Last week’s grocery haul was mainly a stock up haul. At Aldi’s I purchased 12 cans of pumpkin. I checked my stockpile and I had made a mistake in my inventory on how much pumpkin I had. I did not have enough to last until next year. The pumpkin was $ 1.15 a can so I paid $ 13.80 for it. The cashews were $ 10.49. Two boxes of tissues were $ 1.49 each for a total of $ 2.98. The Bangi Bangi and Sweet and Sour sauces were $ 1.39 each for a total of $ 5.56. The bag of pistachios was $4.49 and the 2 citrus sauces were $ 1.09 each totaling $ 6.67.

This is the rest of my Aldi’s order. I got 12 cans of fried apples with cinnamon. I usually make my own, However, we tried a can of these with our turkey dinner and Hubby loved them. Due to the fact that we do not keep a lot of apples in our home, these will be handy on days that I don’t have any. They were $ 1.99 each for a total of $ 23.88. I also picked up 4 avocados which I eat with my eggs and some kind of meat in the morning. They were on sale for $ .69 each so $ 2.76 for all. My total Aldi’s order came to $ 66.14.

Next I went to Dollar Tree where I purchased 4 – 2oz. bottles of A1 sauce for $ 1.25 each for a total of $5.00. That is cheaper than I can buy an 8 oz. bottle at Walmart. The Heinz 57 were also $1.25 so $ 2.50 for 2 bottles. We only use this in a few recipes so 2 will last me a year. I also bought 2 more toilet bowl cleaners for $ 2.50 for both. Total for all was $10.20.

Next stop was Walmart where I purchased 2 Mission Carb Balance tortillas for $ 2.44 each or $ 4.88 for both and 3 GV Taco Seasoning mixes for $.54 each or $ 1.62 for all. I also purchased 2 Wolf Brand Chili’s for $ 2.37 each for a total of $ 4.74, a 2 pack of cream cheese for $ 3.67, 1 Pillsbury Pizza Crust for $ 3.64, and a large GV Strawberry Yogurt for $ 2.56. The total for all was $ 21.11.

The last stop was Top’s where I purchased a multi pack of Chobani yogurt with a Free manufacturers coupon( savings of $5.99), a single serve Chobani yogurt with a Free coupon(savings of $ 1.69), 3 Smithfield ham steaks on sale for 3/$10., a Daisy pineapple cottage cheese for $ 1.34 minus a $.50 coupon was $ .84, Thomas English muffins on sale for $2.79, 2 Maxwell House coffee on B1G1F so a total of $ 18.99, 2 pepperoni on sale for B1G1F so a total of $ 3.99 for both, a LOL Fresh Butter taste spread for $ 2.19 minus a $.55/1 coupon that doubled for a total of $ 1.09 and a block of cheddar cheese for $ 2.19. My Top’s total was $ 39.89.
The grocery total for all was $ 137.34. I did all of this in one day and I was exhausted.
I needed a quiet weekend to recuperate. We enjoyed some down time and the Buffalo Bills football game which we won in the last few seconds of the game with a 61 yard field goal by our kicker, Tyler Bass. A Buffalo Bills record was set with that.
An hour before Hubby was to grill 2 strip steaks for dinner, I got them out of the fridge to season them. The strong smell of vinegar hit me and I knew immediately they were bad. That is the second time in a year that I have gotten rotten meat from Top’s. I will not be buying any beef there again. I threw them out and went to my freezer and grabbed a bag of extra large shrimp. We had large shrimp cocktails for dinner. The thought to order in wasn’t even considered. I have enough food that we can do a quick meal when needed.
Yesterday, I had a Walmart order delivered for $ 114.+ I did not take pictures but they were mainly stock up items for the pantry. Eggs are becoming more and more in short supply across the country. Why? Who knows. I suppose it could be the bird flu. But I ordered another box of 60 count eggs for $10.48 so that we will not run out. I can’t imagine not having enough eggs to bake with during the holidays. So if you are low on eggs, get them while you still can. The other shortage that is rearing it’s ugly head is OTC drugs. Walmart is limiting people to 1 of each. So if you need anything for the winter cold season get them now. People are also asking where’s the Campbell soups?
Hopefully we are totally stocked up for the winter and will only need to get fresh stuff. I will be doing a challenge starting in January 2025 for groceries but more on that at a later time.
Did you get any good grocery deals this week?
Also a BIG REMINDER to go vote today if you haven’t already! Make sure you turn the ballot over to vote on the amendment. Don’t miss it. I am voting no because I do not believe it is a good thing for we Americans. It is time to put American citizens first.