This past week was a fill in shopping trip. Both stores were on my route so as to maximize my gasoline. Gasoline has been as high as $2.90 a gallon here and I expect that it will eventually go up even higher. Saving gasoline is very important in my plan.

Eggs have been very expensive the last couple of weeks. The best price I had found was $ 1.79 last week at Aldi. I desperately needed eggs because of my son and West coming for breakfast. Niagara Produce changes their weekly specials and they reset last Friday. I was thrilled to see that the extra large eggs were $ 1.19. So I went there first and picked up 2 dozen. They also had cantaloupes priced at 2 for $ 3.00. We have been loving those for breakfasts and desserts.

As you can see my total rang up at $5.98 which was incorrect. I should have paid attention to the fact that the eggs rang up at $1.49 instead of the $1.19 they were on sale for but I was in a hurry. I will get my $ .60 back the next time I go there.

My second and last stop was at Aldi’s. Butter and the cream cheese were on sale and we use a lot of those so I picked up one of each. We always buy our half and half at this store because their price is the cheapest. The stuffing mixes are a stockpile item and were on sale for $.69 each.
Hubby and I have been loving their flavored waters which are only $.55 for the big bottle. That is $ .02 cheaper than Walmart.
My Dollar Tree no longer has the big boxes of Scotties. They now sell a 74 count box for a dollar so I have been picking up our tissues at Aldi because they now have the best price per count.
The last item I purchased was the Artisan bread. About every two weeks I make a pizza for dinner on these. It is delicious, is easy to put together, and bakes quickly. Hubby loves it. They come in a package of 2 so one gets frozen for later.

I spent a total of $ 14.12 at Aldi. So my total for these two stores this past week was $ 20.10. However, I will be getting my $ .60 back from Niagara Produce.
I am writing this post on Saturday morning and I am excitedly waiting the arrival of my son and grandson. We will be having scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast along with a special treat that West will love: cinnamon buns.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment.
8 replies on “Last Friday’s Shopping Haul”
Oh my goodness, I’ve tried to comment on your blog for months & haven’t been able to get the login for WordPress to work (despite it working on lots of other WordPress sites). Fingers crossed this works!
I got your comment! How are you?
We are all good! Our kids are finally going back to school, which is a huge relief. One goes back today, and my 9th grader is going back 4x/week starting in a week. I’ve also received both vaccinations & my husband has his first. So, it feels like a big positive change for everyone!
Hope you & your family are all well.
I am so glad to hear that you are all well. I think kids should be back in school now. They lost a lot by being home. Socialization is important. Too many kids in the city near us aren’t even showing up at online school. When they go back next Sept., if that happens, they will find out just how far behind they are. I am glad that yours are going back. Yeah on your vaccines. We had our shots done many weeks ago. It did feel like a big change.
We are well!
It’s been really remarkable to see the change in our kids, going back to school. They most definitely need it. It’s also interesting how few are going back. I realize there are only 6 weeks left in the school year, but those are precious weeks for kids who are developing & need the social time, as well as the academic time. It will also make the fall return so much easier. But, very few of their classmates are going back. It actually means more in person time for my 9th grader, as they’d expected twice as many kids to want to come back. Because that didn’t happen, they don’t need pods & can bring back all of the kids 4x/week. I worry so much for the kids staying at home. There are definitely some where it makes sense (one of Sam’s friends is at very, very high risk for COVID complications, so he needs to wait until he’s vaccinated), but most are just enjoying not having to get up early and the reduced work load.
Glad you are all well!
Hi HP,
I am happy for your kids. We are well and I hope your family is too.
Hi AD, good shopping. I went this morning to see about getting some Bahama Mama sausages that were supposed to be on sale at Kroger this week. (They are a local item). They did not have a shelf space for the mild kind and the hot kind were out of stock. They did have the cheddar kind, but we don’t like them, so I didn’t end up getting any. I checked the clearance and they had the bags of Huggies diapers in size 6 for $1/bag, so I decided to buy 5 bags for donations. (Our granddaughter can only use Pampers) Imagine my surprise when I checked out and they were on the mega sale so I got all 5 bags for free. Woo Hoo! Didn’t even have to pay sales tax. Wish they would have had more, but oh well.
Hi Chris,
Free diapers, WOW! You will make some families very happy! Sorry that you couldn’t score on the sausages.