Every Day

Emergency Medical Stockpiles

The evening that I wrote my last blog post I woke up in the middle of the night sick as a dog. Things did not get better from there. Two days later Hubby got really sick too. I contacted my doctor and he diagnosed us through the portal because I knew there was no way that we could leave the house. Thank God we had a stockpile of medical supplies and everything that he told us to use, I already had. So we did not have to get a delivery from the drug store or grocery store. The first two days that I had it, I could not eat nor did I have the appetite to. But Hubby let me sleep and he checked on me when I would wake up to see if I wanted a ginger ale. Ginger ale and Gatorade were my lifesavers. Then Hubby came down with it and we just did what we had to do to survive. For one week, I ate just one dry English muffin, a small cup of chicken soup, and 2 eggs (which made me feel worse). We kept up the liquids because at our ages the doctor was very concerned about us dehydrating and landing in the hospital. My sons were equally concerned. Meanwhile I had lost 12 lbs. Not a fun way to lose it.

Finally I felt so bad the middle of this week that I decided I had to force myself to eat so I made us some fish fillets. The next day, we had steak, potatoes, and veggies. I made sure we had lots of protein because I was very weak. Yesterday, I woke up and felt 80% better. I looked around my home and it looked like a bomb went off. Yup, dishes everywhere along with everything else. Neither one of us had any energy to take care of those things. We were barely able to take care of Eloise’s necessities. So yesterday I reset my home and it is looking pretty good which made me feel a lot better. Last night, we both got a really good nights sleep.

Today, we feel 100%. So we will get the rest of our home in order along with sanitizing and cleaning everything.

I missed our Buffalo Bills game last Sunday and the inauguration of President Trump because I was sleeping. But I will catch up. I am looking forward to our game tomorrow. Go Bills!

Besides catching you guys up on my absence, I have a few more things to catch you up on. I have not spent any money since the last time I posted on here. So that is a good thing. Hubby is in the process of buying me a motorized snow shovel. I do the shoveling of our short sidewalk and porch and he does not like me lifting the heavy snow. He can’t do it because of his knee. So this shovel should take care of that:

Then he will sell our big snowblower. Our snowplow guy has been doing a great job on our driveway so we will hire him again next winter.

Also we were not able to get to read our electric and gas meters for our bill and submit them to the company. There was too much snow to get to them and I was in no shape to shovel a path. So we got our estimated bill for the past month. I think I told you I was expecting our bill to be around $300. this month which would be the highest bill we have ever gotten. The bill came yesterday and it was for $296.46 for 32 days. So very close to what I thought. It has been snowing every day for at least 2 weeks and very brutal cold temperatures. But we have stayed warm.

Then in the mail one day I got 3 coupons for 5 lbs. of Riceland rice. That is always needed in this home.

I hope you are all well and continuing to save money. Till later.

Every Day

Are You Broke?

Are you broke or living paycheck to paycheck? So many people seem to be today. With inflation so high which is causing the cost of everything to escalate, it is not easy for people to make ends meet.

It took President Biden( or whoever was running the show) 4 years to screw up this economy by printing and spending money constantly that we as a country do not have. Yet I hear people say that President Trump will fix this. They believe that the minute he comes into office, things will change. You can’t fix inflation that took 4 years to build at the snap of someone’s fingers. Will things get better? Yes. But it is going to take time. We have been through this before with President Carter. He was the nicest man but he screwed this country up really bad. It took 10 years to recover from his economics. So President Trump will do what he can to help the country recover but we have to do the best we can also. We can’t control the governments spending but we can control ours.

I believe that our new government will cut back expenses. But you have to cut back yours too. You have to control your budget. No one can do that for you. Whether you make $ 38,000. a year, $ 50,000. a year or $100,000. a year you can’t spend more than you bring home. Yes, there are people who make $100,000.+ who are living paycheck to paycheck. I have read or seen many stories about them.

You have to live below your means. You have to save an emergency fund for things that happen all the time. Cars break, appliances break, furnaces and A/C break, homes need maintenance, medical bills don’t get paid by insurance, taxes come due, car and homeowner’s insurances come due, etc.

