Every Day

Cutting Costs Yesterday

I got a good deal on 2 lbs. of strawberries this week at NP. So I washed them, drained them, dried them, and cut them up. They will last about 10 days for us. Since I started putting some of my fruits in mason jars with a paper towel on the bottom, they last a lot longer in the fridge than they used to. This was so that Hubby and I can have strawberries with zero sugar whipped cream for a snack or for a dessert. Sometimes, I will just have a small bowl for brunch.

We were very mindful of natural gas and electric charges since I got that large bill and it reminded me about how expensive they are. When I got up in the morning, it was daylight. So the first thing I did was open the shades and blinds on the non-sun windows. That gave me plenty of light in the house. I just did that all day while following the sun around the house. I never turned on a light until the sun set. One light was on in the room it was needed until bedtime. There were no showers yesterday. I waited until the garbage people had emptied both the garbage and recyclable cans before I used the garage door opener to put them away and get the mail at the same time. No sense using electricity to do it more than once. We knew we were not going out anywhere. My laptop was off and unplugged when I was not using it. I did no laundry yesterday because I am waiting for a full load. I did not run the dishwasher either for the same reason.

Brunch was a yogurt with a little granola sprinkled on top. Hubby had peanut butter and jelly on crackers and apple juice because his sugar was low.

Dinner was grilled cheeseburgers topped with sauteed onions and tomato slices. We also had a side of sliced cucumbers. I am trying not to waste any food in the fridge especially the food that Chris and her Hubby so kindly brought us. I still have a couple of cucumbers left for snacking and one tomato. If it doesn’t get used for dinner tonight, I will puree it in my Vitamix and put it in the freezer to add to my spaghetti sauce the next time I make it. That will most likely be next week when West comes for his summer stay. We’ll see. Bottom line is that I don’t waste food.

I got an e-mail from my library telling me my 2 year library card was expiring and that I needed to go there and renew it within 10 days. I like to keep it up to date so that I can read the online books. I did not want the card to expire nor did I want to go out in the excessive heat to renew it. They have no way for you to renew online. So I called them and the librarian renewed it for me. It saved me from the heat and I used no gasoline to do it. It never hurts to ask. All they can say is no and usually they don’t.

Hubby did some paperwork last night and I watched “She’s in Her Apron” on you tube last night. She was going live at 7:30pm. I can’t believe I watched the whole thing until 11:44pm. Hubby came to bed and could not believe that I was still awake. It was a good question and answer vlog and when her friend showed up and became part of the vlog, it got very comical. It was like being at a girl’s night out. Many people were complaining in the comments about how long it was lasting. There is a way to fix that. Just turn it off.

Did you cut any costs yesterday?

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