I went to Top’s to get these items and some T Bone steaks that were on sale. The steaks were not very good looking and they were sliced extremely thin. Hubby does not like grilling steaks like that so I didn’t get any.
The chicken breasts were on sale for $2.29 a lb. Since we have a lot of chicken I only picked up one package. The bread was FREE with a Monopoly ticket. We don’t eat a lot of bread but we have been craving French toast. The Diet Coke was $ .69 with a Monopoly ticket. I also had won a $10.00 Top’s gift card in the Monopoly game. So my total bill OOP came to $ 2.08 including a nickel deposit on the Coke.

The only other store I went to was Niagara Produce. Hubby has been wanting some red geraniums to put in our big tomato pots on the patio since we aren’t planting tomatoes this year. I have been searching for decent ones for 2 weeks now. The ones I had found were only 6 inches tall and I wanted the bigger ones. NP had them today. I got 12 plants for $39.99 plus tax. Have any of you found flower and veggie plant prices outrageous this year? When I got our hanging baskets in a prior post, they were $29.99 plus tax each. UGH! I told him today, no more flowers. They take care and watering that I do not want to do. I looked at the veggie plants and they also were outrageously priced.
There I also purchased 2 packages of strawberries for $ 1.99 each, a 3 pack of Romaine lettuce for $1.99, white mushrooms for $ 2.79, a cucumber for $.99, and 2 packages of dessert shells for $1.99 each to use with the strawberries and some whipped cream. My total came to $13.73.
I was very happy with both grocery shops. I am choosing to save as much of our grocery budget as possible these days. We have had some huge expenses since the first of the year and I would like to replenish some of that money by being careful with every penny.
Did you get any good deals at the market this week?
4 replies on “Grocery Shopping This Week”
Hi Precious. I did my shopping this morning. It was good and bad. After last week’s shopping I had $$ left so decided to just get enough cash to equal my usual weekly spend. I spent all I had today with just a couple of ones left. I got more meat than I usually do, but good prices, so froze some of it. The 40 oz jars of Jif pb were on a good sale this week also, limit 5, so I got 5. I did the math and it was the same price/oz for the Kroger brand pb when it is on sale. So now I won’t have to buy pb for awhile.
The bad was that I couldn’t believe how much the Certo had gone up since we made freezer jam last year. The 2 pack was 9.99. It will make 8 jars of jam. The price last year was 5.99. The dozen canning lids I got were 6.xx. I guess the law of supply and demand has hit the home canning aisle.
Otherwise I just got the usual things from the store perimeter, and a couple of clearance soups for hubby’s desk and marked down Go-gurt for the little girls. I am thinking maybe I need to do a pantry/freezer challenge for June since we are pretty stocked up.
Hi Chris,
Meat and PB are always a good purchase on sale. Lots of protein. Good job.
That is a huge increase for the Certo. I am glad that I have some. The canning lids last year were $10. here. I don’t know if they have gone up again. I think a lot of people who never canned are learning so it is supply and demand and inflation. Thanks for sharing.
I was able to get some hamburger for 2.49 a lb. I got the one package I was allowed. I also got 2 whole chickens from Flashfood for around $5 each. I am getting a half of a beef in July so I am just trying to top off the freezer until then.
The plants here were a flat for 27.99 with 10 3 pk. cell packs. And of course we had the freeze last week and I lost 6 tomatoes and a cucumber I bought to speed up my harvest. I have 8 cucumber plants that came up since then, so I just replaced the tomatoes. Life goes on.
I saw a post about canning lids. I bought regular lids for 12.95 for 6 dozen and rings for 12 for 8.95. I hope I am set. Mostly just concerned about running out. I still have most of a sleeve of wide mouth (350 to a sleeve.)
Hi Amy,
Yeah on the hamburger. I haven’t tried Flash Food because my Top’s doesn’t do it. Do they do lots of good deals? Two whole chickens for $5.00 each is a great price.
Oh, I am so sorry about your tomatoes and cucumber. But happy that you got such a great deal on the lids and rings. I am always worried about running out.
Thanks for sharing.