Every Day

Let Me Introduce

This is 4 month old Eloise. She has already taken to Hubby. We adopted her from a rescue about an hour and 15 minutes ago. Right now while I type this she is sound asleep on his chest. I love her name so Hubby said let’s keep it then.

We have decided we don’t need to exercise any more because we chase her all over the house. She darts so fast.

She is fully vaccinated, has all shots that she should at this age, is spade, and is chipped. She will be be an indoor cat but I am glad she is chipped in case she darts out the door.

It was a busy day because I had a Walmart delivery at 9:30am with canned wet food and some litter. As soon as the things were in the house, I shot up to Petsmart and got a litter box, a scratching post, some toys, a feeding station, and a pet carrier. I forgot a bed and a thing for her to climb on. We will make a bed out of a box with a soft towel. I will get the thing to climb on shipped to me.

Then we went to the rescue and fell in love with her. We are happy that we got there when we did because another couple came in specifically for her right after us. I mean within minutes! Eloise was meant for us!

She went right to the scratching post and knew how to use it which made me happy when we got home. We have a law in New York that you can’t have a cat declawed.

We will be busy over the weekend getting her acclimated to her new home and us. You all have a great weekend!

11 replies on “Let Me Introduce”

Precious! She is SO cute! Congratulations! Hubby and I are so happy for you guys. She looks like our Kitty, who is also tabby, but Eloise is more tiger like our son’s cat. Daughter also has a tiger cat that is darker. I wish we were closer so I could come over and love on her. ❤️❤️❤️

Very surprised to see you got a kitten! She is so sweet looking. We are currently considering getting a puppy to replace our sweet girl we lost a couple of years ago. It’s a big decision!

Totally off topic, but have you heard from Cindi of Cindi and Nick lately? I miss her blog. She used to post on your blog but haven’t seen anything from her in quite a while.

Hope you have a nice weekend!

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