We made all of our meals from scratch except for using the Naan bread as the crust to make a homemade pizza. Our dinner meals starting last Saturday were turkey soup(3 times), pizza, cheeseburgers, strip steaks and baked potatoes, and coconut shrimp. Our brunch meals were eggs and bacon(2 times), turkey BLT’s, grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, hamburgers and broccoli, and eggs and broccoli. We did not go out to eat or get takeout. Hubby made SF pudding with Zero Sugar whipped topping for desserts.
Since we have about 7 dozen eggs, I hard boiled a dozen of them in the instant pot for upcoming brunches and made some deviled eggs for snacks.
I froze a meal of turkey soup for a future meal.
I entered our receipts into Fetch to get points towards Walmart gift cards to use for groceries.
My showers were navy ones and I filled a large 5 gallon bucket with the warm up water. This is used for cleaning.
I did a load of clothing and a load of sheets with minimal detergent in the washer. I used minimal dryer time using the wool balls.
Hubby needed to go to Home Depot to get some parts to make repairs in the house. While he was getting dressed to go out, I loaded up the back of the SUV with 8 bags of returnable bottles. We have been tripping over bags of them in the garage because a large run of them had not been done since the beginning of autumn and we have had a lot of company since then. Both Home Depot and Fast Cash are in the same plaza. He took back 176 returnable bottles for a total of $ 8.80.
At Home Depot, he purchased a Universal Flapper that needed to be replaced in our master bedroom toilet. It took him less than 15 minutes to make that repair. He also bought a package of wood screws that he needed to fix a dining room chair. When he was vacuuming the other day he found a screw under the table. We quickly found out what chair it had come from. He tried to put it back in the chair but it kept turning and wouldn’t screw into the wood. He also found another one had either not been put in the chair or had been lost in some other point of time. So he picked up a package of screws that were the same length but just a little wider. Then he replaced the two screws which worked perfectly. We will save the other 8 screws for future DIY. He paid $ 9.68 for all. He has saved us a ton of money over the years by being able to fix things.
We continued to pull out things we no longer want to sell at the community garage sale.
I sorted my seeds to see if I had what I want to plant this spring. I do so I don’t have to buy seeds.
We had doctors appointments back to back this morning. Afterward we picked up a prescription that I had ordered yesterday. Doing two things on a trip saves gasoline.
I started a stretching routine about a month ago and I can’t believe the difference that it has made in my body. The stretches have made a huge difference in how I feel and how my back feels. I will be keeping this up long term. I am also on the treadmill every other day for 30 minutes.
Before I close I wanted to tell you that the 1 in 11 oven grill pan works beautifully with the air fryer function to grill steaks. They have beautiful grill marks and they were perfectly cooked to medium rare at 450 for 5 minutes on each side. That was after preheating the grill pan. I just wanted to let you all know because someone asked how I liked it. I am using more and more functions and we are loving it.
How did you save money this week?
6 replies on “What We Did To Save Money These Past Few Days”
Hi Precious! Always love your good thoughts about how you saved money. It is encouraging to me.
I had a time with Kroger today. I went this morning like I always do on Thursday to get my groceries. I spent $63.xx on them. When I got home and checked my email, my credit card had shown a charge of $75.xx. Well, I couldn’t find my receipt, but looked at the one online and I had been charged for some things I didn’t buy. I printed it out and took to the store. Customer service looked into it with the cashier and I had been charged for the order after me also, and she got my receipt! Needless to say I got an apology and my money refunded. It was $11.xx! Nothing like this has ever happened to me. The receipt just had the last 4 digits of my credit card, so I am unsure about whether I should get a new card or not. The ladies at customer service said my information was safe, but idk. I do get notices whenever the card is used. My family thinks it is ok to not get a new card. Do you have an opinion?
The turkey enchiladas were outstanding tonight. We had a southwest salad and some fruit to go with. And some Oreos that I got at Costco when we went earlier this week. Their big box of them is a good buy. We also got vinegar, hubby’s mixed nuts, walnuts, a big box of Goldfish crackers, some jarred peaches, and the things daughter bought (I paid, but she will put her stuff against what we would owe her for the phone bill). Oh and a big container of M&Ms to use for potty treats for little granddaughter.
