Every Day

We Have Decided To Have A Fun Four Day Labor Day Weekend

I will be back on Tuesday! Enjoy your weekend.


Every Day

Back To The 1960’s And 1970’s

When I was growing up, I had a very happy life. My mother left my father when I was 3 just before my sister was born. We had no money and my grandparents took us in. My mother got a good job, her college B.A. in accounting, and I lived with my grandparents until I married.

My grandfather didn’t make much money as a shirt cutter. But he owned his home( his father was a builder), a 2 story home with two flats. Relatives always lived downstairs. Most of the money my mom made was handed over to my grandmother for rent, food, and daycare. My mom was allowed to keep enough for transportation(2 buses each way) to get to her job, food for her lunches, money so that we could all go to the lake for the summer, high school tuition( everyone in the family had graduated from this private school because it was tradition), and just a bit of spending money. My sister and I wore hand me downs from my older cousin. I got my first bike when I was 12. It was a hand me down from that same cousin. I never felt poor but I knew money was tight for the things they wanted for themselves and us. My grandmother could make a penny stretch on food like no one else that I have ever known. Every meal was portion controlled. Rarely were there snacks or soda.

This way of life got me very interested in financial things in junior high and high school. I used to take library books out of the library that today would be considered frugality books. I learned about finances in college while I studied for my accounting degree. It was the first time I ever heard about a checking account. I just soaked up everything I could learn. The two biggest things I learned was to never spend more money than you earn and to use credit the proper way. It was okay to get a mortgage for your first home but to furnish it with credit cards was a bad idea.

When I married my Hubby, he came from a different background. He lived in a very nice suburban neighborhood that was considered one of the best places to live. But as I found out over the first years of our marriage, they weren’t rich either. They did pay their home off quickly so they owned it. That was a lessen that Hubby and I loved. We paid ours off early and the last two, we paid cash.

So when we married, it was the 1960’s. Hubby owned a car with a car payment and was paying off a small student loan. I did not work the first 6-8 months of our marriage. We found an attic apartment for $ 80. a month including heat and electric. We had a cheap phone bill because Hubby worked for the telephone company. I brought not $1.00 to our marriage because I worked long hours to go to college and every penny paid my way through those 2 years. Those years before I worked, I read every thing I could find in newspapers and books on finance and frugality.. My mother in law gave me a few cookbooks from the WWII era and I made almost every recipe from them. I had exactly $25. a month grocery money. We had no more in the budget because we had to pay all the bills and we were saving for two things that were very important to us: For Hubby to get his B.A. degree in Engineering and to save for a house. Living in that hot apartment made us want to get out of it quickly. So we squeezed every penny we could and made that grocery budget work. We saved money religiously every month for our two goals. I got a job at the telephone company too but not where Hubby worked. I bussed it. I had no driver’s license. Hubby went to school nights and we saved my income and what was what left in his for a down payment for a new home.

We purchased our newly constructed home in the suburbs 1 year and 10 months after we married. We had saved enough money so that we could purchase with cash a bed, a refrigerator, a sofa, and 6 unfinished chairs to use with the used table that Hubby’s mother gave us. I had used green stamps( does anyone remember them?) to get a card table and 4 chairs so we would have a place to sit in the kitchen and eat. His mother also gave us an old dresser. Hubby purchased a door that had been damaged and made and stained 2 end tables out of it to go on either end of the sofa. They were so sturdy that we used them for 32 years. We sold them when we moved to Arizona. I wish I still had them.

We furnished the house as we saved cash to do so. We never ran out and used credit. I worked and got a ride with the man next door who actually was my boss back and forth to work.

I quit my job due to a miscarriage just before Hubby was hit by a car while walking from the parking lot near his work. He had serious damage done to his knee and was in the hospital for weeks and home recovering for weeks. He had switched jobs and hadn’t worked long enough to get full pay for long so we lived on 1/2 pay for a long time. We made it through without borrowing a dime from anyone. But it was a big wake up call. We had some money saved besides money for furniture. But we used almost all of it up while Hubby was out of work.