These things happen to everyone. Just in the past week, Hubby had to pay up front for some expensive medical tests that he needed. The medical facility was not sure that medicare would pay on them. If medicare doesn’t pay on them, our secondary plan won’t either. We had the money because we are always adding to our savings. Just a little over a year ago, we had to put out about $6000. because our central air conditioning unit died. In December we had a custom railing installed so that I can get out on the patio. I could no longer get down the stairs without one. That was $1600. Things happen and you have to be prepared for them. We have paid our own property and school taxes every year since we bought our first house in 1969. We have never had escrow. We know these things are owed every year and we budget for them. We get our tax bills one day and pay them the next. Our car is getting old but is still going strong. But we know it won’t last forever. We save so that we can pay cash for our cars. We have been saving since day one of our marriage and that was when we only made $6,000. gross a year. Savings came ahead of everything and it always has. We pay our homeowner’s and car insurance in March when it is due. We have a yearly policy so that we pay less than if we paid twice a year. They are bundled so that we get a discount. If you haven’t checked around for cheaper insurance when your policy is expiring, do so. Going to an insurance agency will really help you. They will find you the cheapest insurance. We did that a couple of years ago and are very satisfied with the company they found us. They don’t raise our insurance much every year. Most of the raise is because we have a homeowner’s replacement policy.

But I know so many people are living way above their means. The credit card debt in this country is staggering. I read and hear about people who are now paying their credit card debt by taking out a home equity loan. The worst thing you can do is secure your credit card debt with your home. That is downright stupidity. If you can’t make the payments, the bank WILL take your home.

Certain bills HAVE to be paid every month: your mortgage, your taxes, your heat and electric, a telephone whether it be a landline or cellphone, your water bill, your garbage bill, your medical insurance, etc. You know what they are. Everyone’s are different.

Other bills can be cut! Start with your grocery bill and cut where you can. If you owe any kind of money, you should not be buying expensive rib eye steaks, prime rib, or beef tenderloins. You should be cooking from scratch because it is cheaper. Make your own breads, muffins, cakes, brownies, and pies, soups, stews, and everything else that you cook. Processed foods are expensive. Buy ground beef, pork or whole chickens, chicken thighs or legs. Chicken and beef prices are rising but these things I mention are still the cheapest. Eat beans and rice. They are full of protein and fiber. You don’t have to have a 3-4 course meal everyday. Eat oatmeal instead of eggs for breakfast. Make your own French fries, hash browns, and mashed potatoes. Cut one meal out each day. Hubby and I have only been eating two meals a day for years. If you have a stockpile, eat from it. Hubby and I are so that we can use up things so they don’t go bad. Don’t buy beverages; drink water. If you drink many cups of coffee a day, cut that in half. I now only drink 2 a day down from the 5 I used to drink. Cut out beer and alcohol. Do NOT waste any food. Eat leftovers for breakfast or the next night. Food is too expensive to throw away.

Eating out is an easy one to cut. Restaurants and take out are very expensive. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, this will save you a lot of money. You can buy a lot of groceries and make a lot of meals with the money you use to eat out.

Cut everywhere you can on your heating and electric bills. I have mentioned many things that we do. Just search saving on electric and gas bills. Start with cooking on a grill outside or picking the cheapest appliance to cook with. We use a small countertop oven. Before we owned that a toaster oven saved us a fortune. We cooked everything in it. We have snow on the ground right now so we are not cooking out. If the ground was bare, we would.

Wash your clothes in cold water. It will save on heating the water. Unless you get filthy while working, cold water and detergent will clean your clothes. Use just 3 tbsp. of detergent. More wears your machine out faster. If you have a stain, put a little detergent on that. Hang your clothes to dry outside in warm weather and in the basement in winter weather or somewhere in the house.

Go in and out of the house into the garage during cold weather. Before you open the garage door, close the door from the house. Don’t let the cold air in the house.

Check to see if there is a cheaper company who can pick up your garbage.

Use Gas Buddy to see who has the cheapest gasoline in your area. Use gasoline points when it is more economical to do so. Run all your errands once a week and fill up with gasoline when you are near the cheapest station. If you work from home, that is a great savings on gasoline.

Do not pay for entertainment if you are living paycheck to paycheck. You can’t afford it. There are many free things you can do.

Stay away from Amazon and other stores that will cause you to buy something you don’t need. If you don’t browse, you won’t see something you absolutely need that you really don’t. Don’t go shopping because you are bored.

