These are the things we did to save a little money this week:
- Spectrum sent us a copy of a bill to show us that they credited us for the 11 days that we were without ESPN and some other channels because of the dispute. They gave us a credit of $6.00. Since they didn’t take our monthly payment out of our bank account until Sept. 17th, they wanted to let us know that the credit came off of that payment. That’s $ .54 a day. Could they spare it for leaving us without NFL football? Since our cable bill is $ 80.97 + taxes, fees, and other charges monthly, it doesn’t seem like much. However as I have said before the little amounts of money add up.
- I mailed in $ 15.00 worth of liquor rebates. I had stocked up for the winter.
- Big Lots sent me a $10.00 off coupon with no minimum purchase because I hadn’t shopped there in a while. I used it to buy needed dish towels to replace some old worn ones. I cut up the old ones for rags.
- The landscapers moved two rose of sharon bushes to our new garden. We had paid for this the last time they were here. They didn’t do it then because the bushes were still blooming.
- We ate all our meals cooked at home using the most efficient small appliances.
- Hubby exercised by walking and taking care of our gardens.
- I exercised on the recumbent bike and did a lot of errands just walking around some stores.
- We got our senior flu shots. These are paid for by Medicare that we paid into for years while we both worked.
- We got 4 free Covid tests from the government. If you haven’t signed up for the ones they just sent to USPS to deliver, you can sign up at www.covid.gov/tests .
- I did 2 loads of laundry this week on Eco setting in cold water. I dried one load in the dryer and hung one load.
- We turned our heat off a few days ago but then had to run the A/C for a day and a half because it was so hot. Now it is turning cold and winter will be here soon enough. We will see how long we can go without the heat this week.
- Hubby found about a hundred wasps trying to build a nest in our patio umbrella. He killed them with some wasp spray. I hate any kind of stinging insects. Thank God he didn’t get stung.
- We have turned off our water faucets that have the turn offs in the basement for the winter.
- We took out another large CD this week at the bank.
That is it for last week. Did you do any frugal things that saved some money last week? Please feel free to share with all of us.
10 replies on “Frugal Things This Past Week”
We are in the lucky time of year here that both AC and heat are off and have been for about 2 or 3 weeks so far. Crossing my fingers we can make it last as long as possible.
Went to a new store (to me) Bargain Market. Found a few speciality items (gluten free, dairy free and some name brand items for a fraction of the normal price). It is a 35 min drive so I won’t get there often but it’s a good option if I’m headed that way. I’ve been walking 4 times a week for free exercise, now that it isn’t 90 degrees anymore. We have a 5k course that’s often used for various 5k run/walks so I walk that. I can usually convince one of my daughters to go along and enjoy the time spent. My birthday was a month ago and I successfully got the remainder of my birthday treats by picking up my free Moe’s birthday burrito. I love free gifts.
Hi jackeey49,
Yeah about your heat and A/C. I hope you can last a little longer. Hubby gets cold so we had to turn it on.
Walking is so good for you. I am glad you have someone to go with. It’s much more fun that way.
All those goodies businesses give for birthdays are so yummy. Happy belated birthday! Mine is next week. I also love free gifts! I hope you have a great day! I am up early because our Buffalo Bills are playing in London. So game time is around 9-9:30am.
Happy early birthday! Or maybe it’s now? I hope you get a lot of birthday goodies also.
I love to walk. It may be the single exercise activity I do enjoy. I walk with my mom as well. And yes it’s always nicer to go with someone. My daughters say I talk to too many people. Lol. We live in a smallish town and it’s very quite “mayberry” even in 2023. They don’t realize how nice they have it.
Hope you are having a great week yourself and can’t wait for your next post. You always have so much good info to share.
Hi Jackeey49,
Thanks so much! I had a nice day with Hubby and talking to my children and grandchildren.
I love walking and I missed my treadmill. I just found out that I can walk on the treadmill with my sciatica and it will help. Bit no running on it.
Thanks for your comments. Sorry it took so long to respond but today’s post will explain that.
Hi Precious! Good frugal week. Other than my grocery shopping trips I told you about, I stayed out of the stores. I made a big package of b/s breasts for Thurs family supper and we will use the leftovers for our sandwiches this week. We drove down yesterday to a neighboring town to meet up with some of our extended family to have lunch together. It was a fun time and we hadn’t seen some of them in a long time. The town is midway between all of us. Hubby is off this next week and we will be helping watch the girls while their parents go to California for daughter’s work. Their other grandma will help too.