That wake up call was our journey towards financial independence. We set up an annual budget that paid us first every paycheck. That has been a line item in our budget to this day. We never wanted to wonder again how we were going to make ends meet! We had always been frugal but we turned it way up after that. We still had money set aside for entertainment and things to make life enjoyable every month. We have never felt like we were giving anything up.

Fast forward one year and my first son was born. Fast forward 2 more years and my 2nd son was born. Now we had 4 people in our family so we had to up the grocery budget. It went up to $80. per month. But it included all food, OTC meds, cleaning products, all soap products, cat food, and and personal care products. I only purchased Pampers to use when we went out somewhere. I washed diapers and hung them to dry for years. That saved us a fortune. Up until just before my first son was born, I went to the laundromat every week. But we had saved and set aside money for a washer and dryer. It was our first scratch and dent appliances and with babies I was so grateful for them.

As our money grew, we found places to invest it so that we could make more money. We continued to save every month and it just kept growing. The best part was all of the passive income we made every month.

Yes, we had emergencies come up but we always had the money to pay for them and we still do.

This is getting long and I need to prep our chicken parmesan that we are having for dinner, so I will continue to write more tomorrow. This is a blog post that I decided I was going to do way back when I started blogging in 2007. Now is the time!

Every Day

How We Save In The Kitchen

There are many ways to save in the kitchen. One of them I am sure you know like not wasting food. We never throw out food. It is too expensive to feed our garbage can. Eat your leftovers at another meal or three. It is not going to kill you to eat the same food 2-3 nights in a row.

I go through my fridge, especially the produce drawers, every other day or so. It only takes a few minutes. Any produce that is getting old is used up that night or the next or it is frozen. Peppers I will slice and freeze for fajitas. Carrots I will slice or make carrot spears and freeze. The sliced ones go into soups and stews. The carrot spears get sauteed in butter and used as a side. Onions get sliced or diced and used in casseroles or omelets. I have frozen tomatoes many times and used them in casseroles, soups, gumbo, or in spaghetti sauce. I just freeze them whole in a food saver bag. Celery does not freeze well. That I will use to make a side and stuff it with cream cheese and diced olive. My Hubby loves this. My mom used to make it every holiday.

I put my leftovers together on a certain shelf so that we always know where they are. Right now, I have French toast and sausage that Hubby will reheat for a brunch. There is also a small container of corned beef hash that will get used within a day or two.

We have 1/2 of a bag of the tiny potatoes that should get used soon. So I will cut them in half and put them in a skillet, cover them with a little water and bring them to a boil. Then I cook them on medium for 10 minutes and drain them. Next I add a bit of oil to the same skillet, heat it and then put the potatoes back in cut side down and saute them until they are roasted and brown. We love these. We will have them with chicken tonight and if there are leftovers we will eat them with our eggs the next brunch.

But there are other ways to save in the kitchen one of which I have told you. I use lemon Koolaid to clean my dishwasher. I never buy the expensive special cleaners. I am still using the bag of them that I purchased years ago when they were $.10 each.

I clean my garbage disposal with baking soda and vinegar. First I put about 3/4 cup of the soda in and then put vinegar in. It will foam way up into your sink. Then just let it sit for a few minutes and then run the disposal. It cleans it and gets rid of any funky smells. I have a black plug that keeps things from falling into the disposal like utensils. I put that in the top rack of the dishwasher whenever I run it.

I never use the self cleaning cycle on my oven anymore. If I cook a pizza or something at 400 degrees or more, I will wipe it out when it has cooled down a bit. If there is something I can’t get off, I put a small bowl of ammonia on one of the racks and let it sit overnight with the door closed. In the morning, everything wipes out. The self cleaning cycle takes a lot of energy that I prefer to save.