If you have a pet, check prices just like you would on your food. Buy where it is the cheapest. Only buy your food when it is on sale. Then eat from your stockpile. If a certain meat is on sale, I will buy at least 2-3 packages. Enough to last until it goes on sale again. One exception is I buy organic ground beef on sale at Aldi’s in the three pack. I will buy 1-3 packages and then I will wait until it goes on sale again. I do the same for everything including mayonaise, ketchup, mustard, etc.

Rarely do I buy anything that is not on sale. If I need something, I will wait until it goes on sale. So check those sale flyers and see who has what on sale and then make your list. If you have to go to two stores, do it and buy more than one of the sale items in each store. Never buy anything that is not on your list. Set a weekly budget for food and stick to it. I really like when I am under my budget. For those that don’t know I cut my budget by $100. a month for 2025. My budget is $400. a month for two of us and family when they are visiting.

I have to get some things done around here. So you will learn more as I post it. If you are new here, go back and read my many posts. I have been doing this quite a while.

I just wanted to quickly tell you that I have not been on here in about a week or so because I am busy taking care of Hubby. He needs a knee replacement but the surgeon’s schedule is months out. He is in so much pain, I really have to help him with everything. The doctor put him on a large dose of Advil in the morning. It helps for about 4 hours but then he has to wait until bedtime. He is using a cane but he can’t carry anything. So I am doing everything including shoveling the walk and porch. I wish the snow would stop. It has been snowing 2 and 1/2 weeks here. Just a few inches at a time but it is an annoyance every day. The only place I have been is driving Hubby to Doctor’s appointments. April or May can’t come soon enough for him and me. Also Eloise is sensing that something is wrong so she is stressed. I have been trying to write this for many hours today but I keep having to get up to get something for Hubby or to play with Eloise.

I am off to shovel again, bring the garbage and recyclable cans into the garage now that the garbage men came, and get the mail.

I am hoping I can find the time to write posts but please excuse me if I am not on here every day.

Every Day

Grocery Delivery, Etc.

This was my Walmart delivery order last night. I needed a lot of produce.

I purchased tomatoes on the vine for $ 3.83, three peppers for $ 2.97, 3 lb. bag of onions for $ 2.98, celery for $ 2.72, 5 lbs. of roasting potatoes for $ 3.88, 1 cucumber for $ .76, 1 red onion for $ .58, 1 bag of coleslaw for $ 1.97, 2 containers of ice cream for $ 2.87 each and a case of cherry limeade bottles for $ 9.63 for a total of $ 35.06 + $ .60 in bottle deposits + $ .75 tax and a $ 7.54 tip so the grand total for all was $ 43.95.

We were totally out of ice cream and that is not good when West is coming soon. Our choice of ice cream in other stores is Friendly’s, Perry’s, Turkey Hill and Tillamook. We love Tillamook but it is very expensive when it is not on sale. The other brands Hubby hates. We actually think that the Great Value brand is delicious. So I usually get some on orders. I like the cherry limeade once in a while so that is my treat. Hubby had already put the case away in the pantry so that is why it is not in the picture.

Brunch this morning was a turkey melt for me and a turkey sandwich for Hubby. Dinner tonight was turkey club sandwiches. They tasted so good. I cooked up a lb. of bacon to use for the club sandwiches. We will probably have turkey club sandwiches again tomorrow night.

Every Day

A Busy Day

This morning Eloise let me sleep until 6PM. That was fantastic. Since I went to bed early, I got 9 hours sleep which I badly needed. So I immediately started a load of wash using cold water and hung it to dry. Then I did a second load of sheets and blankets. Those were dried in the drier.

For lunch I made turkey melts and we had SF chocolate pudding for dessert.

I did not go out today because it is in the teens. But I do have a Walmart delivery coming tonight. I needed some produce, etc. so I placed a small order. I will take a picture and show you tomorrow.

My back is really bothering me today but whenever I grocery shop or have a grocery delivery I clean the refrigerator and take stock of what I need. I had to take little rests in between and sit a bit. But I worked through the pain and got it all done.

I empty it of all the stuff and then take all the drawers and shelves out and clean them very well with soap and water. Then I scrub all the walls of the fridge before I put them back.

