Every Day

I Was a “Busy Beaver” Today

I was up before the crack of dawn today. So after showering and eating some protein for breakfast, I checked my to do list for the day. Besides writing to you, I had a lot to get done.

I spent last Friday and part of the weekend trying all of my clothes on and making piles of way too big(three sizes too big) clothing. I have done summer clothing. I took it all to Goodwill today. It will help someone else. Now I need to carve out some time to do the same with my winter clothes. Hubby took a look at the few new things I have left to wear and said it is not enough. So I ordered some more from Amazon.

Prior to going there, I did my grocery shopping. I just had a small list but more about that tomorrow. I love shopping when hardly anybody is in the store yet. It’s so quiet and relaxing and I can get in and out fast by following my list.

After I was done with the clothing, the sun had finally come out. So I decided to wash our SUV out in the driveway. That led to giving the inside a really good cleaning.

Besides cooking dinner tonight, I think I will watch some You Tube channels and prepare my to do list for tomorrow. All in all it is turning out to be a very productive day.