I really do not like playing catch up these couple of days but I had some really busy days. It also didn’t help that on Tuesday night I didn’t sleep a wink.
Tuesday was my big errand day. First I went to town hall to pay my property taxes. I was happy to get that done. Next I went to the drug store to pick up two prescriptions for Hubby. I was disappointed that they didn’t have a third one ready which necessitated another trip. I searched for marked down Christmas cards because I haven’t been able to find them. No luck so I believe I will make cards next year.
Then I went to Aldi’s, Dollar Tree, and lastly Top’s. At Aldi’s I picked up just 1 package of their on sale chicken breasts for $ 1.69 a lb. You could get 4 but I only bought 1 because that is all I had freezer room for.
We use a lot of garlic powder and crushed red pepper so at $ .95 each, they are the cheapest price in town. Then I purchased one creamer which we go through very quickly because I drink a lot of coffee during the day. The last purchase was frozen California medley on sale for $ .79. My total at Aldi was $ 12.96.
Next I stopped at Dollar Tree to pick up 1 package of pepper stir fry and the Northern beans to make ham and bean soup soon. We were out of the stir fry veggies and Hubby loves to use some of these in his egg omelet wrap every morning. I am convinced that Bird’s Eye makes these for Dollar Tree. For $1.00 no one can touch that price in my area. So I always buy these there. The last time I went to DT, they were totally out of Scotties tissue. I was happy to find they had restocked and picked up 4 boxes. My total here was $ 6.32.
My last stop was at Top’s to pick up 2 packages of the Carb Balance wraps. I know they are dirty Keto but this is my 1 exception when I am on my eating plan. They are so expensive. Has anyone found then cheaper? I paid $ 9.38 after my 6% Senior Discount. For Christmas I received a few scratch off Lotto tickets. I won a total of $ 8.00 so I stopped at customer service and cashed them in. That $ 8.00 will get put into our savings to eventually combine with other dollars and be invested. I never buy these scratch offs so it was fun for a change.
Today and the past two days I will and have done my exercising. I have been doing 30 minutes on the treadmill each day. I have also done my regular chores, washed floors, vacuumed, dusted. and cleaned out the fridge.
Yesterday, I drove back to the drug store to get that last prescription. We also made a huge investment in a bond fund. We rebalanced our investments in December and now we are buying more. I also washed the walls in one bedroom yesterday.
Today, I need to make an appointment with our lawyer and contact a doctor. My regular chores and exercising will get done. If all the little things get done and I have time I will wash another bedroom’s walls.
We have been eating Keto the last couple of days and will be making shrimp and a salad today.
My BIL is having a heart procedure at noon today. If you are one that prays, I would appreciate a little prayer for him.
What have you been doing the past couple of days to stay frugal? How is your exercising going?
2 replies on “No Spend: January 5 – 7”
I dunno. I must be doing something wrong. We went to Aldi’s and as usual I bought almost ALL their new vegan line of products. End result? A $200 food bill. So far, the lentil burgers were horrid, so I am returning those two boxes for a full refund. That’s what is so great about Aldi: they stand behind their products and offer your money back if not satisfied. Since we only go food shopping twice a month, I may just have a $400 monthly food budget line item total vs the $500+ we’ve been spending and stocking up on. As for exercise, I bought a lovely, 50% reduced price treadmill at Christmas that looks absolutely divine in our basement. I haven’t used it yet. But hubby has when it’s super cold out. I can’t function in the cold winter months. Anything below 40F degrees and I’m numb.
Hi Cindi,
UGH! I hate those vegetarian products. I don’t like the ones with soy either. The way I save at Aldi’s is to always go with a list of what I need that is cheaper than anywhere else. I love their return policy too. I am glad that you made out well with it. Yeah on $400. instead of $500. That is a fantastic savings. My treadmill is in the basement too. I love it. Enjoy yours!