I saw a drawing in our newspaper this evening that showed the path of the tornado in our area. If it had come together just a few miles west, we would have been in the path. So we were protected. I am thanking God for that tonight.
Hi Chris,
That is a very nice thing to say! Thank you.
I am so sorry you had such a problem at Kroger. This happens when the people in line behind you don’t put the divider that separates orders before they put their things up and the cashier isn’t paying attention. Fortunately I have caught cashiers picking up items that are not mine so I haven’t been charged. But because of it, I put the divider behind my order every time even if no one is behind me, Because many times they show up and start unloading when the cashier is not done with my order yet. Last 4 digits of your receipt only should make it safe. You can always call your CC company and tell them what happened and ask them if you are safe. However I would ask for a new store card because she has that number. That should be simple just fill one out at the customer service desk. Sorry that you can’t get your Fetch rewards because you don’t have the receipt.
Your dinner sounds scrumptious. I love Mexican food.
You did some good shopping.
I am glad you didn’t have the tornado come through. God is good!
I needed an RX for my port. When I went to the drugstore to pick it up they told me the price was $45. I refused to pay and walked out. Told my DR and tried a difference pharmacy in TOPS Supermarket. The item then only cost $8.51. Again, I needed another RX, had DR call it into TOPS and the pharmacist called me to tell me the prescription would cost me $250. I immediately called back my DR and screamed into the phone the cost of the RX. He wrote another prescription and this one only cost me $18. Motto of story: don’t accept high prices! Know what the value is and fight back!! Since my garage service discontinued sorting plastics we no longer needed the recycling garbage pail. I called and they said if I returned said pail, they would lower my monthly bill by $10 (That’s $120 a year saved just from making a phone call) Aldi had nitrate-free bacon, which sells for $6 for 12 oz marked down to $2, so I bought six packages. If we eat 1/2 package every two weeks, that’s six months of organic bacon for a special breakfast! Today, for lunch, we cooked fish sticks in the air fryer, put them in a toasted hamburger bun, topped with a slice of yellow cheddar cheese and tartar sauce and it tasted like a real McDonald’s fish sandwich for pennies instead of dollars. I groomed my little doggie again this month saving $72 to a professional groomer. Is my dog looking perfect? Nope but at least she’s affordable!! And has a loving home!!! And eats well!! (she likes chicken leg meat mixed in her middle. .89 a pound for chicken legs that I make in the Instant Pot (thus rendering me free chicken broth!!) We just discovered, after endless trial and errors, that we CAN make our own pizza in a convection over thanks to using a cast iron skillet. Perfect pizza (I make the dough also) every single time now!! Hubby and I now love leftovers! Who knew? They’re great! Less cooking. Lastly, we cut our dishwashing time down to 1 hour (wish & dry) vs 3 hours. We use the quick cycle and learned that once complete, if we leave the door slightly open over night, ALL the dishes come out dry!! We’ve been drying our wash in front of our pellet stove. Hubby finally agrees to install a laundry line out the back deck starting this spring. YAY!
Hi Cindi,
I would tell the doctor to order the generic instead of the brand name if there is one. I never get brand names when I can get a generic.
Nice call on the recyclable can. $ 120. is a lot of money. I hope my sister looks for a markdown on the bacon because her Hubby can only eat that.
Your fish sandwich sounds delicious. I will have to make that on a Friday. I am thawing a large piece of haddock for Hubby to cook tonight and looking forward to it.
Good job on the grooming.
An airfryer is a convection oven. I use mine all the time for homemade pizza.
I do the same with my dishes, Just open the door overnight and they dry.
I wish Hubby would put a clothesline in the backyard. But he won’t. He does not like the look.
I should have proof read my comment before posting. Sorry. I see a lot of typos. Oops. But you get the idea!!
NO problem!