I hear so many people today saying I can’t save money. So many of them think that they have to save a large amount of money on one item to make it worth it. They are so wrong. There are usually only a few things that you can save a lot of money on but there are hundreds that you can save a little bit on. Those little things add up to huge amounts of money over a year’s time. We are a testament to having saved on the little things and the big things over our years of marriage. We would not be where we are today without having done that. Retired and comfortable for almost 23 years.

But enough about us. I want to tell you about someone who made his first loaf of bread from scratch yesterday. I don’t know if he thought about how much money he could save over a year’s time but I do know he will save a lot. He made it because it was healthier. You all know how much a nice loaf of bread like this would be in a grocery store or bakery. I think I could make this for under $2.00 a loaf. Especially if you buy your ingredients in bulk like I do. I buy 25 lbs of flour and 25 lbs. of sugar in bulk and store them in food grade buckets. Olive oil and yeast is purchased in bulk at a warehouse store. Most clubs like B.J.’s and Sam’s Club sell yeast in a 2 lb package that you can keep in the freezer. You just spoon out what you need when you need it. I always let mine warm up for a bit before I use it. If you prefer to buy honey instead of sugar buy it at an Amish store or warehouse club in a large container. It never goes bad. I always buy butter when it is on sale for $ 2.69 at Aldi’s around Thanksgiving and Easter. It freezes well.

I wish I could be with him to taste this beautiful loaf of bread. But since I can’t, I will just have to make it myself. He substituted honey for the sugar and olive oil for the butter to make it healthier. Now he has plenty of bread for his work lunches this week.
Here is the recipe:https://baranbakery.com/sandwich-bread/
My son who lives in the Adirondacks made this. I think he did great for his first loaf. I hope I do as well when I make it.
I want to thank him for allowing me to share this with all of you.
Do any of you make homemade bread to save on the cost of store bought? Do you have a special recipe that you could share?
6 replies on “Saving Money A Little At A Time”
Hi Precious, great post! I will check out the recipe. I don’t make bread from scratch now, but my mom used to make a potato bread that used a starter. I will share the recipe she used to make for yeast buns. These are the ones I made at Easter for dinner. They are especially good with ham, but you could use for other sandwiches:
Mom’s Buns
Using electric mixer with dough hooks (if you have), in large bowl mix:
2c warm water
1/2 c sugar
1.5 t salt
2 envelopes dry yeast
After this is mixed add:
1 egg
1/2 c Crisco
6.5-7 c flour, add 1 c at a time. We usually have to mix by hand starting at 5 c. You have added and mixed enough when the dough comes away from your hands.
Use a little Crisco to spread on top of dough and cover bowl with wax paper and a wet dish towel. Put in refrigerator to rise overnight.
The next day:
Grease cookie sheets or pizza pans, form dough into fist sized balls. (1 recipe will make 18-24 buns). Let rise 85 degree room for 1.5 hours. I put them in a cold oven with the oven light on, that is about the right temperature.
After rising, take them out of the oven and preheat it to 400 degrees. Bake the buns 12-15 minutes. When you take them out of the oven, butter the tops with some stick butter.
Hi Chris,
Thank you! Thanks you for sharing your Mom’s recipe with all of us. I will be trying these also. They look easy enough. I think I will pass this along to my son also.
You must be so proud of your son! You are so right that the little things do add up. Being frugal in our choices and day to day lives has saved us lots of pennies over the years and allowed us to save and pay cash for other things instead of charging. We too have recently retired because of our frugal habits throughout the years.
There are lots of things one can do to save money: watching utility usage, cooking from scratch, buying secondhand. Your lovely blog has countless ideas! Thanks for all the great frugal ideas. I often forget or get out of habit on some. I love all the reminders to get back in the swing of things.
There are many recipes for sourdough bread on line. Farmhouse on Boone and Little Spoon Farm both have sourdough recipes. I make a loaf once a week for the two of us. Fresh bread tastes delicious and is very easy to make, whether its from yeast or sourdough.
Hi smhuh,
I am! Congrats on your retirement! I hope yours is as lengthy and blessed as ours has been.
Thank you for the suggestions. I love Farmhouse on Boone but don’t know the other one but I will check it out. I should start some sourdough. Fresh bread is the best!
Looks delicious! My son that is 600 miles away also sends photos of things he cooks. Lately, he been especially happy with his homecooked broths. They are a big money saver too. M
Hi Rhonda.
I am so happy to hear from you. I hope you and your family are well.
Homemade broths are so yummy and so cheap. I will have to show my son how to do it. Your son is smart doing his own. Does he can them? I have a pot of homemade chicken soup on the stove cooking away right now. Made with my own homemade broth and raw pack chicken. I canned them both.