It’s pretty full right now mostly with condiments. But we are working at eating them all up. They are on the second shelf on the left. On the top shelf on the left is the eggs that were left when I got my 60 count box the other day. You can see the box behind the ones in the front. The box always fits perfectly up there. To the right of them is a container with 2 hard boiled eggs left that I cooked the other day. We use them for salads and snacks.

On the top shelf on the right is butter that I got on sale stacked all the way to the back of the fridge. Eloise’s dinner is in the container and then jellies and jams..

Back behind our medicines are 2 boxes of ready made pie crusts that I purchased over the holidays on sale. I will be using them to make pot pies.

Third shelf on the left is a container with sour creams, dips, cream cheese spreads, and cottage cheese.

Next to that is our leftovers which right now consists of red beans and rice with hot smoked sausage and some cooked mushrooms. Behind that is an overflow sour cream and a jar of applesauce.

On the third shelf on the right is bacon thawing in a pan for us to have BLT’s tomorrow night. I will cook all the bacon and we will use some for brunches too. On the other pan are 3 half and half’s, a quart of milk, and a cold cream for coffee. Behind all of those items are a diet cranberry juice and 2 Ready Whip Zeroes. I keep meats and milks on these pans because I do not like having to clean my shelves of drips and leaks. It’s much easier to clean the pans.

The fruit drawer on the left is just a few apples. The veggie drawer on the right has a package of romaine lettuce, 5 lbs. of carrots, and 1/2 of a huge onion.

The drawer underneath those drawers is my cheese and meat drawer. It has various shredded cheeses, blocks of cheese for snacks, sliced cheeses for sandwiches, and a few packages of pepperoni.

We will be using the mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, and pepperoni to make a pizza on naan bread for dinner. We season it with a lots of Italian spices.

We have all the bedrooms, bathrooms, and office doors closed to keep Eloise out of mischief. When my son left I meant to close the heat registers in all of the rooms except the bathrooms and our bedroom. So I remembered today and we will see if it saves us anything on our heat bill. With the temperatures so cold this past week and this week, I think we may see a $300.+ bill this month for the first time ever. Ugh.

That’s it for today. I need to go collect all of the garbage so I can put it outside tonight.

I hope you are all having a great day. Be back tomorrow.

Every Day

25 More Things I Am No Longer Buying In 2025

  1. Haircuts every 4 weeks – I am only paying for one every 8 weeks and I won’t go unless I have a discount coupon and can get my 8th haircut free. I use Great Clips.
  2. For those who are new here, I don’t color my hair. I let it grow out to it’s natural white and I am embracing it.
  3. Books – I am rereading all the ones we have here in the house. I also save gasoline and time by borrowing digital books through my library.
  4. No home goods or kitchen gadgets. We have plenty. Actually too much and I will be weeding them out. The exception is if something breaks like a vacuum cleaner or an appliance. Then I would replace them if need be.
  5. No facial lotions. Soap and water works extremely well.
  6. No lottery tickets- even when the pot gets big. My chances of winning are slim to none.
  7. We will not be going to a movie theater. There is plenty to watch through apps.We have just one paid app. It is much cheaper than buying tickets. We also can make our own air popped popcorn.
  8. I was looking at buying whiteboard contact paper to put on the chest freezer to write my inventory. It seems to be the latest trend. However, my method of keeping and updating in a $ .25 notebook works just fine. I keep it on top of the freezer to mark off anything I use up or put in it. So no spending on the contact paper for me.
  9. I will not be purchasing paper towels when my one package is gone. I have plenty of rags and microfiber cloths to use and wash. I save my bacon grease to cook with. Then scrape the last bits in the frypan into a saved jar to dispose of when it is full.
  10. I will not be buying any toilet paper this year. We have plenty and don’t use much because we have a bidet.
  11. No junk food except tortilla chips which we use for taco bowls, taco salads, and nachos, etc. or potato chips to use at a meal or to crush for a casserole topping.
  12. No baked goods-They will all be made at home.
  13. A particular drug that the doctor prescribes for me. He gives me samples once in a while so I have well over a year’s worth now.
  14. No organizing items – I have more than plenty.
  15. No store bought cleaners except soaps. I have plenty to last me for the year. When I run out I will make all of my own. I already make some of them.
  16. No bags to scoop cat litter into. I have plenty for this year. I saved the plastic bags from groceries before our Governor banned them. I have a huge carton full of them. If by chance, I run out of those, I have been saving Walmart and Amazon envelopes to use.
  17. No accessories for my outfits. I have plenty of purses, wallets, jewelry, etc. I dress simply.
  18. No more toys for Eloise. I just replaced her tweety bird because the battery would not hold a charge anymore and also got her a similar duck because she loves them. But if these batteries don’t last longer than 4 months, I am not doing it again. She has so many toys that I am tripping over them. I am putting most of them in a box and will just pull out a few at a time for her to play with.
  19. No ziploc bags or food saver bags. I have more than plenty to use up.
  20. Bottled water – I now have put up enough water from my tap for an emergency.
  21. Plastic containers to keep food in. I threw it all out last year and replaced it with glass containers and mason jars. Plastic leaches into your food.
  22. Seasonal Decor – I have cleaned out most of it and donated it. We kept our tree and lights and decorations for it, mangers, and wreaths and candles for our windows. That is it and there will be no more.
  23. Greeting cards – We have plenty and when we run out we have plenty of blank cards and envelopes.
  24. No new candles- Use up what I have.
  25. No paid entertainment beside cable and one app that I pay for.
Every Day