Also I use Scrub Mommies in my sink to do pots and pans and dishes that I do not put in the dishwasher. That sponge goes into the top rack of my dishwasher when it needs to.

When I am washing the dishes or pans in the sink, I fill the 2 sinks about a 1/4 of the way. One has soap added for cleaning and the other has water only for rinsing. Don’t let your water run down the drain while you do that. You can waste gallons of water. I try to do that all of the time. I am not perfect so I get distracted sometimes just like everyone.

When I am done with the sinks, I spray them with an all purpose cleaner and rinse and then wipe them dry with the dish towel that I used that day. I change my 2 dish towels every day. I have one color of towels for dishes and a different color one to dry our hands. That way we don’t get them mixed up.

We use our 11 in 1 countertop stove for almost everything. We also use our instant pot, crock pot, and microwave for meals that we don’t put in that oven. We do grill outside now a lot and plan on using that right through the winter unless we are buried in snow.

Catch your water in the kitchen in a big pot or bowl while you are waiting for it to warm up. You can use that water to clean with, water plants, or to boil pasta, etc. Don’t just let it run down the drain. When you do use your stove top, cover your pots and pans. Things will cook faster.

We use a small hand vacuum that is always charging in my kitchen to clean up any crumbs on the counter or that fall on the floor every night to keep things clean. It saves us from lugging the larger vacuum so often. Once a week it gets a full vacuum to clean the floor. This keeps it clean enough that Hubby only has to clean and polish it once a month.

We have 2 ceiling lights in the kitchen. We also have a hanging 3 bulb light over the sink area and recessed lighting in the ceilings over all the counters. We only turn on the lights where we need them for the task we are doing. When it is daylight, we rarely turn them on unless it is dark and stormy outside. All of the bulbs are LED’S.

I know where everything is in my refrigerator so that I can quickly get whatever I need and close the door. We don’t want to let all that cold air into the room.

I keep my two pantries in my kitchen stocked with what I usually use so that I don’t have to run to other areas of the house to retrieve things. I put my meat that I will use for the next two weeks in my refrigerator freezer so that it is handy. It also prevents me from having to open the chest freezer as often. We also have small lights in our pantries so that I can see what we have. They are also LED’S.

Lastly, we use our garbage disposal for food scraps off our plates with the exception of potato skins, any kind of bone, fruit rinds, and egg shells. These things will ruin your disposal. All other waste goes in our kitchen 30 gallon container. I push those items down so they compact. This way we do not have to use as many plastic garbage bags which are very expensive. I used to use the brand names but I switched a while ago to the Great Value 30 gallon ones. They look and are as thick as the brand name ones.

I think that is about it for saving in the kitchen. If you have other ways that you save in the kitchen, please share them with all of us via the comments.

Every Day

Busy Monday

We had corned beef reuben sandwiches again last night. So tonight we will be having turkey BLT’s so that we can use up the turkey and tomatoes. Bacon was cooked on Saturday for breakfast yesterday and the BLT’s tonight.

This morning I was up and out at 7:15 a.m. for an eye doctor checkup. My eyes were the same as last year. No cataracts and no sign of any damage at all. I can continue to use my cheap reading glasses. They only put one dilation drop in each eye so I was able to stop at Top’s on the way home and get these two packages of chicken breasts for $ 2.49 a lb. Chicken seems to be scarce in our area so I am grabbing what I can when it is on sale.

These will be preserved with the food saver and put in the upstairs freezer. I have other chicken breasts frozen. Those will come out of the freezer and be thawed and canned because they are older.

I cashed out points for a $10.00 Amazon GC at Pinecone. I am signing up at some more sites to earn points.

I did one load of wash using cold water and hung it to dry. I also did one full load of dishes in the dishwasher using 1 tbsp. of dish soap. They are air drying now.

Hubby is outside watering all of the flowers that are in baskets and pots. I am continuing to go through all of our stuff and either toss it, donate it, or sell it.

