Every Day

Emergency Medical Stockpiles

The evening that I wrote my last blog post I woke up in the middle of the night sick as a dog. Things did not get better from there. Two days later Hubby got really sick too. I contacted my doctor and he diagnosed us through the portal because I knew there was no way that we could leave the house. Thank God we had a stockpile of medical supplies and everything that he told us to use, I already had. So we did not have to get a delivery from the drug store or grocery store. The first two days that I had it, I could not eat nor did I have the appetite to. But Hubby let me sleep and he checked on me when I would wake up to see if I wanted a ginger ale. Ginger ale and Gatorade were my lifesavers. Then Hubby came down with it and we just did what we had to do to survive. For one week, I ate just one dry English muffin, a small cup of chicken soup, and 2 eggs (which made me feel worse). We kept up the liquids because at our ages the doctor was very concerned about us dehydrating and landing in the hospital. My sons were equally concerned. Meanwhile I had lost 12 lbs. Not a fun way to lose it.

Finally I felt so bad the middle of this week that I decided I had to force myself to eat so I made us some fish fillets. The next day, we had steak, potatoes, and veggies. I made sure we had lots of protein because I was very weak. Yesterday, I woke up and felt 80% better. I looked around my home and it looked like a bomb went off. Yup, dishes everywhere along with everything else. Neither one of us had any energy to take care of those things. We were barely able to take care of Eloise’s necessities. So yesterday I reset my home and it is looking pretty good which made me feel a lot better. Last night, we both got a really good nights sleep.

Today, we feel 100%. So we will get the rest of our home in order along with sanitizing and cleaning everything.

I missed our Buffalo Bills game last Sunday and the inauguration of President Trump because I was sleeping. But I will catch up. I am looking forward to our game tomorrow. Go Bills!

Besides catching you guys up on my absence, I have a few more things to catch you up on. I have not spent any money since the last time I posted on here. So that is a good thing. Hubby is in the process of buying me a motorized snow shovel. I do the shoveling of our short sidewalk and porch and he does not like me lifting the heavy snow. He can’t do it because of his knee. So this shovel should take care of that:

Then he will sell our big snowblower. Our snowplow guy has been doing a great job on our driveway so we will hire him again next winter.

Also we were not able to get to read our electric and gas meters for our bill and submit them to the company. There was too much snow to get to them and I was in no shape to shovel a path. So we got our estimated bill for the past month. I think I told you I was expecting our bill to be around $300. this month which would be the highest bill we have ever gotten. The bill came yesterday and it was for $296.46 for 32 days. So very close to what I thought. It has been snowing every day for at least 2 weeks and very brutal cold temperatures. But we have stayed warm.

Then in the mail one day I got 3 coupons for 5 lbs. of Riceland rice. That is always needed in this home.

I hope you are all well and continuing to save money. Till later.

4 replies on “Emergency Medical Stockpiles”

Hi Precious, I am so glad to see that you feel well enough to write again. So thankful you had supplies for your illnesses. I keep them also. We had a good week, but kept older granddaughter more than usual since she was off school extra with the cold weather here.

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