Saturday’s Doings

Eloise had me up at 5AM which wasn’t too bad. I think she was cold so I wrapped her in a very soft blanket for a little while till she warmed up a bit. The heat starts coming up to 68 from 66 at 6AM. Then at 8AM, it goes up to 70. I wish I could set it lower but Hubby gets too cold.

I made my coffee with a reusable pod. I used up the little bit of coffee that was in my air tight canister and grabbed another can of coffee from my storage. While I was down there I took 2 hamburgers out of the freezer and we had those with sauteed onions and mushrooms for dinner. We had nothing else with it because we were not very hungry.

After doing some picking up in the house, I heated up some of the leftover chicken and biscuits for brunch. We have a couple of pieces left for a snack during our football game tomorrow. Waste not, want not.

Most of the day I have been cleaning and organizing. I went through my 2024 planner so that I could pull the pages out that had personal info on them so I could shred them. The bulk of the planner went in the recyclables and the garbage.

I cleaned and organized the drawers in our vanity and the cupboards in the toilet room. I filled up the 2 rows with t.p. so that it is handy. It will last a long time because we have a bidet. Then I cleaned the tile floors. The toilet is cleaned every day. I used to use the Lysol toilet cleaner until the price went too high. Then I tried the toilet bowl cleaner from Dollar Tree which was awful. It is 90 % water. So I am back again to cleaning the toilet bowl with a denture cleaner tablet. I just let it melt in the bowl and then scrub. It does a great job. I can get 126 count Equate denture cleaner tablets for $4.44. They will last me about 1/2 a year.

It snowed here for the third day in a row so we did not go out anywhere.

Late afternoon I watched some news on You Tube. Then we watched some football and golf.

I hope you all had a great day.

Every Day

First Grocery Shops of The Year

Today after taking Hubby to a doctor’s appointment, I made a grocery list of our absolutely needed items.

On the way to Walmart, I stopped at the Town building and paid our property taxes in full.

At Walmart, I picked up a 5 lb. bag of whole carrots for $3.98. I also purchased a half gallon of Half and Half for $5.64, a package of American cheese for $ 2.48, and a 32 oz. package of frozen Atlantic Salmon portions on clearance for $ 11.50 marked down from $ 17.42. They must have ordered too much salmon for the holidays because the expiration date is July of 2025. If I had more freezer space, I would have purchased a lot. But alas I don’t.

I stumbled upon the clearance salmon. I hadn’t intended on buying that but I have only bought salmon once a few weeks ago on sale in about two years. I love salmon and Hubby has 4 whole haddock so we are now good on fish.

For a couple of years, the price for salmon was priced higher than I wanted to pay. So this was a good deal. I scanned the store and found nothing else that I could use at a reduced price.

I had no carrots left. They will get used in soups, stews, and for snacking with homemade dill dip.

The Half and Half was dated in March so it will keep even though I have two others in my fridge. We will use it all up by the expiration dates.

The cheese was badly needed for grilled cheese sandwiches which we love.

