Every Day

Missing In Action

This had been a very busy week. We have had company, been tied up with appointments, worked in the gardens, canned chicken because I caught a good sale this week of $ 1.88 per pound for BS chicken breasts, had to have an expensive repair done that we were not expecting. Thanks to our emergency fund, we could pay for it with cash.

We got our monthly electric and gas bill. It was $ 132.98. Our electric was up about 80 kwh but that was because of A/C usage. I really couldn’t compare the bill to last year’s because the meter reader made a mistake last year and only charged us 7 kwh which threw our bills off for a couple of months. We are doing our best to keep the usage down. Our A/C has been off for the past couple of days because the heat wave has broken.

We cleaned our garage and Hubby power washed the floor.

I ran many errands. I took 2 – 40 pound bags of potting mix back to Home Depot. Hubby purchased too much. Yes, I can still lift 40 pound bags. I took 2 bags of bottles back to Fast Cash for the deposit money. I stopped at Aldi’s for a pound of strawberries that were on sale for $ 1.69. I picked up 3 prescriptions at Rite Aid for about $28.00. I took some donations to Goodwill and then my last stop was at Top’s for the on sale chicken.

We enjoyed having a friend here who we hadn’t seen for a long time.

I have a busy weekend coming up. But I will be back on July 1st to report how much we saved during the month of June towards our goal that we have been working on. We were not as able to save as much as we had hoped towards our goal because we had to replace the money in our emergency fund that we spent to repair our garage door. Last Saturday, I was putting some items in our car to get ready for errands this week. As I was coming back in the house, I pushed the button to close the garage door and it made a horrendous noise. The door went down but we could not get it back up. So for two days we could not get our car out of the garage. The company who came told us that the spring had snapped. The builder put in a door that only had one spring. The companies don’t even do those anymore. So we had them replace it with a dual spring unit and they replaced all the parts with stainless steel ones. This should last for years. But it was very expensive.

4 replies on “Missing In Action”

Hi Precious. We had a good week. Your gas/electric bill was outstanding given this weather. Hubby worked more this week, but it is ok. He got the paperwork filled out for the other pension and got it mailed. We had the little girls yesterday and took them to the local history museum again. They just love that place. We got in with our membership and took our lunch again. Only money spent was on ice cream and this time hubby let them each buy a small something at the gift shop and we got a discount with our membership. Tonight we are going over to one of our neighbors for a potluck. I am bringing the Asian slaw with the ramen noodles. I had everything to make it already.

I ended up getting a refund from Target on the pajamas I ordered for hubby for our upcoming cruise. The first set never came. The reordered set came with only the top, no bottoms. They said keep the top and gave me my $ back. He can wear the top with some of his gym shorts. I had ordered the pajamas b/c they didn’t have his size in the store.

Hi Chris,

I love museums. I am glad that your kids like going to them. You did well with the spending at it. It is so much fun spending time with the grandkids and spoiling them. So sorry that you had so much trouble with the PJ’s.

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