What have you been doing to save a little money?

Every Day

Saturday’s Lazy Day

Hubby decided late last night that he did not want potatoes, carrots, and cabbage in with the corned beef when I cooked it. He just wants reuben sandwiches. So I checked my pantry and refrigerator and I had swiss cheese slices and sauerkraut but I did not have the marble rye bread nor the ingredients to make it. So I was at the market at 7am buying this $ 5.69 loaf of bread. They had no marble rye so this was the closest I could get to it. We do have the ingredients to make Russian dressing. Hubby can’t wait to make one after the Bills preseason football game. I started the corned beef very early so it should be done by 5pm. It is cooking in beer and a little bit of water along with the spice packet that came with it.

Today will be a lazy day of watching the game and doing some reading.

During the game, I cooked up 1 pound of bacon for our family Sunday breakfast tomorrow. We haven’t seen my grandson and son in a few weeks so we are looking forward to it. When they get here in the morning, I will cook up a package of breakfast sausage, make scrambled eggs and some French toast for those who want these things. I will reheat the bacon.

For brunch today, we had roast beef sandwiches. I had pulled some roast beef slices out of the freezer the other day and they need to be used up.

We turned off the A/C last night so that we could enjoy a cool night of sleeping with the windows open. But we had to turn it back on today because the heat and muggy weather is coming back and will last all of this coming week. Just as I am posting this, the A/C has turned on for the first time today. It is 6:35pm.

We will be getting our school tax bill in a week or so. I found the 2024-2025 tax rate per thousand and have estimated the bill at $ 5981. Yikes! We will see how close I come to it.

Hubby made the reubens for our dinner when the corned beef was done and had cooled a bit. He put corned beef, sauerkraut, and swiss cheese slices on the buttered bread and then grilled them on our indoor grill. I forgot how good they are. We are looking forward to eating these as long as the corned beef lasts.

Enjoy your evening.

Every Day

Friday’s Doings

Dinner last night was made using the above items. We have leftovers from this dinner and the shrimp fra diavolo which we will use up for dinner tonight. Waste not, want not!

I was given a $ 12.99 haircut coupon by Great Clips so I had my hair cut today and used it and gave her a generous tip. The price is usually $18. I washed my hair at home so I didn’t have to pay for a shampoo.

The Running’s Labor Day sale flyer came so I went and got 10 boxes of regular canning lids for $ 2.99 and 10 boxes of wide mouth canning lids for $ 3.99. Best price I have seen in a long time. They were $9.99 at my N.P. the other day. I also got a Mrs. Wage’s pickling and canning vinegar on sale for $ 3.49. I have more than enough tomatoes, vegetables, and fruit done for the winter. So it is time to can some sale meat to get it out of the freezer. So if you have a Running’s and can, go get yours.

I forgot to buy tomatoes at Niagara Produce the other day so I stopped at Top’s to get some so that we can make some turkey BLT’s. I picked up 2 beautiful beefsteak tomatoes at Top’s for a total of $ 4.60.

We got our electric and natural gas bill today and it was outrageous. The bill was $ 154.00 for using 619 kwh of electricity and 4 ccf’s of natural gas. We used less kwh’s per day than last year same period and the same amount of ccf’s. Last year’s bill was $ 113.05 for less usage. That is a huge increase for supply and demand.

This is what I am thawing to cook in the crock pot out on the patio tomorrow. Hubby is thrilled that I am going to cook this corned beef that I got at a great price last March. I see a couple of dinners and some sandwiches for brunches.

What are you doing to save money?

Every Day

More Cost Cutting

We had Shrimp Fra Diavolo for dinner last night. These are the ingredients. They were all in my freezers and pantries. If you don’t have any white wine, you can substitute chicken broth for it. I have done that many times.

