The beginnings of a new recipe that we tried. I had a package of breakfast sausage that I wanted to use up. I do not like breakfast sausage so I tried it in this skillet dish to see if the other ingredients would help with the flavor. I cut the sausage up into small pieces and added a cut up onion. I then sauteed all.

Next I cut up 2 apples to stretch it and added 1/4 cup of Swerve brown sugar, 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper, 1 tbsp. of cinnamon, salt and pepper, and 2 cups of apple juice.

I simmered it down till it thickened a little and then added a little cornstarch and cold water to help it along. Then we served it over jasmine rice.
It was so good. The cayenne just gave it enough heat without overpowering the dish. Hubby said he would like me to leave the onions out next time. So I will try that. I also think one apple sliced up would have been enough for us. Anyhow, we ate this for two dinners and a brunch.
West and my son did not come on Sunday because West is coming out to stay with us for 5 days on Wednesday. It is his usual spend time in the summer with Grandma and Grandpa. He is now 14 and 6 feet tall. His taste for things have changed so I don’t know what I will be feeding him besides fish. He loves almost any kind of fish. So Hubby will be frying haddock for dinner one night. I also have shrimp. I will talk to him when he comes and then plan out some meals.
I still have not done a load of wash this week. I don’t have a full load yet. I finally had to run the dishwasher after 3 days. It was very full.
I have a pair of new jeans that need to be taken up. Everything is always too long for me. I have been procrastinating doing it for a couple of months. I can’t make up my mind whether to take them to the seamstress down the street or do them myself. I wonder what the going rate to have her do this would be. She has done stuff for me before and she does beautiful work. I think I will call her tomorrow and find out what she will charge.
The weatherstrip on the bottom of an outside door is coming off. Hubby will replace it when he gets to Home Depot to get a new one. With A/C on, it needs to be done very soon.
Hubby went to our local iron works company last Friday to see what they can do to make us a railing for the patio steps. They are not taking appointments right now because they have so much work. They told him to call mid September and they will schedule someone to come and measure and book an appointment. They approximated the cost to be between $1500. and $ 2000. Hubby says it is about what he thought it would be. We will be getting this done as soon as possible.
On Saturday, our sprinkler system came on because it is on a timer. An hour or so later, it started to rain so I manually turned that off as to not waste water.
I did not feel well on Sunday so we just had some canned chicken soup from our pantry. Thankfully, I feel much better today.
My plans this week are to go to Top’s on Tuesday which is 6% senior discount day to get a few things. Their loss leaders are not very good this week so I will not be spending much. I am interested in their peaches that they will have on sale for $ 1.77 a lb. That is the cheapest price I have seen here anywhere. Hubby wants me to make a lot of peach jam. I made 6 jars last year and he blew threw it in no time. So I will be making much more this year. I already have a lot of Certo, pectin, and jars in my pantry.
I am also hoping that our school district will have set their tax rate by the end of this week so that I can estimate what our school tax bill will be when it comes around September 1st. Their budget had a 3.5% tax levy increase that was voted in last spring.
Did you save any money this weekend?
2 replies on “Cost Cutting This Past Weekend”
Hi Precious. We were home and ate leftovers all weekend. It was nice to have a quiet time. I also wanted to report we finally got the electric bill, so gas and electric together was $187.63. Less than last month, but not as good as yours. It has been so hot here, but the weather is supposed to break tonight overnight, finally.
This week we will be getting our new roof from the hail storm. It is supposed to rain later today, so they didn’t come as scheduled. But they texted hubby this am early. The delivery company did just drop off all the materials, so things will be ready to go.
Hubby has had some dr appointments since going on Medicare and so far I am happy with how they are being covered. No more high deductible health plan- yay! Just have to pay the premiums and Medicare part B deductible and Medicare or our supplement should pick up the rest. We can use our HSA for things not covered. I am so thankful I researched before we went on Medicare and saved the $$ from the HSA. It will be a big help.
We have been watching the Olympics every evening for entertainment and have really been enjoying them. We have an antenna, no cable or streaming, and it is enough.
Have a great time with West, I know you are so excited for him to come for a visit. We are starting to plan when will be the next time we go see our elderly parents, thinking over Labor Day. School starts next week for older granddaughter.
Hi Chris,
Good luck with the roof.
You did great research. I just picked up another script for Hubby that had no cost.
Thanks. West and I set up his menu for while he is here. His tastes have changed so he wants fish, shrimp, hamburgers and chicken.
School already. Wow. The kids here don’t go back until sometime in Sept.