Every Day

Cutting Costs The Past Five Days

It seems to me that all we have done is spend money which we have this summer. But there are many cost cutting things we have done also.

We changed the furnace filter to keep the A/C running efficiently. We do this every 4-6 weeks. We have turned the A/C up to 76 from 75 to see if it makes any difference on our bill.

I filled our car tank up with gas and saved $.20 off per gallon using Top’s points. I will have to be more efficient with watching prices on Gas Buddy since I won’t be earning points like I used to when I was shopping. I can use my Walmart+ discount at certain stations. The cash station usually has a great price when I don’t have grocery points.

I have been working on using up all of the disposable razors that I have collected over the years for free or on deep discount to shave my legs. I continue to use up all of the foundation for my face that I have hanging around. The same goes for other makeup.

We continue to use very few paper towels so that the next package I open was purchased before the pandemic. We use rags and microfiber cloths for almost every cleaning job.

I still haven’t had to buy toilet paper since before the pandemic. We have a bidet and we have really gotten our money’s worth from it.

Hubby wants me to hire a maid to come every 2 weeks to clean our house. I keep putting that idea off. As long as I can do my morning and evening routines and clean one room a day Monday through Friday, I can do it. I have had maids twice in my life and that has never worked out well. I can’t get over the fact that they don’t clean as well as I do so I end up letting them go. So until I can’t do it anymore, I will continue to do it.

Genealogy research continues to be a source of entertainment for me. I am getting good value out of the discounted price I got a few weeks ago.

I finally finished J.D. Vance’s book so Hubby is reading it. When he is done, I will pass it along to someone else to read.

We have wasted no food. When it needs to be used, we find a way or freeze it.

When I stripped the bed that West was staying in, I set aside those sheets to wash when I have more sheets to wash along with tablecloths or dish towels. I only wash full loads.

I have been watering down our thick shampoos to get more out of them. I have been doing the same with Dawn dish soap. They are much too thick. Every penny counts when you are saving for a goal.

We also cut open our toothpaste tubes to get every bit out of them. With prices going up every week, we need to make sure we use up all that we have paid for.

Hubby has continued since our spring cleanup to do all the weeding and trimming of our gardens. That is a huge amount of money we have saved instead of paying the landscape people to do it like we did for years. I am talking thousands of dollars. He is getting exercise and enjoys it.

I cleaned the dishwasher yesterday with a packet of lemon Kool-Aid. Anyone who has read my blogs since the beginning knows that I have been using that as a cleaner since well before dishwasher cleaners were a thing. It is so much cheaper than those cleaners.

I did 4 pints of peach jam this morning and I have 4 pints to go this afternoon.

What have you done to cut costs the past week or so?

2 replies on “Cutting Costs The Past Five Days”

Hi Precious! I was thinking about what you said about not buying TP and paper towels since before the pandemic. I think I have only bought them once since then until recently. Especially the paper towels. I just started stocking on TP again and will watch for the paper towels to go on sale at Costco. They last a long time. I am like you and when I see a good sale I stock up on these. We try to be mindful how we use them also.

We had older granddaughter for the day yesterday since her summer camp is over. School starts on Thursday. We took her to a local factory for a tour. It is a candy factory. They charge a few $$ for the tour and give it back to you as a credit in the candy store, where the tour ends. LOL! Hubby spent just $2 extra besides our admission credit for her candy. We didn’t get any. She also picked out something for her little sister. We came home to eat lunch instead of going out.

I went to Kohls to have them adjust my Kohls cash and looked around the store since they were having 50% off in-store clearance. I didn’t see anything I needed to have, so I came home and ordered 5 short sleeve tshirts to be delivered. Between my Kohls cash and the $5 I still had on a gift card, I paid less than $5 to have them delivered. The Kohls cash was from when I ordered the undies and socks recently. I also stopped by Meijer while I was out to get my free prescription that was ready.

Hi Chris,

Happy TP shopping. I hope you get a great price.

I am glad you had fun with your granddaughter before school. Great deal on the candy.

That was a spectacular deal on the shirts.I haven’t shopped at Kohl’s in years. Yeah on the free script. I have to pick one up for Hubby tomorrow on my second trip to the cardiologist.I am very anxious to get my test results. Hubby had his check up with the cardiologist today and he is doing great.

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