It turned out delicious as usual. This shrimp was getting close to being freezer burned so I needed to use it up. I think it was old when I bought it. Top’s marks over the expiration dates on all of their seafood. They have been doing that since the pandemic started. You have to ask why they are hiding the date. From now on, I will buy my shrimp elsewhere.

We had roast beef sandwiches with au jus gravy on buns for brunch today.

All meals were made with what we have at home.

I have another CD expiring soon so I am doing my research to see what the interest rates are at two different credit unions. I will put it with the one that has the highest interest rate.

Hubby mowed the lawn on Tuesday and today he is weeding some of the gardens. Turf Tec fertilized the lawn yesterday so we let the sprinkler come on today to water it in.

I am going through every item in this house and selling what we no longer use or donating it. The less we have the less we have to take care of.

That is it for today. I will be back tomorrow with more.

Every Day

Cutting Costs

We had teriyaki noodles ($.89) and filet mignon for dinner last night. We grilled it outside at home. Filet mignon at restaurants is $35.- $ 59. Ours was cut by the butchers at Niagara Produce when I purchased a whole tenderloin almost 2 years ago. I paid $10.99 a lb. Each one is 5-6 oz. so these cost us about $ 4.13 or $ 8.26 for both for dinner tonight. It is so much cheaper to eat at home. It pays to have a food saver because food keeps a very long time in the deep freeze when you remove the air. They were delicious.

For brunch, I had a cheese omelet. Hubby had an English muffin with the homemade peach jam that I made.

Hubby is down to his last bottle of Irish Cream Skinny Syrups to put in his coffee. I looked on their site and there was no sale. So I contacted them online and they gave me a code to get 15% off my entire order. It never hurts to ask.

I have been dealing with a mess that was created by Fetch. After months of trying to get it straightened out, I finally got a person that understood and I finally have all of my points proper on my account and it is under the correct telephone number. I was actually able to scan the last two weeks of receipts and order a $10. Walmart gift certificate with some of the points that I had accumulated. Patience pays off!

Our Rakuten rebate check for $ 5.17 came in the mail yesterday. By the size of it, you can tell that I don’t shop much. But every little bit goes to savings.

I continue to get 3 magazines in the mail that I have never requested and will not purchase because they are mostly ads. But I will be glad to scan them if they keep coming.

The utility meters were read yesterday so I should be getting my electric and natural gas bill within the next few days. I am hoping that it is not as large as last month.

I needed some fresh lettuce. Niagara Produce had the 3 count of Romaine lettuce for $ 1.99. I got 1. Top’s had a Super Coupon for Daisy sour cream which I was out of. With the store coupon you paid $1.99. But I also had some $ .50 off coupons for Daisy products which Top’s doubled so I paid $ .99.

We used up most of our gasoline getting home from the Adirondacks on Monday. Since I had no gas points for Top’s, I filled up at the cash only station for $ 3.35 a gallon which is the cheapest in my area. Top’s right now is $3.55 a gallon. Both Top’s, N.P., and the gas station were on my route today.

It rained here while we were away so we have not had to water except for our hanging baskets that are under the front entry so they don’t get the benefit of the rain. Actually we have not had to water a lot so our quarterly bill should be much less than last year.

We have found a snowplow guy for the winter. He stopped by our home yesterday and we hired him. It will cost $500. for the winter which is the same amount we paid last winter. This winter is supposed to be really snowy so I believe we will get our money’s worth.

I did a load of wash yesterday to clean the clothes we used on the trip and some others that were in the laundry basket using cold water and a couple of tablespoons of detergent. Most were hung to dry.

Every year I have been buying the Passionate Penny Pincher’s yearly planner. It had been very expensive. This year I tried to check the price for 2025 and it is not ready yet. I am assuming the price is going up. I then checked She’s in Her Apron’s planner and it is $ 67.98 for the weekly and for 6 months of the daily it is $ 58.95. So I would assume you have to buy two and that would be $ 117.90. All these prices are ludicrous. I will save my money and put it into investments. I will use a notebook that I got on clearance a long time ago for $ .10. and keep a running list of everything I have to do in it. I will use my outlook calendar to track our appointments.