The total I spent today was $ 23.60. I purchased a 60 count carton of large eggs on Wednesday at Walmart while I was running other errands. I paid $19.26. Today when I was in the store, the price had gone up to $21.97. There seems to be no end to higher prices on eggs. When the cullings stop, the prices should come way down. Since humans can not get bird flu from properly cooked eggs, it makes no sense to me that they are culling so many. Can any of you explain why? I am thinking they are trying to stop it from spreading to other chickens but I really don’t know.

So I have spent a total of $ 42.86 on groceries so far this month.

We had the rest of the apple fritters for brunch. For dinner, we had an 8 count spicy fried chicken, biscuits, and coleslaw from Popeye’s on a meal deal. It was on my route home. I paid with money we got as a Christmas gift. This chicken deal will last us at least 2 more meals.

The good news today is that Hubby did not have any change in his prescription glasses. That is a huge savings because we do not have insurance.

Did you get any good deals today?

Every Day

A Little Of This And A Little Of That

It’s a mostly quiet day today. We did get a bit of snow but the sun has melted it.

We got our property tax bill. I knew it would cost us more for our garbage because we got a second can but that part of the bill was well worth it for $50.00 for the year. Our total bill was for $4664.+. Last year’s bill was $4788.+. So even with the $50.00 additional cost our bill decreased by $123.+. I am shocked because everything has just been going up and going up. It looks like our town and county leaders have done a good job with contracts, etc.

We both got our notices from Social Security showing our 2.5% increases. However, the Medicare payment for each month of 2025 which comes out of each of our checks went from $ 174. to $ 180. so the increase for our Social Security checks wasn’t much. But we both paid into SS and Medicare for years as everyone else does. At least we are getting a bit of money back over the years since we started getting it. I am hopeful that when President Trump is inaugurated that he and the Republicans will fix SS so that our children and grandchildren will be able to get it like we have.

A couple of weeks ago Nielsen sent me a survey and a $1.00 in cash to fill it out and send it back. It only took a minute or two and the return envelope was postage paid. They promised that if I did, they would send me an additional $ 5.00 in cash. That came today. $ 6.00 and a couple of minutes sure beats running all over inside of stores to ShopKick to cash out at $5.00 which I don’t do because it isn’t worth my time or gasoline. It would be nice if these surveys continue. But I am not counting on it.

I entered my last two weeks of receipts into Fetch today. I love getting the Walmart gift cards. They help defray the cost of my Walmart orders.

Brunch this morning was an apple fritter with our coffee. We had purchased a box of them recently. They are Hubby’s favorite. This year I am going to see if I can find a great recipe.

Dinner tonight will be canned Chunky soup and crackers. I am waiting for Hubby to get back from his orthopedic appointment before I pick out what we want from our pantry. The cortisone shot did not work so he is getting the gel injection to see if that works. I hope it works because I hate seeing him in so much pain. If it does he can get them every 6 months. If not the next step would be a knee replacement. Ugh! I am praying that he gets relief from this gel.

I ran the dishwasher last night. It had been three days since I ran it. I spent my hour cleaning yesterday and today in the kitchen. I am organizing at the same time and getting rid of things we don’t want.

What have you been doing to work on your goals for this year?

Every Day

From Us To All Of You

I hope you all had a safe and fun evening last night. As per usual, we did not make it to the ball drop at midnight. So that champagne did not get drunk.

We did have our filet mignon though but we changed our sides. We had cheesy potatoes, salad, and applesauce with them. We each had 1/2 of our filet mignon leftover. For brunch we sliced them up and sauteed them with garlic in butter. We made some scrambled eggs to go with it. It was a yummy way to start off the New Year and a good use of leftovers.

Pork is a lucky dish to eat on New Year’s Day. So we had pork chops, fried fresh apples(they needed to be used up), and leftover cheesy potatoes for dinner tonight all from our pantry and freezer.

We ended the month of December with $ 6,512. toward our savings goal. Not too bad considering we had Christmas spending and an extra $1000. that we paid for our railing to be installed on the back steps. We had already paid $500. down when it was ordered to be custom made.

Now it is January 1st and I am so ready for 2025. I plan on continuing to try to get to our goal for our children and grandchildren.

We will not be going out at all today. It is cold and snowing. So no gasoline will be used. There will be some football games on the agenda for Hubby which always makes him happy.

