We have really been busy the past few weeks doing a number of frugal things now that summer is ending.
Hubby and my son finally hung the Shaker Style Cabinets in my laundry room. We got such a great deal on these. First we used about $138. in Home Depot gift cards towards the purchase price. I got these gift cards for 80% of the cost about 3 years ago. I hang on to cards until we need something. Then because of a delivery issue that was Home Depot’s fault, they credited us $ 127.01. So these large beautiful cupboards only cost us $ 180.30 including tax out of pocket for the both of them. I really needed the storage space for my laundry products and for some cleaning products that we keep handy. I had drawers under my old washer and dryer. But the new ones don’t have that function. We have hardware on order. I am on the hunt for liner for the shelves, then I can load them up with all the things and decorate the room.
Our tomatoes have been really producing. We have had enough to share. We still have many green ones on them and more blossoms. There have been lots dinners of BLT’s and grilled cheese and sliced tomato sandwiches. I may have to can some for sauce. They seem to be ripening all at once now. They have saved us a fortune over buying them. The cheapest that I have seen them here is $2.99 a lb. Plus mine are organic.
I received $ 6.54 in rebate money. On my last grocery order they substituted 2 $6.+ cans of meat with 2 $ 8.+ cans of meat for the $6. price. Score!
We got our electric and natural gas bill 2 weeks ago and it was only $8.00 more than last year. Considering we had company and it was a lot hotter this July and August, we were happy with that.
Hubby and my son are going to finish a project in the basement. We need large sheets of materials. My son built a trailer that he hauls behind his van so they will be able to fit what we need on it. That will save us the delivery charges. I am very excited to see this get finished.
My grandson came to visit for three days. My back has been giving me “fits” so my plan to take him bowling and to play miniature golf got postponed. Instead we spent an entire day from early morning until about 8PM in the evening playing “Ticket To Ride”. That is such a fun game.
He and Hubby watched “Ninja Warriors” on Friday night. My grandson belongs to a Ninja gym and competes so he was happy to watch this show.
I cooked things that he enjoys like chicken strips, homemade pizza, etc. for dinners. I also made sure that there was plenty of Hershey’s ice cream.
We were invited to our friend’s home a couple of weeks ago for a party. We did not go because there was going to be lots of people there and the Delta virus was spreading like crazy in this area. We wished we could have gone. This was two years in a row that we missed it because of the viruses. She had a second party this weekend and gave us a jar of her homemade pickle dip which is delicious. She also gave us a container of brisket, pulled pork, and stuffed jalapeno peppers all wrapped in bacon all slowly cooked in her smoker. All of the food is scrumptious and has and will make a total of 6 meals for us. She is such a good friend to think of us. We will pay her and her husband back by sending many homemade soups to them this Fall. They love my soups!
I purchased another 100 count roll of Forever Stamps before the price went up.
We changed the furnace filter and put our Green Gobbler liquid down the kitchen sink on the 1st. The filter gets changed when it is dirty but the liquid gets done the first of every month. I hate paying for Roto Rooter.
We have been mostly eating from our pantries. Very few items have been purchased the past few weeks. I only look at the loss leaders in the sale ads now. When we see something that is a great buy, we get a few. We also have made sure not to waste any food. Every morsel gets eaten.
Our 3 month water and sewer bill came and was $63.00 less than last year’s for the same period even though it was hotter weather. I believe the savings was because of all the rain we have had. Our sprinkler system senses when it is raining out and does not turn on.
Our landscape company, on their monthly maintenance visit, trimmed one of our larger trees so that the branches would no longer hit the roof especially when it is very windy. This is not something they have ever done for us before. We were happy because we were going to hire a tree guy to do it.
That is about all we have done except the usual that we do all of the time. What have you done frugally over the past few weeks?
6 replies on “Frugal Things the Past Few Weeks”
Hi AD. The new laundry room cabinets are beautiful! I really like them a lot.
Hubby’s garden is producing a lot also. Last week I made chili with some of the tomatoes and it was so good. He made some salsa verde over the weekend with some of the tomatillos from his garden. It was out of this world good. He picked a bunch of different kinds of peppers yesterday and is going to smoke them. I am not a huge pepper fan. He thinks the cucumbers are pretty done so maybe just one more container of pickles. He has had a good garden year this year.
I am guessing your grandchildren are back in school now. Our granddaughter has had a good start to kindergarten. I pick her up from school on Monday’s and Thursdays. Her school is in walking distance so we will walk most days that we can. Starting this week I will have the baby on Fridays for part of the day.
We went to a little outside get together with some of our neighbors yesterday for the holiday. We all brought things to have a taco bar and it was fun and good food too.
I got some extra stamps before they went up also. I had not heard of Green Gobbler but will check it out. I have been getting mostly fresh things at the grocery like you, but stocked up on a few things like cans of baked beans and some condiments that were on the Labor Day sales.
Hubby was out of town week before last for some training for work and I ate leftovers all week and only ordered pizza in the evening the kids came over for supper when he was gone. I love leftovers.
Hubby cut a few tree branches over the weekend also and they are waiting at the curb for when the yard waste comes later today. I am doing laundry today and went to my class at the Y this morning.
Hi Chris,
Thanks. You just gave me an idea to make our chili with the tomatoes. I love smoked peppers!
I am very happy that your granddaughter loves school.Yes ours are back. My granddaughter had orientation for high school yesterday. I think she starts classes next Monday. Our grandson is in 6th grade. I don’t know where the years have gone. I love that you are getting a nice walk in when you take her.
I love reading about all of the frugal things that you so.
You done good. Love the cabinets! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Cindi!
Great deal on the cabinets, I have the same style but in a stain. Chris finally hung the one over the toilet as well. Busy work week so not much spending, sent him a few times when we needed groceries and he is pretty good at sticking to the list at least better than I am.
HI Patti,
I am happy for you! I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am.