What have you been doing to save some money?

Every Day

All Those Meals That I Posted Over The Weekend Were While We Were Away From Home

We went to visit my oldest son whom we had not seen since December. It is hard for him to visit us because he has a new job. That and owning a business too makes it very difficult for him.

He lives in the Adirondacks which I believe is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places in the U. S. If you are not familiar with the Adirondacks, you can learn more here:

So we drove out to see him on Friday morning. We took the Thruway to Amsterdam and then all of the back roads from there. We do this not only because it is a more scenic route but we save money on tolls by not continuing on the Thruway. We have EZ Pass so we save $ 16.04 coming and going because of that. Then by getting off in Amsterdam and back on in Amsterdam, we save $2.40.

We went straight through without stopping for food on the Thruway. We knew that our son had a nice cold cut lunch awaiting us.

I was so happy to see him. He is so happy and healthy! I was so surprised to see how much weight he has lost. He looks great! He is trimmer than he was in high school.

He had a beautiful outside hot tub put in his yard last Fall. That is what I enjoyed on Friday night. You all know the back issues that I have been dealing with. Well, my back has not hurt since I was in it and it is now Tuesday. I checked to see if our YMCA has one but they don’t. I will check some other places because I really believe this helped me. We can put one in our yard but we don’t really have the space unless we take out a tree and a garden to do it. So I am hoping there is some place we can pay and go to use one. My other son has one in his yard but he is an hour plus away. But when we visit I am sure he would let me use it. Last resort would be to have one installed.

While we were there he had the book called The Terminal List. When I asked him about it he told me has the whole series of the books signed. Then he told us the first book was on Freevee. So we binged watched it. Now I can’t wait until the second book is done and we can watch it. It is addicting. I will check our library to see if they have the books. If so I can read them while waiting for the series to be created and streamed.

The Japanese Restaurant that we ate at for dinner was . Hubby was not up to going out with us so he told us to have a nice mother and son dinner. We did and enjoyed every minute of it. We did bring Hubby home an appetizer of steamed dumplings because he needed to eat and this is what he wanted.

On Sunday, my son invited, his business partner and his girlfriend, to the cookout. My son grilled burgers, hot dogs, baked waffle fries and made a delicious pasta salad. We have really gotten to know Travis really well. He is a wonderful person and his girlfriend was lovely. We had a great time catching up.

Thank you son for all of your hospitality. We had a great time and can’t wait to see you again.

Now that we are home, it will be the usual around here. I will try to post as often as I can. We have no more company or vacations planned until next summer.

Our neighbors usually take care of watering our flowers while we are away. One of them was away and the other was having their huge party they have every year and we didn’t want to bother them. I paid a 13 year old neighborhood boy to do it and he did a great job. We will be hiring him on and off to help with some other things.

On the agenda this week is setting up an appointment with our lawyer to make some changes in our trust. Hubby has some appointments and I will most likely stay home most of the week.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!

Every Day

Meals On The Weekend

On Saturday, brunch was a huge cinnamon muffin. That was it because I knew we were going out to dinner.

We went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner and started with different appetizers. One of us had steamed dumplings and the other had broccoli in garlic sauce. Then we both had a small salad and a cup of Miso soup. We each had a Hibachi entree that had filet mignon, chicken, shrimp, veggies, rice and noodles. We brought half of our entrees home and ate them for brunch on Sunday.

Saturday night we binge watched The Terminal List. It was good.

Grilling out is on the agenda for dinner tonight: burgers and hot dogs with a side of pasta salad. Then ice cream cones for dessert.

Then hopefully we can watch the second half of Episode 1 of Terminal List.

It has been a delightfully fun and peaceful weekend. I hope yours is too.