I am starting a new habit today. I have always been constantly cleaning everyday. But as I am getting older, it is harder. If I really needed to, I can hire a cleaning service to do it for me. However over the years, we have hired people to clean and I always ended up firing them because they did not clean as well as I did. So to avoid this, I am going to spend just one hour a day cleaning in a room until I have done the entire house and then I will just repeat. I will time it and when that hour is up, I will stop. This does not include doing the dishes, making the beds, doing laundry, or cleaning bathrooms which I do every morning to keep up with them. The exception will be Eloise’s cage which she sleeps in. That and her litter boxes will be cleaned every day.

We are starting the month off expecting our property tax bill any day. It is a large amount to pay out every year. It does not include school taxes which are paid in September. We already have the money set aside to go up to Town Hall and pay them as soon as the bill comes. I will let you know how much they are after I know.

I wanted to take a picture of my dinner. However, Hubby had put his ice tea on the table which was all set. However, he put the lid on and the straw in but never screwed down the lid. Eloise jumped up on the table and knocked it all over everything. I had to clean everything up and reset the table so that we could eat. Then I forgot to take the picture.

I am beat. I just got done cleaning Eloise’s cage and doing all the dishes. So I am going to go watch You Tube and probably fall asleep.

I hope you all had a good day! Be back tomorrow.

Every Day

2025 -The Low Spend Year

This will be our low spend year. I will aim for one or two no spend months as we go along. January will not be a no spend. The reason is that there are a lot of meat sales in that month. I don’t want to miss out on any of those great prices.

Since we are on the topic of food, I have cut our grocery budget back from $ 500. a month to $ 400. a month for 2025 for the two of us and it will also cover any company that we will feed. This connects with our Use It Up strategy. I will be very mindful of what we buy by always buying on sale and always checking our pantries, freezers, and refrigerator first. I will look for markdowns and reduced price items anytime I am near a market of any kind. If I run an errand or go to an appointment and there is a market on my route, I will stop in for a few minutes and just scour the store for those things.

We will try to cut back our utility costs which I have talked about in prior blog posts. We will also cut back the amount of water we use because those rates have gone up. We will be mindful everyday of how we are using water so that we don’t waste it. Eloise loves to drink out of our bathroom taps. But I felt we were wasting water while she was drinking. So we purchased her a fountain that was on clearance for $20. It recycles the water and we only have to fill it up every 3-4 days. It runs on a rechargeable battery so we don’t use a lot of electricity. Eloise starts the fountain running when she steps in front of it. Then when she is done it stops running. Thinking out of the box will be another of my mantras this year and I will share it all with you.

Every area of what we spend on will be scrutinized to see where we can save. What we spend on will be different than what you spend on. We each have our priorities. For example, we do spend on Cable TV. Hubby enjoys it so that will not be cut anytime soon. If it was up to me, I would cancel it because I watch it rarely. When I have some downtime, I watch You Tube to learn something new. That is so much more important to me.

An example of learning something new happened while my son was here a few days ago. We went out to breakfast the morning that he was leaving. We had put our kitten in her cage but his dog was loose in the house. He is an old dog but such a sweetie. I was the first to walk through our great room to go let Eloise out of her cage. I spotted quite a bit of blood on my off white carpeting. Well we soon figured out that the dog had broke a nail. I told my son I would get some cold water and a cloth. He said, “Mom do you have any hydrogen peroxide?” I said yes. He said get that and a cloth. He blotted it with that and I was shocked at how fast that removed the blood from my carpet. There is not even a trace that it was ever there. Being in the medical field for about 40 years, he knew about this. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down protein in the blood because of the oxygen in it. He told me it works on blood that has been dried on also. He told me if you get blood on clothing just put a bit on the spot and then wash the clothing. In all of my years and I am pretty old, I never knew this. So I learned something new that day! Thanks son!

I am frugal not cheap. For example, when I realized that the USDA had put some restrictions on ranchers selling their steers to meat processing plants recently which will make a severe beef shortage, I purchased two whole prime beef tenderloins and had them cut into 1 and 1/2 inch filet mignon portions. They were very expensive but it is something that we love. Knowing that they are going to cost more in the future had me stock up. We will be eating two of them and a tossed salad to ring in the New Year tonight. We will also be enjoying a bottle of champagne with our meal. The bottle is 4 years old so we will use it up. Every year we would tell ourselves that we would drink it and we would always go to bed early. I think tonight is when we will use it up.

Happy New Year’s Eve to you all!