell set for $20. Been watching for a good sale. The same set on Amazon is $99. This completes the last of what I need to continue strength and balance workout at home. Looks like I will be around $100 under budget on groceries- which is good because the electric bill is $80 over due to the weather and fridged temp that Kentucky has experienced in January. But gas budget is under since I had to work from home for about 12 days. Ate exclusively from home pantry in since Christmas.
I’ve been watching for a dirt cheap sale on flannel sheets since my last set is very worn. I use 100% cotton flannel all year round. While in Sam’s I got diverted down the sheet aisle because the main aisle was blocked. Low and behold, there they were – flannel sheets clearance for $20 for queen and king. I bought 1 of each. I was concerned that they would thin and cheap. I washed them when I got home and they are as thick and soft as the Martha Stewart that I bought 20+ years ago. If I had bought the Land’s End for 2 sets, it would have been $250.
So good week. Now, I’m staying out of stores and off Amazon for hopefully another month.
Hi wwgoff,
Wow. Going a month without shopping if fantastic. You did a great job. I think a lot of us have gone over budget in the last 4 years. I am cutting back too as you will see in my blog post today. I have many reasons why.
Nice score on the kettlebell set and the sheets.
The utility bills this month are outrageous and I expect next month will be like that too.
Thanks for sharing with us. We all learn from each other.
So this is Wendy G. I’ve posted before. I don’t know why it posted with only part of my e-mail.
Anywhooooo. Glad you and your husband are feeling better. Stomach bug is going around here.
Thanks so much Wendy. Don’t catch that. It is awful.