Hi Chris,
Yeah on cooking the package of chicken! I love cooking once and eating twice or three times.
I am happy that you could have such a nice time with your family. Enjoy those grandkids.
• No groceries purchased.
• All meals from home stock pile, except 2 lunches provided at work. Did my usual bacon cook on Sunday so that I will handy meals for those nights I get home late from work; which is almost every night right now while we are in the middle of launching several new programs.
• Brought water from home to work to drink.
• Drove to work and home only this week – no extra trips to town for groceries.
• Got gas at the best price station in 5 towns that I drive through. Surprisingly, this was not my normal brand of gas that gets me the best mileage. This is a local refining company and I got 1 mile per gallon more. Cheaper and more miles. I was very pleased.
• Rode with daughter to my niece’s wedding. Wore what I have in the closet. The towel/hand towel set, cookware and measuring spoons that I gifted were all bought black Friday sales in 2019. I love having a gift closet. It was a beautiful simple church wedding and dinner served at the reception. Free meal, free fellowship with family, and free entertainment.
• Pulled toothpaste from my pantry. Pulled loaf of bread from the freezer (my last loaf so I have to watch for some good deals now).
• Cleaned my pistol and rifle myself this week. I try to keep all my resources in working reliable condition. I do drive over 60 miles one way…..
• Daughter canned and put up a lot of the free produce that I received. Peach jam, apple sauce, apple butter, tomato juice, bloody Mary mix. She also baked a huge brisket from the freezer and used some of the onions, as well.
• Pour all unused water on my house plants and the dog water bowl. Canning, bottle, etc.
• Rode my recumbent bike, did my stairs, squats, light weights on the back deck. I love to do this while looking at the sky and out over my acreage. It soothes my sole and improves my mental health and joyfulness.
• Ordered my maintenance medication 90 day supply mail order for free.
• HVAC is off. I love these cool mornings and warm afternoons. Turned water heater off in the morning when I leave and back on when I get home. In all honesty, I could probably go 2-3 days. It is a 110 gallon, very insulated tank. I’ll have to try that when my daughter goes back north.
• I have been thinking I need to caulk my windows. I’ll have to watch some YouTube videos.
• Needed a plumber because my kitchen sink would not drain. Pipe in basement had to be cut open and replaced due to “soap build-up”. $380. So blessed and happy that I have the money to pay for unexpected emergencies.
• Property tax time. $1,517. I think this has homestead exemption on it. My husband passed in 2022, so this means I will loose that and it will probably go to $1,900ish. I’ll call tomorrow and check and then put a check in the mail so I get the early pay discount.
I am very thankful and blessed that the union strikes haven’t effected my place of employment. I do work for a fortune 500 company and the location I work at is diversified and has other customer than the big 3. I have worked for smaller companies in the past during 2008 and other hard economic times and I worried about my job so much.
Hi Wendy,
Wow! Look at that list! It is so helpful to me and all of my other readers when you comment. Thank you!
I would be very pleased about that gasoline too!
I love my gift closet. It comes in so handy. What a nice gift you were able to give! Weddings are so much fun. But I find the simpler ones are so much nicer.
Good job cleaning those guns. People don’t do it enough. Safety is always first.
You have a really good daughter doing all of that for you!
You are blessed to have the money to do repairs.I never heard of soap build up. I have heard of grease build up which will do a job. Eggs shells caused me a problem once until I realized I shouldn’t put them in the garbage dispaosal.
Wow. Your taxes are cheap. Get that discount. I wish they did that here.
I hope your job is always safe.
Precious, we found a $10 bill yesterday! My husband spotted it. It was all crumbled up, in the dirt and it looked like people had been stepping on it BUT my husband noted the noticeable green color our paper money is printed with and lo and behold he nudged me to swoop down and pick it up. I did. We looked at it fully when we were back in our car and yes! It was a fresh, crisp ten dollar bill (once we swiped the dirt off it!!) YAY!!!
Hi Cindi,
Yeah on that $10. bill. Sorry it took me so long to read my comments but today’s post should explain it.